Anqing was shocked and exclaimed, "you Are you really going to destroy the Xie family? "

Xue an nods.

"How can it be that the Xie family is so powerful and has so many experts that it is said that there is an old ancestor who will not be born for a long time. How can you be their opponent when you have only one person?" Anqing said in disbelief.

Xue an a smile, did not directly answer Anqing's words, but light said: "look, the wind is blowing!"

"What if the wind blows?" An Qing is not sure why.

"Have you ever heard a word?" Xue an opened the window and the wind came in.

"What words?"

"The moon is dark and the wind is high Killing night Xue an said lightly, stepping into the void.

An amazing momentum rose from Xue an's body, and the world seemed to be changed for it.

"Think about it and read it. I'll be back when I go." Xue an said, the whole person gradually disappeared in the dark.

Anqing is standing in front of the window.

Just a few words from Xue an gave her a great shock.

Originally, in his eyes difficult to deal with the rich, in Xue an's view, but is just a small dish that can be easily destroyed.

Is it the same in the eyes of xue'an?

An Qing is lost in thought.

Xie's house is full of lights at the moment.

Xie xuanzheng, the father of Xie Tianci and the current owner of the Xie family, sat on the sofa with a gloomy face.

The news of the death has come back.

Xie Xuan, of course, was furious.

Xie Xuan is still very partial to his little son.

I didn't expect that someone would dare to kill his son in the provincial capital under his own eyes.

Thinking of this, Xie Xuan's heart is full of murderous spirit.

At this time, many experts worshipped by Xie Jiaping also came, and the hall was silent.

After a moment, someone came in a hurry.

"Master, I found out that the murderer is from the Qin family in Beijiang, and his name is Xue an."

Xue an?

Xie Xuan frowned and looked at the masters behind him.

At this time, one of the oldest and the highest status in the crowd came forward, "master, I've been wandering the world for decades, and I haven't heard of any master named Xue."

Xie Xuan still respected the old man. Seeing him speak, he could not help nodding his head.

"Master Tian."

This old man is master Tian Bintian, who ranks fifth in the sky list. He is also known as bloody hand butcher. He was a demon who had committed countless murders in those years.

Later, he provoked public anger and finally disappeared.

I didn't expect to be in the Xie family, but also became a sacrifice of the Xie family.

At the moment, Tian Bin said in a deep voice, "master, I would like to take this xue'an back to avenge the second young master."

Xie Xuan nodded, "so, there will be master Laotian."

Tian bin grinned ferociously, "the master of the house is polite. Since someone dares to fight against our Xie family, the name of my bloody hand butcher is not in vain!"

But at this time, a calm voice came from the door.

"There's no need to catch it. I'm here myself."


Just as the crowd was startled, the doors and windows were smashed, and the strong wind from outside rushed in. Xue an slowly walked in and laughed at the people in the room.

"I am Xue an!"

Xie Xuan stood up and stared at xue'an with a gloomy face. "Did you kill my son?"

Xue an nodded. "To be exact, it was my foot that broke my head."

"Kill him!" Xie Xuan's eyes were red, and he didn't talk nonsense. He said in a cold voice.

Tian bin can't help it. In his opinion, this man looks ordinary. He can show himself in front of the owner.

So he grinned grimly, "boy, you've actually thrown yourself into the net. It saves me a lot of effort. Go to hell!"

Then Tian bin raised his red hands and went straight to Xue an.

The reason why he was called "blood hand man Tu" was that he practiced the most vicious blood hand skill.

At the time of training, one's hands are as red as cinnabar.

The two palms split, bringing a gust of fishy wind.

Xue an did not move, but watched with interest.

Tian bin sneers in his heart. He has been immersed in this pair of bloody hands for decades. He is extremely fierce. If he encounters a little bit, he will be killed or injured.

But the man didn't hide.

This is your own death, can not blame others. Tian Bin's eyes flashed a fierce look.

But just as his hands were about to touch Xue an's clothes.

Xue an gently drank, "get out of here

The sound was not unusual to others.

But it was this light drink, but it was like a heavy hammer, directly let Tian bin fly out, until a wall collapsed, only to fall on the ground.In the smoke and dust, Tian Bin's chest was shriveled. After he opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood, he died of exhaustion.

Everyone in the house was appalled by the order.

A blow.

We can't even say a blow, but we can only say a light drink, and then let the fifth ranked bloody hand man in tianbang die on the spot.

How strong is this man?

Xie Xuan's face became more and more gloomy.

At this time, Xue an sighed, "it looks very fierce, so vulnerable."

Then all the people in Xue anhuan's field of vision, with a faint smile, "but don't worry, tonight None of you can run away. "

Xie Xuan's face was very ugly, but he still snorted, "no wonder you dare to fight against my Xie family in the provincial capital. You really have some skills, but you didn't ask. Is our Xie family so easy to provoke?"

Xue an shook his head and chuckled, "I know, you Xie family is not relying on a Sanxian to sit in town!"

As soon as it comes out.

Xie Xuan suddenly changed color.

This is the core secret of the Xie family.

Although there is no one in the world who has ever said that Xie's family has reached the realm.

But the man said it.

Who the hell is he?

Xue an smiles, "don't be so surprised. I think that ancestor of your family should know that I'm here now."

With these words, Xue an's momentum suddenly increased and became so powerful that all the people on the scene turned pale, and even some of them knelt down on the ground.

Heaven and earth seem to change color for it. The strong wind is also low, whimpering softly and afraid to approach Xue an.

And Xue an light way: "since know I come, still refuse to come out?"

The sound is far away.

The voice has just dropped.

Behind the villa, there is an old and majestic voice.

"It's a pity that heroes are young You are too arrogant

Hearing this, Xie Xuan was overjoyed.

"It's my grandfather. I'm out of the mountain!"

At the moment, an old man with white hair and a dignified face came slowly from the back mountain.

With every step he took, his momentum was strong.

When he came to the villa, his momentum also climbed to the top, even completely overshadowed Xue an. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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