Xue an waved his hand, "OK, don't say it! You and I are not fools, and the heavenly king is not a fool. Since he can keep you in such an important position, he must have means to control you! "

"Otherwise, he would have died eight times as soon as you did! Am I right? "

The voice has just dropped.

Knowing that his real intention had been exposed, Sui Han leaped up, his whole body was full of magic power, and he threw out his life to send out the strongest blow.

The blow changed the wind and cloud and reversed the sky.

Those who witnessed this scene on the ground, with a little weak power, flopped and fell to the ground.

Even if the strength is good, but also full of pale, tottering, barely supporting.

But Xue an did not have any movement, is so quietly standing, seems to be ready to resist this blow.

The eyes of the old man are happy.

Even if he is a pro Luo, he has to give up. Although this guy is strong, he is still young, and he is too big!

But the next second, all his complacency turned into nothing.

Because the blow he thought he would win, after touching Xue an, made a tremendous sound of gold and iron, and then It's gone!

That's right. It just disappeared quietly.

Not even a single mark was left on the armor.

The scene suddenly became very awkward.

Sui Han's mouth twitched, then forced himself to squeeze out a smile, "adult, in fact, I'm playing with you!"

"Oh? Are you having fun? " Xue an seemed to smile.

Sui Han nodded, such as pounding garlic, "yes, yes, that's for fun."

But the voice has not landed, nor did Xue an have any action, but the whole person suddenly appears in front of Sui Han's body, and then raises his hand, directly pinches his neck.

He's bigger than Xue an.

But when Xue an pinched his neck, Sui Han felt as if two mountains had caught him. He couldn't move at all.

Under this, the year cold may flustered God, the hand planed the pedal's attempt to break free.

But now Xue an is wearing puppet armor, and his strength is infinite, which is not something that ordinary divine power can shake.

At this time, Xue an slowly raised his hand, and Sui Han was also mentioned in the air by Sheng Sheng.

Although the gods did not need to breathe, Xue an's pinching not only cut off his meridians, but also directly cut off his own divine power flow.

So just for a moment, Sui Han's face became purple black.

"How does that feel?" Xue an said lightly.

At this moment, there was no fear in Sui Han's eyes, and he said intermittently: "surname Xue, if you kill me, the LORD God will avenge me

Xue an chuckled, "well, then go ahead and wait for your Lord God to meet with you."

After saying that, Xue an's fingers suddenly made a force.


After a muffled sound, Sui Han's neck was cut off by Xue Ansheng, and his head rolled down, but before he landed, it turned into a cold fog and dissipated.

It turns out that Xue an not only broke his neck, but also crushed his spirit and cultivation.


All the people who saw the scene gasped.

This is too cruel!

And can kill God with one hand. Who is this man?

When everyone was shocked, Xue an looked around the world and said coldly, "my name is Xue an. Remember this name, because soon I will wash the whole kingdom of heaven with blood! "

After that, Xue an turned into a streamer and disappeared in the sky.

After a while of silence, the whole scene was boiling.

"Xue an! Have you heard of the name? "

"No! It seems like a strange face! "

"Hehe, you can be forgiven for being young and frivolous, but that's too much! If the LORD God hears this, he will not even live today! "

Some people were disdainful and didn't believe Xue an's words, but many others bowed their heads with fear.

"Even Sui Han God has fallen down. I'm afraid that after that, Tianzhao divine region will really become unstable." Someone sighed softly.

At the same time, Xue an has returned to the mountain.

At this time, an Yan flew out of Fubao building.

In fact, she was really worried about it, so she had been secretly sensing with her mind. When the storm outside subsided, she rushed out.

But when he saw Xue an, who was covered with armor, he was stunned.

"Well, is your husband handsome in this outfit?" Xue an smiles.

An Yan couldn't help nodding, "handsome!"

Then he came forward with a curious face and held the glittering armor with his hands."What is this?"

Xue an smile, eyes slightly flash, body armor like scales began to fade, and in an instant it turned into a blue gold seal which was not square to the palm.

"Wow, it's amazing." An Yan a face surprised to pick up this seal, in the hand to turn over the look.

"This should be the puppet armor handed down from ancient times, and it was written by a master. It's ridiculous that the old man didn't know the treasure and used it as a weapon!" Xue an explained.

"What is handed down from ancient times!" An Yan is even more surprised.

"Do you like it?"


"Try it on if you like."

"Me?" An Yan some stupefied, and then a strength of the head, "I don't want, that armor is a man wearing, I just don't like it!"

Xue an smiles, reaches out a little bit of the seal, and sees the light of the road flash by. Then the seal begins to deform rapidly, and in an instant it turns into a very beautiful dress and wears it on Anyan.

An Yan blinked her eyes and looked down at this exquisite and fashionable dress. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"Old Husband, how can this thing be deformed

"Of course! It's a pity that the armor of the puppet has been damaged for a long time. Otherwise, this armor alone will be enough to protect you from the attack of Darnay and the powerful Immortal King! "

"Wow An Yan's mouth open boss, "is this armor so powerful?"

Today's civilization is as strong as the sun and the sun

"Where are they now?" An Yan some stupefied asked.

Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "Maybe it doesn't exist, or there may be some inheritance in some places outside the sky. In short, the universe is much more lively than you think!"

An Yan also can't help but show a carefree look.

Xue an smiles and looks down at a transmission array in the depression, "Yan'er, let's go! After killing all the way for so long, it's time to see the Lord. Don't let him wait too long! "

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