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"Go, the army will gather in the Great Rift Valley of the Burial Gods, and there will be a battle of national fortune with them in God's Domain!"

The God of War shouted.

Thousands of troops, killing intent boiled over, the armies of the two sides have been preparing for a long time, and are gathering towards the Burial God Rift Valley.

The deep blue water, here is an extremely huge sea area, but in the middle of the sea area there is a huge rift valley, and the sea water on the left and right sides rolls into the rift valley.

The peculiar thing is that no matter how much water is poured into it, the Great Rift Valley cannot be filled.

In the age of gods, the location of the Great Rift Valley is exactly where the main **** court is.

After the distress, God was torn into a big rift valley. There were also strong people who wanted to explore the big rift valley, but they never appeared.

On both sides of the Rift Valley, countless armies lined up. The Shenwu Shen Dynasty and the Yuhua Shen Dynasty have not yet started war, but the army is already gathering.


Even though it is far away from the Great Rift Valley, the terrifying aura, the battle for national luck has crossed time and space and collided frantically.

As the Shenwu Shen Dynasty, although it has not been established for a few years, it has directly threatened the rule of the Yuhua Shen Dynasty.

The Emperor Yuhua valued the Emperor Shenwu very much, far above the Misty Ancient Emperor.

This emperor was mysterious, and he also found it tricky, and ordinary conspiracy calculations did not work for him.

"The Shenwu army has gathered."

Yun Chongxiao sat in the army, he saw the opponent's army, the first thing that caught his eye was the heavy armored army, majestic, black armor solemn, and the flag of Shenwu flying, reflecting the cold light.

His face was not relaxed, and the strength of God of War gave him a great shock.

This military appearance is also very powerful, and it deserves to have caused great damage to the emergence in the past few years.

It is still a period of confrontation between the two armies.

"Master, this battle has attracted many strong people to observe secretly. I am worried that Misty Gods will also secretly attack."

Heavenly King Way.

"No, when we did not fight with Shenwu, the ancient emperor Misty will not take action easily. He has failed too many times. It was also the kindness of the emperor that year, which left his life."

Yun Chongxiao sneered and said, "Beware of Shenwu, they make my heart very disturbed."


"Master of War, when will you start?"

North Ming Fengye Road.

"No hurry, everything is waiting for the order of the Emperor God."

When the God of War spoke, he suddenly saluted in one direction and said: "The minister has seen your Majesty!"

In the barracks, Chu Yuan came here. In this battle, as the empire's supreme power determiner, it is impossible not to come personally, look at the God of War, and nod his head: "God of War, everything is ready?"

"Yes, the ministers are all ready, and they have found out some of the other party's information. Only waiting for your majesty's command, they can go to war at any time!"

The God of War is full of fighting spirit, and he wants to use this battle to make himself reach the supreme realm.

"The Great Rift Valley of the Burial of the Gods, the place where God's Court collapsed back then, is a good place."

Chu Yuan let out a sigh, his eyes pierced through nothingness, and he wanted to see through the bottom of the rift valley, and found that it was unfathomable, with terrifying power hovering, and the power of the magic circle of God.

"Emperor Yuhua is here, too."

Chu Yuan stepped in front of the army.

His aura shook the realm of God, and the realm of the humane emperor radiated, sweeping the emperor's army from a distance.

At the other end of the Feathered Divine Army, a bright Feathered light also fought out at the same time. The Lords of the two great dynasties carried the luck of the dynasties, and the horrible confrontation came together.

This kind of momentum and luck confrontation, although not directly fighting, but the **** of war keenly felt as if there are two invisible big hands fighting each other, far surpassing the fluctuation of ordinary supreme.

"Go to war!"

"Go to war!"

The two **** emperors issued orders to start war at the same time.

The two great gods had been preparing for a battle in the domain of God for two years, and now it was finally time to erupt.


But at the front end of the battle, Chu Yuan and the Emperor Yuhua tore away from the inside of the void at the same time, a violent explosion occurred, and a lot of screams were heard, and the blood mist exploded loudly.

It turned out that someone was hiding in the void watching the battle, and they were directly obliterated.

This is to warn these people not to think about fishing in troubled waters and enter the battlefield of the two gods.

At this time, on both sides of the Burial God Rift, the army on both sides was waiting in full battle, the weapons were sharpened, the teeth were showing, and the momentum of the national luck climbed to the peak. This is a battle for the new gods to challenge the old gods.

"Attack Shenwu, kill Shenwu, the glory of feathering, you can't provoke!"

The generals of the Feathering God Dynasty are also screaming, to let those soldiers know that the Shenwu Empire are all Xiao Xiao, and their Divine Emperor has personally come to supervise the battle, and must tear them with the sharpest weapon.

"Kill kill kill!"

The feathered **** army roared, all eyes were red.

"The glory of eternity, the glory of the gods, the power of the gods, dominate the starry sky and the universe, any battle, the gods and weapons are not afraid, I will charge forward, let me tear them apart, and fight the momentum of the magic!"

The God of War leads the front, he is inspiring the army.

Seeing the Shenwu army, he nodded, this is the best army he has ever seen, even if it is a barbaric domain, it will be reborn after entering Shenwu.

"Shenwu is eternal, God Emperor is invincible, God of War is unparalleled!"

The Shenwu army showed off its weapons, raised it to the sky, and made a clanging sound. Under such morale infection, everyone gave up their lives and forgot to die without fear of everything.

The army was dispatched, and the armor hit as it walked, reaching the edge of the Great Rift Valley.

Shenwu God Emperor and Yuhua God Emperor are two divine residences, exuding their own light, there is no communication between them, but they exist here, shining on the army, and the invisible battle has already begun.

"Attention, the Burial God Rift Valley is vast and the rules are chaotic. The Shenwu army will definitely cross over with warships and sink their warships!"

Yun Chongxiao commanded.

Naturally, they also have battleships in the Emerging God Dynasty, but what shocked him was that their battleships were not comparable to the Shenwu Empire, and they did not have such strong defensive and offensive capabilities.

But their advantage is that there are many masters, enough to smooth out the gap in this area.

Sure enough, the battleship vacated, and Chu Yuan brought almost all the domestic battleships here.

Great battles are inevitable. The Shenwu Shen Dynasty is not an ordinary force, and the Emerging Shen Dynasty cannot be suppressed with momentum, and can only fight hard with them.

Yuhua Shenchao went to war with Shenwu first, and also wanted to destroy this most mysterious empire, so as not to give them time to develop, and plunder their secrets~www.ltnovel.com~ Without Shenwu, that misty Shenwu was easy to clean up Up.


The space battleship ejected intense artillery fire, rendering the starry sky radiant, and under the cover of the artillery fire, the army was slowly pushing forward, shouting killing sounds, and suppressing the past.

"Feathering God Army, come and fight!"

The Shenwu army sipped sharply.

"War war war!"

Feathered God Army will not be afraid.

"The Galaxy Cannon!"

The hidden galaxy cannon finally showed his majesty. Under the cover of the space battleship, it revealed its true colors. The long-stored cannon Guanghong blasted towards the end of the Burial Rift.

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