The atmosphere of the curse city is very strange now.

What happened over the night feast of the city Lord has been completely spread.

In fact, there is no need to rumor, as long as people with eyes can see the huge sword mark that divides the whole sea area into two.

And that has two consequences.

Those once high, arrogant aristocratic families, at this moment, all become extremely humble.

The sailors, who had been at the bottom of the line, all stood up.

In particular, the sailors who followed Meng Lei to the city Lord's house to stand for Xue an were always with wind.

Some of them are proud to tell what they see to those who can't go.

I saw these people will be their chest shot of the earth shaking ring, that is called an excited.

People who listen are often very involved, even spitting stars on their face, do not know to wipe, and from time to time issued a few exclamations.

And in the whole city because of this and make a lot of noise.

Xue an hides in the small building and plays with something.

An Yan out of Fubao building, see Xue an this side of the road, can not help but some strange came up, "husband, what are you doing?"

Xue an raised his head and laughed at an Yan, "nothing. I just think this Tianfu Pavilion is too violent! How could you attack people with these naturally generated runes

"Well? Husband, is there any natural seal script? " An Yan was stunned.

Xue an nodded, "of course! Just like the miraculous medicine, Shencao, Tiancai and Dibao, this seal script is also produced naturally, but it is extremely rare! "

With that, Xue an looked at the hand of those who are still shining after shrinking.

"There are so many Tianfu pavilions. It can be seen that they should meet some special places and harvest them. It's a pity that they don't know treasures and use such things to make fu array. They are really begging for food with a golden rice bowl

"Husband, what are you going to do with them now?"

Xue an laughed. "I don't think about it now, but I have to untie the prohibition imposed on these Fu Zhuan first."

"What's more, even if they don't do anything, they can be directly used as money in prosperous places, even harder than Lingjing!"

"Prosperous place? What is a prosperous place An Yan has some doubts.

Xue an nodded his head and said with a faint smile, "those are the star regions that are located in the depths of the starry sky and connect the main roads of the heavens! Where the cultivation is prosperous and there are thousands of nationalities, that is where the real strong come forth in large numbers and flourish to the extreme! "

An Yan listened to leisurely, fascinated, "Wow, it seems very lively, I really want to see it!"

Xue an grinned and rubbed her hair. "Don't worry. I'll take you and think about it later."

"Mm-hmm!" An Yan nodded.

Just at this time, outside the door came Zhuo Yang's cry.

"Yes, my Lord," he said

There was something strange in the sound.

"Guest?" Xue an was stunned. Even though he thought of something, he laughed.

"Let her in!"

With the words, I saw the door was gently pushed open, the curse queen slowly walked in.

At the moment, she has changed a dress, although still red dress, but less cold domineering, more women soft.

The key is that her face is not covered by the fog before, but to show the true face.

Although a Laurie face is very disobedient when she is a city Lord, she is charming when she is a woman in private.

Curse the queen to come near, bow to salute, "see the Lord!"

Xue an quietly watched, until after a good while, he just took a little bit of fun to laugh.

"The queen arrived

Curse empress wry smile way: "adult is joking, in front of you, how dare I call empress two characters!"

Xue an did not say yes and raised his hand to the opposite chair, "sit down!"

The curse queen hesitated a little, then sat opposite Xue an.

After sitting down, she has been quietly watching xue'an and an Yan sitting on the side of xue'an.

Especially when she saw an Yan, whose temperament and appearance were far better than her own, the curse queen couldn't help shaking a little, and her eyes showed a look of loss.

"Your Majesty is coming at this time, but you have something to do?" Xue an asked lightly.

"My real name is Chu Xiaoyun. You can call me by my name! As for my coming here... "

Chu Xiaoyun bit his teeth, and his face showed a firm color.

"My Lord, I take the liberty to ask you I don't think it's from this world. "

Hearing this, Xue an raised his eyebrows and asked with great interest: "Oh? Why do you say that? "

"Because I can't feel the breath of God on you!""The breath of the divine world?"

"Yes Chu Xiaoyun nodded.

"This world was originally the place where the protoss lived. Although the protoss are now in decline and many ancient gods have fallen, the impact is still far-reaching."

"Compared with the practitioners in such a world, they are more or less contaminated with the spirit of gods, and some even simply self coagulate their divinities and turn them into gods! But in you, I can't feel the breath at all

Xue an laughed and leaned back on the chair. "You guessed right. I'm not in this world. But what do you want to do with this?"

Chu Xiaoyun was silent for a moment. Then he raised his head. His eyes were shining with tears. "My Lord, if I'm not wrong, your purpose in this world will not be so simple."

Xue an did not speak, but listened quietly.

"I can feel your strong breath. A strong man like you will never come to this world for no reason. Therefore, I have been speculating about what you are going to do. After all, just relying on a divine tattoo, you will not be able to inspire so many people! Until today I received a message from the outside world! "

With that, Chu Xiaoyun took a deep breath and said slowly, "you are the one who defeats all the chess masters in Tianzhao star field."

Xue an raised her eyebrows. "Yes! But do you think about the consequences of this? "

Chu Xiaoyun shivered all over his body and looked pale, but he still said with determination: "my Lord, I know it is a taboo to speculate on a strong man like you at will, but I still want to try it!"

Then she leaned over and left her seat and knelt down on the ground. "My Lord, since you are tracking from Tianzhao star region, if I am not wrong, it must be for the sake of the gods! And what I want to ask of you is also related to this! "

Xue an looks at the woman kneeling on the ground quietly.

A long, palpable silence.

For a long time, even the eyes of Chu Xiaoyun showed panic and despair.

"Xue an then said:" light down

Chu Xiaoyun secretly relieved tone, know oneself bet right, and then incomparably solemnly said.

"My Lord, I can take you to the gods of Tianzhao! But you have to help me with one thing too , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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