It's night.

The door of Zhuo's house is open and the lights are bright.

The banquet hall is more beautiful, just like a fairy palace.

Mrs. Zhuo attended in person, and many senior members of the Zhuo family also attended.

Such a grand scene makes Zhuoya shocked and can't help asking her mother in a low voice.

"Mother, what is the origin of master Xu? How can we have such a grand reception at Zhuo's house? "

As the second wife in Zhuo's family who has real power, Mrs. Zhuo is naturally qualified to attend the banquet. When she heard her daughter's question, she whispered.

"This master Xu's name is Xu Bao. He is a powerful master of Fuwen."

Zhuoya heard some disapproval, "there are more Fuwen masters, even if they are stronger, what can they do? As for letting us Zhuo family take it so seriously? "

Mrs. Zhuo shook her head. "If only a master of Fuwen, it would not be worthy of such a grand reception. The key is the power behind Xu Bao!"

"Then he is..."

Mrs. Zhuo said solemnly, "Tianfu Pavilion!"

Simple three words, but let Zhuoya suddenly color change.

"Is this man from Tianfu pavilion?"


"No wonder..." Zhuoya whispered to herself, and her eyes also showed a startling light.

It's not that she hasn't seen the world before. It's because that day Fu Ting is so famous.

It can be said that in the city of curse, it is a heaven within a radius of thousands of miles, and Tianfu Pavilion is unique.

The master of Fuwen even monopolized all the Fuwen market in the whole heaven. You can imagine how rich this school should be.

What's more, the master of Tianfu Pavilion is a city master.

You should know that in this divine world, the hierarchy is generally divided into the false god, the half god, the partial God, the right God, the city Lord level, the king level, the ancient god level.

Each level corresponds to the rank of a monk. For example, a false god is equivalent to a long life among friars, while a half god is a half step golden immortal. And so on. When it comes to the city Lord level, he is already a real immortal.

And up to the king level is already a giant.

As for the ancient deity level, it is an elusive existence.

Of course, there is a peerless true God level on it. It is said that it is already equivalent to the Immortal King of friars.

But after thousands of years, these once occupied the world's peerless gods have fallen one after another, and now has become a legendary existence.

And the city Lord level is already the powerful vassal on the command side.

For example, the queen of the curse city is just a strong master.

From this we can see how powerful the Fu Pavilion is.

"This time, many powerful people under the gate of Tianfu pavilion have come to the city of curse one after another. They should all be for the mythical pattern that is about to be born!" Mrs. Zhuo continued.

"Even in Tianfu Pavilion, Xu is the best among the younger generation. However, because of his cruel nature, he likes to kill young girls, so he is also feared by many people."

At this point, Mrs. Zhuo gave a sneer.

"When Zhuo Yangyang's maidservant falls into the hands of Xu Bao, it's really that the land is not working every day!"

"Zhuo Ya's smile is too good to hold back

At this time, we can see that the sky of the banquet hall suddenly shows a dense pattern, and then a man in black appears.

When the face of the man in black emerged completely, there was a slight commotion.

Then the old lady leaned out of her seat and said with a smile, "Zhuo's family, welcome master Xu!"

The man didn't look very old and handsome, but he didn't know what was going on, and he felt cold when he was seen.

Especially the other pair of eyes like hawk hawk, people dare not look directly.

It was Xu Bao, of course. When he heard Mrs. Zhuo's greeting, he couldn't help showing his white teeth and laughing.

His smile, two vertical lines from the corners of his mouth straight to the temples, looks very strange and terrible.

"You are welcome, old lady! Xu is a junior in front of you. What qualifications do you have to receive in person? "

"It's very kind of you, master Xu. Please have a seat." Mrs. Zhuo was very happy.

Because no matter whether it is true or not, Xu Bao has given her enough face.

A maid quickly arranged a seat for Xu Bao, and when Xu Bao sat down, a pair of red eyes inadvertently glanced at the maid.

Seeing this, Mrs. Zhuo couldn't help laughing and said, "why? Is master Xu interested in it

The maid's eyes were full of horror.

Xu Bao shook his head. "The old lady should know my habits. As long as I want to be a fresh girl without humanity, it's too wasteful to cook dishes!"Mrs. Zhuo laughed happily, "I know Master Xu's hobby."

"Old lady, what's the matter with you inviting me here?" Xu Bao didn't talk nonsense, and said straight to the point.

Mrs. Zhuo picked up her tea cup and said with a smile, "since master Xu is so straightforward, I'll tell you the truth! It's said that all the elite members of your sect have arrived in the city of curse, but for the sake of the divine pattern? "

"Of course Xu Bao doesn't hide it. In fact, it's not a secret.

"What? You Zhuo family are also interested in the divine pattern? " Xu Bao light way.

"Master Xu is joking. We Zhuo's family is just a businessman. It's useless for us to get the divine pattern. What's your interest?"

"You mean..."

"Ha ha, our Zhuo family just want to make a deal with your school!"

"Oh? Tell me. "

"Our Zhuo family will provide you with everything you need, but after the appearance of Shenwen, we will ask for the remains of the ancient god!"

Hearing this, Xu Bao's eyes are full of light, staring at old lady Zhuo.

Zhuo old lady did not have any unusual color, instead, she looked at Xu Bao with a smile.

After a while, Xu Bao converged the fierce light in his eyes, lowered his head, and said faintly: "it seems that the old lady is going to go further?"

Zhuo old lady also did not hide, directly nodded, "yes, after all, eternal life is in front of us, who can refuse such a temptation!"

We should know that the most precious part of the remains of the ancient gods is the blood essence contained in them. If we can get this kind of blood essence, we can live forever and live together with heaven and earth!

This kind of temptation is simply too big, especially for Mrs. Zhuo, who is a top-level existence enjoying all her glory, the only thing she wants is eternal life.

Xu Bao licked his lips and laughed ferociously, "everyone knows the truth, but I don't know how much you Zhuo's family will pay for this thing!"

"Master Xu, don't worry, what Zhuo's family has paid will certainly satisfy your Tianfu Pavilion, and now there is a gift for you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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