February 14.

Valentine's day.

Beijiang city.

From the evening, the sky began to fall snow, but this still can not stop the passion of lovers, the streets are full of people.

And in Beijiang park.

Everything is still so quiet.

There is a lake in the middle of Beijiang park. Its area is not very large, but because of the cold, the lake has been frozen.


There was a rumbling sound from below the lake.


After a loud noise, the frozen lake was like a blow from a giant, and suddenly broke into pieces, and the Black Lake water turned up.

The fish in the lake all floated to the surface of the water, and the air was full of fragrance.

It was cooked raw.

A pair of white bone hands suddenly appeared on the stone steps of the bank, then arms, and finally, a crystal clear skeleton slowly walked up the bank from the water.

The sky was overcast, and a huge cyclone appeared on top of the skull.

The skeleton looked up at the sky and laughed strangely.

With his smile, the skeleton's body began to quickly appear blood vessels, muscles and so on, blinking of an eye.

The skeleton became a handsome man.

The man muttered to himself, "three thousand years I can't believe I can come back for 3000 years! "

Then the man looked up and a golden light burst out of his eyes.

The huge cyclone in the sky broke.

At the same time, a breath of incomparable majesty emanated from the man.

For a moment, the whole Beijiang city and even the whole East Capital shuddered for it.

Many old people sitting cross legged opened their eyes, and their faces were extremely frightened.

Because they feel a strong and incomparable breath. The strength of this breath, even if it is just a perception, will imprison their souls.

Who is it?

Will there be such a king in the world momentum?

Xue an didn't expect to come back.

Three thousand years!

Too much has happened in these three thousand years.

At the beginning, that despondent teenager has become one of the few immortals in the whole plane.

If it is not at the time of the ultimate preaching, it will fail because of the lack of state of mind.

So xue'an is the supreme existence of the whole plane.

At the time when he was about to die, Xue an tore up time and space with his supernatural power and finally returned to the earth.

At the moment, Xue an's breath began to wane madly.

Xue an knew that it was the law of the earth that bound him.

If it had been before, Xue an would have broken the weak and pathetic way of heaven.

But now Xue an, even before one hundred million of the strength is not.

And Xue an didn't care.

He just looked at the park sadly.

At the beginning, he and an Yan often came to this park to play.

"Anyan, you Are you ok? " Xue an whispered to herself.

At the beginning, Xue an had a happy family.

After he graduated from University, he came to the city with his school flower an Yan in the eyes of envy or envy, and began a sweet two person life.

At that time, both of them had no money and had to live in a small room.

But it was a very happy time.

Every day when Xue an comes back from work, Anyan cooks his meal early and waits for him at home.

Xue an thought that life would be so happy and plain.

But later.

Anyan's family chased the city.

Xue an only knew that the identity of an Yan was actually the daughter of Zhongdu.

Settle down in Zhongdu!

This is a giant at the level of a giant. Even many multinational enterprises are just their industries.

And an Yan is the legitimate son of an family.

Therefore, an Yan and Xue an are not allowed to be together.

Can an Yan Jian will not go back, and even break with the family.

Helpless, the man who came to pick up an Yan threw down a good self-care, and left Beijiang.

But it was just the beginning, and then Xue an lost his job, and no company dared to ask him.

Under helpless, Xue an then goes to the construction site to work, and no matter how tired the work, he scrambles to do.

For nothing else.

Because an Yan is pregnant.

But when an Yan's stomach is getting bigger and bigger, Xue an is missing because of an accident on the construction site.

Only Xue an knew that because of the accident, he entered a strange world of gods and demons.

And this time, it will be 3000 years.Suddenly.

He was shocked and his face was shocked.

He came back three thousand years later, but he didn't expect that only four years had passed since the earth.

This also means that Anyan is still alive!

Although bound by the rules of heaven, Xue an's remaining strength can not be underestimated.

He closed his eyes, and in a flash his mind covered the whole city of Beijiang.

It turned out to be nothing.

Sure enough.

Anyan has left Beijiang.

Xue an's mouth was filled with a bitter smile. Her sudden disappearance must have given her a great blow!

"Anyan, I'm back!"

"Is our child born?"

"Is it a boy or a girl? You said you like girls best, so you must be a pretty girl, right? "

Xue an murmured to himself, and then began to search for people who had blood ties with him.

Got it!


Why two!

Xue an is stunned, the corner of his mouth slowly emerges a trace of smile, and then the whole person disappears in the snow night.

On the street of Beijiang City, a couple are enjoying the snow scenery.

"Brother, my sister is so beautiful. Buy her a flower." A timid voice came from behind.

The couple turned around and saw a little girl with a flower basket on her back, looking at them with hopeful eyes.

The little girl was only four or five years old. She was carved in pink and jade. She had big eyes, a small Qiong nose, and long eyelashes. She wanted to have a bite.

"What a lovely little girl, are you still selling flowers in such a cold weather?" The girl squatted down and asked with a smile.

The two dimples of the little girl's smile were revealed, "well, sister, I'm not cold. Buy a flower!"

"Buy one!" The man laughed and took out the money.

as like as two peas, brother, two brother, two of us, one person, one!

The two little girls, not only look the same, but also dress the same. Standing together, they can be cute.

"My God, are they twins?"

It's a beautiful picture.

"Which of you is your sister and which is your sister?"

"Sometimes it's my sister!"

"Sometimes I'm a sister!"

Two little girls said with a soft voice.

This kind of picture also attracted a lot of passers-by, just for such a lovely little girl, also have to pay!

So after a while, the flowers of the two girls were sold out.

But it also attracted bad eyes.

Just as the two girls were ready to leave with a small flower basket on their back, a woman with a big body and a gloomy face blocked the way.

"Two little bitches, who let you sell flowers on my land?" The woman said angrily.

The two girls were startled, and then said timidly, "aunt fat, we don't know this is your territory! Let's go now

"Want to go?" As soon as the woman waved her hand, several men with bad looks surrounded the two girls.

This woman is really the villain of this street, called Sister Feng.

She paid attention to the twin sisters for a long time, and when she saw that they sold so many flowers by virtue of their loveliness, she had a crooked mind.

If you can get hold of yourself, then isn't there another money tree?

Both girls were scared, and one of them pushed "sister, run!"

"Run? None of you can run away! " Feng said with a grim smile.

The men also gathered around.

Although the little girls wanted to escape, they were only four or five years old. How could they be the opponents of these adults.

Soon, they were caught.

"Fat auntie, please let us go, we will never dare again!"

"And call me aunt fat? I tell you, I have investigated you two for a long time. It's just wild children without parents. If you are obedient, I can support you, otherwise Hum Sister Feng is both soft and hard.

"We are not wild children, we have Baba and numbness!" Cried the two little girls.

"Oh? That calls your Baba hemp to come to save you Sister Feng smiles and shows her big yellow teeth.

The two little girls were said by Sister Feng with a dim look and said in a low voice: "we are not wild children. Our Baba hemp just went far away. They will come back!"

"Ha ha, laugh off your big teeth. It's useless to say that wild children are wild children." Sister Feng said with a smile.

"Do you know, you laugh really disgusting!"

With a calm voice, Sister Feng's laughter stopped suddenly, and a figure appeared at the end of the alley.

At the moment, the snow is heavy, but the figure is as straight as a knife, and slowly walked over."Who is it? If Sister Feng is in charge of affairs, get out of the way A man under Sister Feng yelled.

"Uncle, help us!" the two little girls called out

The person who came was Xue an naturally. He looked at the two little girls who were caught. The trembling from blood told him that these two little girls were their own daughters!

His heart trembled with it.

Is this your child?

It looks like an Yan.

No, those eyes are more like themselves.

Xue an can't help but look a little crazy.

"Are you deaf? Can't you hear me One of the men swore and reached out to push Xue an.

But the next moment, his hand broke with his wrist.

Blood gushed out, sprinkled on the snow, red dazzling.

"Ah, ah, ah..." The man was stunned for a moment, then cried out in pain.

Xue an looked around the people present and slowly counted: "one, two, three..."

"What do you count?" There's someone yelling at me.

But as soon as he came out, the leg broke from the knee.

Xue an waves her hand, and the snow blocks the sight of the two little girls.

Then toward Sister Feng light said: "a total of eight people, remember the huangquan Road, do not stray!"

Sister Feng felt that the man's eyes were like the supreme emperor, and she did not even have the qualification to kneel down and submit.

"No Forgive me... "

The voice stopped suddenly, because a flame rose from the feet of Sister Feng and others.

In a flash, they burned the eight people to ashes.

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