"Let me continue to live in the world?"

The God of War did not fluctuate when he heard it, but was very calm, smiled indifferently, his eyes were bright, and he saw everything in the world: "Shenwu Great, I know my own injury best. If it can be repaired, it will be repaired long ago. Why is this? I know. You are mysterious and powerful, and there may be something against the sky in your hands that can keep me alive, but I have had enough of that kind of living. Forgive me for not being able to fight the universe with the emperor."

"Master of War, as long as you live!"

Bei Ming Fengye is anxious.

He fought in the land of reincarnation with Chu Yuan, and he said that he would definitely have something to make the God of War survive.

Barbaric domain cannot do without God of War!

"This kind of living is not what I want."

The God of War shook his head. If he was in his peak state, rather than lingering, people like him could only die in battle.

The battle with the strong on the other side certainly made him near death, but he fought equally well.

"What if it's not about living? It's about allowing you to fully restore the combat power that you can only have at the peak. There is no hidden danger, and the future may even be supreme."

Chu Yuan said something shocking.

"What? Can the Lord of War fully recover, the emperor really has such a shocking thing in his hands?"

Beiming Fengye and others were shocked. They suddenly knelt down to Chu Yuan and said in unison: "Please also save the God of War in my barbaric domain!"

God of War is so brilliant in his life, he has fought against many powerful men.

Although he is not supreme, but it can be against the supreme, although he is defeated by the emperor, but the emperor can also admire him, and the name of the **** of war is also due to the emperor.

"Such a thing may be cherished by the universe, and it will cost a lot."

The God of War of the Barbarian Domain did not surprise him, but looked at Chu Yuan for a long time before saying: "What do I need to give, if the method the other side said I would rather die."

"We are fighting the universe and want to establish a dynasty, and our subordinates are lacking the existence of war **** like you, and I hope you can fight with me in this universe and become the **** of war under my command."

When Chu Yuan spoke, a humane supreme power radiated, supernatural power, such as the greatest holy emperor came to this world, in the eyes of the **** of war, he saw an infinitely brilliant existence.

This power gave him a great shock.

"Emperor Shenwu!"

The God of War felt this majesty, and there was also a kind of shock in his heart. He had never seen such a stalwart person, as if the Emperor of Heaven was not as good as him.

Perceiving this aura, he knew that even if Manyu joined the Shenwu Empire, he would be protected by this holy emperor. It was definitely not like entering the other bank and becoming a puppet, losing himself forever and being manipulated by the owner of the other bank.

"The future world will be bright, and the heroes will fight for hegemony. I want to open up a grand event that has never been seen before. Don't you want to see and join the development of this flourishing age? The reincarnation in this universe will also change."

Chu Yuan's words hit what God of War wanted most.

"In a prosperous age, I want to see that my sick body is naturally unable to fight. If I can recover, it will be my honor to follow the emperor to fight!"

The eyes of the War God of Wild Territory suddenly shot out the light of yearning, and his blood boiled again.

He was no longer the **** of war when he was fighting against the Emperor of Heaven. After experiencing the changes in the world, his character had long since settled.

He still wants to fight again, not wanting to be lonely, the future universe is too bright.

"Take it, you can regain your peak after taking it."

Chu Yuan took out the Immortal God Healing Potion, which was very precious.

He can't refresh the current mall, he can heal all the injuries of the immortal god, saying: "Fortunately, you are still immortal, not the real supreme, otherwise I will not be able to save you."

The God of War is stunned, is he not stepping into the supreme or is it a good thing?

Looking at the emerald green potion, he didn't hesitate. He was a dying person, and was he afraid of being poisoned by others? With the spirit of Emperor Shenwu, he didn't bother to do it.

Can a potion restore the God of War that has been silent for many years?

Beiming Fengye and their eyes widened, watching the miracle happen.

The Wild Territory War God drank the potion, and in an instant he shivered. The wounds in his body were repairing at an astonishing speed, but his physical performance was very intense and his eyes closed tightly.

"Master of War!"

The barbarians stared wide.

Naturally, they would not doubt that Emperor Shenwu would harm the God of War, but were afraid that the effect of the medicine was too strong and the God of War would not be able to bear it at this moment.

"I'm fine."

God of War, he is not sick.

His figure stood up and straight again, and slowly stood up from the hill, majestic and majestic, arrogant like a dragon, thick black hair, every move has the power to shake the world and collapse the sky.

His blood rushed, and the long-lost power filled his body.

This is not the kind of strength when fighting against the strong on the other side, but the strength of being able to display one's own power as much as you want, without worrying about injury.

"My strength is back!"

The God of War made such a voice.

"The God of War is intact, and his power is stronger!"

Bei Ming Fengye cried with joy, and at the same time was full of deep awe of Emperor Shenwu, and only took out the potion to save the **** of war, such a method is unimaginable.

"The potion you are taking, I can't manage it now."

Chu Yuan smiled.

"Remember the emperor's life-saving grace, all I can do is follow the emperor to fight the universe!"

The God of War knelt down on one knee to Chu Yuan. This was the courtesy of the generals and said solemnly: "I also want to see what a magnificent and prosperous world the Great Emperor will open up, and whether it will be more glorious than the Emperor of Heaven. He ruled the universe. Nine eras of reincarnation are over!"

"I want to keep the world and the universe free from the catastrophe, and reincarnation is under my control."

Chu Yuan said: "But I also know that ~www.ltnovel.com~ the plan will be implemented step by step. Now we are going to establish a dynasty and conquer the starry sky. Only when the universe is unified can our plan be realized."

"Master the cycle of heaven and earth!"

The God of War shook severely.

God wanted to do this at the beginning, but he was defeated. Now Chu Yuan's words made him enthusiastic, "Even if his body is broken, the Great Emperor's ambition is the ambition of everyone in the universe!"

"God of War, after this recovery, you will also realize the Way of the Supreme, and hope to be the Supreme."

Chu Yuandao.

"Yes, injury is also a good thing for me. I used to be too awkward and easy to break. Now I have settled down, and I have realized the road to the supreme!"

The God of War believes: "I am only the Supreme Realm now, that is, the real supreme is the pseudo-sage, the emperor, the gods, etc., and the supreme that has unified the universe will be stronger, and control the infinite power of good fortune, which is not comparable to the ordinary supreme! "

Chu Yuan nodded.

The Supreme Realm is also an immortal god, who has realized the realm of the Supreme, but the realm is not reached, it is a transitional stage in which the realm is foreshadowed to become the real supreme, commonly known as the pseudo-sovereign, which is stronger than the immortal triple heaven and weaker than the real supreme.

The God of War is very strong. Although he is not the Supreme, his strength can break the wrist with the real Supreme.

This time Chu Yuan used a tube of Immortal God's healing potion to let the God of War join his Shenwu Empire, which was indeed very cost-effective.

Of course, it was also because the God of War was in a state of being on the verge of sitting in the dark, and gave him another goal to make him willing to take refuge.

"I didn't expect to become a person of the Shenwu Empire like this."

The barbarians did not reject the Shenwu Empire. After all, the God of War was saved by Chu Yuan, and he cooperated a lot in the land of reincarnation.

On the contrary, because of the wounds of the God of War healed, all of them were fighting.

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