Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 968: No one breaks, I will break

The two demon gods of heaven and earth were very weak and decadent. When they made this decision, they were much older in an instant, no longer the monstrous aura before, and their heads hung down.

They have no choice, they simply can't resist the conquest of the Shenwu Empire.

They are also stalwart existences, but after all they have not achieved supremacy, even the **** of war can't be defeated, let alone fight against this mysterious Shenwu Great Emperor.

If the Demon Domain is still in their hands, they dare to fight to the death.

But now, the Demon Realm is no longer in their hands. Whatever they use to fight, if they continue to fight, they are looking for death. With the brutal methods of Emperor Shenwu, the God of War will definitely kill them.

They don't want to surrender, let alone die.

Cultivating to this level is not easy, it is killed from countless demon heads.

You can hope to live, but you will have nothing when you die.

"We are willing to surrender to Emperor Shenwu!"

The two gave up resistance.

Although it is humiliating to surrender, the Demon Territory is already the weak and the strong. Then I thought that even the War God of the Barbaric Territory had taken refuge in him, and surrendering himself is not a humiliation, right?

If compared with fame and strength, God of War is definitely above them.

Perhaps it is not a bad thing to take refuge in the Shenwu Empire.

You know, in their impression, the God of War is a dying person, because he has taken refuge in the Emperor Shenwu, he has become alive, and he has the possibility of becoming supreme in the future.

"Above immortality, hand over your soul, otherwise you will kill you without mercy."

Chu Yuandao.

Even under the immortality, but the immortality is definitely in his own hands, they are not the barbaric war gods, he personally solicits, faith and loyalty.

Once this group of demon heads are stronger, without absolute strength, they will see the wind.

"We pay."

The two demon gods of heaven and earth are like roosters that are defeated in a fight.

Even the two demon gods of heaven and earth have been handed over, although there are still a few hard bones, but it is useless, only to follow the trend.

It wasn't until these immortals had surrendered their souls that the Demon Realm was completely in control of his own hands. Chu Yuan nodded in satisfaction. With the Barbarian Realm God of War and the Two Demon Gods of Heaven and Earth, he has three pseudo-sovereigns.

This strength is already very strong.

He originally had the organization of the Demon God Army in his empire, but now they are just being incorporated into the two demon gods of heaven and earth to practice.

Their souls are already in their own hands, and they are not afraid of other strange thoughts.

Moreover, when Xuanhuang Shu swallowed the Demon Realm, Chu Yuan could perceive that this book was getting stronger and stronger, and the strength of the Xuanhuang leader would also evolve with this book, possessing the power of a pseudo-sovereign.

"Return to Shenwu!"

The army returned to Shenwu with great momentum.

I'm afraid those forces in the universe don't know yet, Chu Yuan's empire already has two powerful forces, the barbaric domain and the demon domain.

However, although these demon domain powerhouses are strong, they are used to being loose before. They have not been restrained, but it doesn't matter. Chu Yuan has many methods to train them and will become a powerful army in his hands.

"This is the Shenwu Empire!"

After Sun and Earth Demon God entered the Divine Demon Empire, he was shocked by the scene before him.

Handing over their souls meant that Chu Yuan could completely control them. The resources collected by the universe in the Demon Territory were a lot of reincarnations. After being charged into the treasury, they were then given back to them with a refined pill.

"The empire can refine immortal pill in large quantities!"

Some of the immortal pill that the two demon gods of heaven and earth were given out, some of which they had desperately wanted before, and were difficult to refine, now appeared in their hands.

After all, the pseudo-zun is immortal, and there is a great demand for immortal pills.

"Heavenly Devil God, these immortal pill is too cherished, extremely difficult to refine, suitable for magic cultivation, definitely not in stock, you see, they are all suitable for us, and they must be refined according to our needs."

Earth Demon God Road.

"Yes, your majesty distributes these divine pills to us. Of course, he has the idea of ​​improving our cultivation, but it is more of a shock, telling us that his methods are very strong, and the immortal divine pills can be refined at will."

Heavenly Demon God said: "If you are loyal, everything is easy to say."

"I've also heard that many immortal pills are best suited and accurately distributed based on their own strength. This is terrifying. Your Majesty's methods are more mysterious than we thought."

Earth Demon God Road.

"If we come, we will be at peace. We are losers. Don't think so much in the future. The soul is under the control of your majesty. What kind of waves can we turn out?"

The **** of devil took it calmly, recognizing his fate: "I will obey your majesty's orders in the future. Proud people like the barbarians can take refuge. We are aware of the current affairs. When we die, we will have nothing. For fear of death, perhaps it is good for us to be able to rely on Shenwu."

"Yeah, what's the use of thinking so much?"

The Demon God also sighed, "My fate is being pinched by others. Your Majesty is ambitious. He also wants to establish a state of God. In the future, we will be the vanguard."


Shenwu forty-eight years.

The atmosphere in the universe is even more unpredictable. It is still in a calm state. No one has started the war first and is waiting for an opportunity.

The undercurrent is raging, and the more immobile the Emperor Feathered, the more disturbing it is. This emperor has too many schemes, and I don't know what conspiracy he is planning.

It's too uncomfortable.

Someone thought, if it is the supreme character of the Emperor of Heaven.

At this time, wars are already everywhere, and the Emperor of Heaven with the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals has begun to attack and push various forces in the universe.

It's definitely not this calm.

Although the forbidden area was calm, the ancient emperor Miomi must be very uncomfortable.

This kind of movement of the Yuhua Shen Dynasty made him difficult to fight, and he did not establish the Shen Dynasty, but secretly accumulating strength.

"What are you thinking about the Emperor Feathering? Do I really hate fighting with someone like you? This emperor would rather have another existence like the Emperor of Heaven. I would be willing to lose if I lose, but I really don't want to see someone like you."

Misty Ancient Emperor said in Misty Forbidden Area.

The Shenwu Empire naturally attracted many people's attention here, after all, this empire was invisible.

News to the outside world, since the Shenwu Empire destroyed the spiritual realm a few years ago, there is no big action.

Although the barbaric domain belonged to the Shenwu Empire, Chu Yuan and the God of War had never fought, and no one would think in this direction.

And the war of the demon domain, UU reading www.uukanshu. Comm is carried out in an independent demon realm, and it is blocked again, so it is more natural that no one knows.

Many people are wondering who will break this calm first?

"The limit of the immortal double heavens, savings have long been enough, but it has been slow to break through the triple heavens."

There was a huge light curtain in Chu Yuan's retreat, which recorded the positions of various forces in the universe, and he stared at it.

After leaving the reincarnation realm, he destroyed the spiritual realm and conquered the demon realm. He had accumulated a lot of resources long ago. After pushing the realm to the limit of the immortal double heaven, he could not break through the triple heaven anyway.

Chu Yuan understood that after he broke through to the Triple Heaven, his strength would be comparable to the Supreme.

This is a critical step.

"I need a stronger force to make me break through the third heaven."

Chu Yuan slowly stood up. Inside the hall was a miniature version of the cosmic star map. He looked at the position of the Shenwu Empire and said, "Since the peace in this universe, no one wants to break it, let me break it."

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