This kind of feeling lets Zhuo Yang Yang almost all want to be happy fainted in the past.

She has no other requirements, just want to have a normal family.

Once it was a kind of extravagant hope, but now it seems that everything has been placed in front of themselves, it seems that you can reach out and catch it.

Zhuo Yangyang is stupid there.

Mrs. Zhuo once again said with a kind smile, "Yangyang, come here quickly!"

Zhuo Yangyang moved his steps and walked slowly.

"Here, let me introduce you. This is Xu Bao of Tianfu Pavilion. He is a young master of Fuwen!" Zhuo said with a smile.

"Meet Master Xu!" Zhuo Yang Yang, although a little confused, but still subconsciously called out.

Xu Po swallowed the saliva that was about to flow out and nodded, "it's Yang Yang girl! How beautiful

Zhuo Yang Yang said with a shy smile, "master Xu praised me so much!"

At this time, Mrs. Zhuo said with a smile, "Yang Yang, I'd like to propose a toast to master Xu. You can hardly get such a big man at ordinary times."

Zhuo Yang Yang did not doubt that he had him. He picked up the wine pot on the table and filled it with a glass of wine. Then he said with a proper smile: "master Xu, I'll give you this cup for grandma!"

She drank the wine out of her glass.

"Good!" Xu Bao's eyes were full of light, and he also drank a cup with a smile on his face.

At this time, Zhuo Yangyang turned to look at Mrs. Zhuo and thought that there was nothing wrong and he was going to leave.

Mrs. Zhuo didn't let her go. "Since you're here, you can sit here and eat."

"Me?" Zhuo Yangyang was surprised, "but It's not polite! "

"If you are not polite, master Xu is not an outsider. Sit down and have a chat." Zhuo said with a smile.

Although Zhuo Yangyang felt that something was wrong, he did not dare to disobey Mrs. Zhuo's orders, so he had to sit aside.

The party went on, but this time the atmosphere became a bit odd.

A lot of people have lowered their voice and often look at Zhuo Yang in the distance.

And these eyes, also let Zhuo Yang Yang feel on pins and needles.

But Mrs. Zhuo seems to be in high spirits today. She has been trying to persuade people to drink, and master Xu has been looking at herself with a smile.

So Zhuo Yangyang sat down and began to drink one cup after another.

At the same time, Xue an's figure also appeared at the door of the banquet hall.

But almost no one noticed his arrival. After all, for most people, Xue an was a stranger, especially at such a young age, so no one paid much attention to him.

Except for one.

Zhuoya found Xue an at the first time. She hated the guy who dared to slap himself in public.

So when she saw Xue an, she whispered, "mother, it's that guy who hit me!"

Mrs. Zhuo turned her head and looked at xue'an carefully, and then showed a sneer.

"It looks flat, and I've already sent someone to check. There is no strong one named Xue in this heaven. So it's certain that this is a guy who tries to climb up to our Zhuo family after he knows Zhuo Yangyang's identity. It's not enough to be afraid of!"

Hearing this, Zhuoya's eyes lit up, "Oh? In that case, mother, do I want to... "

Mrs. Zhuo shook her head. "Don't rush. The good play is still ahead. Don't you see that cheap maid has already got into the trap? After a while, as long as master Xu starts, this guy will also be implicated. At that time, we won't have to do it, and this guy will die without us!"

Zhuoya nodded, some can't wait to say: "really look forward to ah!"

She also glared at Xue an with a look of bitterness.

Xue an just smiles at this.

In fact, from the moment he came in, he noticed Zhuoya's eyes, but these are basically a joke to Xue an.

He didn't bother to pay attention to the stupid woman, but became interested in the food in the banquet hall.

Because the whole city is built on the sea, so the dishes are mostly seafood, but these seafood are not ordinary creatures, almost every one contains a strong essence.

Even some of them have already had cultivation and divinity.

After eating such a dish, it is of great benefit to one's own essence. If an ordinary person eats such a small piece, he may become a man of heaven in an instant.

Of course, this kind of thing must cost a lot.

So Xue an began to eat.

For him, although the food does not taste very good, but do not eat for nothing.

After all, waste is a very shameful act.

So Xue an around the table, began to eat plate by plate.

This scene naturally attracted people's attention.A lot of people started to smile.

"Who is this man?" Someone asked.

"Ha ha, this is the so-called strong man that Zhuo Yangyang brought back from the outside!" Someone sneered.

"Is it the strong one who claimed to save Zhuo's ship in the sea of punishment?" Someone said sarcastically.

"Ha ha, the strong man has not had enough food."

This led to a burst of low laughter from the people around him. All the people's eyes were scornful, and they thought Xue an was a mere earth bumpkin who had never seen the world.

For these, Xue an did not care at all.

Even simply sat at the table and ate with concentration.

After a few more comments, people no longer pay attention to the theme, but focus on the theme.

At this time, Zhuo Yangyang could not count how many glasses of wine he had drunk, although these wine were old wine, and also contained abundant spiritual power.

But Zhuo Yangyang's mind is still sober.

She also knew that she had drunk almost. If she drank it again, something would happen. So she said calmly: "grandma, master Xu, I can't drink any more. Moreover, you are talking about important things. I can't stay here any longer, so I'll leave first."

She would get up and leave.

At this time, Zhuo's face was gloomy all the time.

"Sit down for me!"

Zhuo Yang Yang shivered all over and sat down again involuntarily.


But Mrs. Zhuo didn't pay any attention to her words. Instead, she turned her head and laughed at Xu.

"Master Xu, this gift Are you satisfied? "


What gift?

Zhuo Yang Yang that was drunk by the strength of wine in the head flashed a little doubt.

And Xu Bao smell speech then maliciously smile and nod.

"Good! It's a great thing

"Ha ha, you are satisfied! Then I'll leave the gift to you! " Zhuo said with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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