
On the tower of the curse city.

An Yan's face is red, leaning on Xue an's shoulder.

Xue an gently stroked an Yan's long hair.

The atmosphere was warm and sweet.

But this kind of quiet good time didn't last long, so Anyan suddenly grabbed Xue an's hand, and then took a vicious bite.

Xue an took a breath, "Yan'er, what are you doing?"

Anyan some small proud of the face up, "do nothing, is suddenly want to bite you!"

Xue an looked at the teeth marks on his wrist, and said with tears and laughter, "will you bite out a watch for me?"

An Yan shriveled and shriveled mouth, "who let you just brag in front of thinking and reciting, dare to brag again, be careful that I will bite out a watch for you again!"

Xue an was stunned, "brag? What kind of cow am I bragging about? "

An Yan glared, "you don't say, I dare not disobey what you said? Isn't that bragging? "

Xue an suddenly realized, but even if he was amused, "because of this?"

"An Yan indignantly nodded," this is not enough? "

Xue an chuckled and pinched Anyan's bulging cheek, sighed at the smoothness of her hand, and said with a smile, "well, I won't say that in the future. My wife's words will be right. Even if it's wrong, it's the whole world's wrong. Do you think it's ok?"

Anyan thought, just want to nod, suddenly understand, and then some angry said: "you this is turning the corner, said I am foolishly?"

Xue an laughed, "I didn't say that, but Yan'er, why are you getting smarter recently?"

"Villain, you've become more and more intelligent recently. I've always been so smart, OK! It's like how stupid I was before! " An Yan originally wanted to rebuke Xue an with "righteous words".

But as she spoke, she couldn't help laughing.

Xue an was more than happy to see this.

Angry an Yan a strong stomp not in accordance with, "angry to death me, why I just can't get angry with you!"

Xue an just chuckled, and then took an Yan into his arms and patted her head gently, "OK, OK, don't make trouble! I know that you are afraid of losing face when you think about reciting. I will pay attention to it later

An Yan this just turn anger to be happy, and then happy to bow in Xue an's arms, low should a: "Hmmm!"

Another long silence.

Xue an and an Yan enjoy this rare quiet time.

Then an Yan said softly, "husband, when are we going to get up again?"

Xue an lowered his head and looked at an Yan. After a while, he chuckled and said, "how do you know you want to go?"

Anyan said with a face of course: "the things here have been finished, of course, we have to go! Didn't we all do this before? "

Xue an looked at it quietly, and suddenly leaned down to kiss Anyan's forehead, and then said with some heartache: "Yan'er, you've been wandering for such a long time with me

An Yan was stiff all over, and then took hold of Xue an's waist, gently shook his head and said: "no hard, as long as I can be with you, no matter where you go, how far! I won't feel hard! "

Xue an's heart emerged a warm current, a soft voice: "I intend to go tomorrow!"

"So fast?" An Yan is a little surprised.

In the past, after dealing with the affairs of a world, he often took a few days off to set off. This time, Xue an had to leave immediately. Anyan was naturally surprised.

Xue an nodded, then looked up and looked out of the window.

His eyes passed through the night and looked into the unknown distance. Then he said faintly: "this is not the same as before, because it is possible that there are still Chinese gods in the hands of the hateful emperor, so we should start as soon as possible and try to rescue it!"

Hearing Xue an say so, an Yan can't help but also stand in awe and nod.


When Chu Xiaoyun heard that Xue an was about to leave for the high divine world, he was silly.

"My Lord, you Do you really want to go now? "

Xue an nodded, "it's not too late. I'll start tomorrow!"

"But..." Chu Xiaoyun is deeply worried.

It's not that she doesn't distrust Xue an's ability, but as a member of the divine world, she naturally understands what it means to be high in the divine world.

In her opinion, Xue an must be well prepared if she wants to go to the high God world to find the top God like Li hen Tian Jun.

For example, you can wait until you have integrated the whole Tianzhao divine region with the forces of the four worlds to form a strong fighting force, and then go to the high divine realm to draw it slowly.

This is the most secure and correct way.

But Xue an should leave tomorrow, which is beyond Chu Xiaoyun's expectation.Xue an naturally saw Chu Xiaoyun's mind, but he just laughed, and then said: "nothing can be! Now you have completely integrated the curse God position, and the strength is enough to frighten this God field! As for the high gods, I don't need your help

Chu Xiaoyun listened to the Leng Leng Xue an for a long time, and then with a bitter smile lowered his head, "yes!"

Do you have to go alone when dealing with high gods?

The strength of adults How tough it must be!

Chu Xiaoyun sighed in his heart, and he would step down!

"Yes Xue an suddenly stopped her.

"Sir, what else can I do for you?" Chu Xiaoyun stopped immediately and asked politely.

Xue an pondered for a moment, "it's nothing, but now you're in charge of this divine region. Remember to deal with the matter on the other side of the sea of God's punishment!"

Chu Xiaoyun a Leng, and then deeply bow, "understand!"

"Go Xue an waved his hand.

Chu Xiaoyun turns away from the tower.

She didn't feel strong when she came.

Chu Xiaoyun turns around and looks up.

A bright sword light rose from the tower and directly split a big hole in the top of the sky.

Then a huge void whirlpool appeared in front of the crowd.

Such an earth shaking scene naturally attracted the eyes of countless people.

At this time, I saw a flash of figure, Xue an already appeared in front of this void vortex.

Xue an looked down at the people under his feet, a faint smile, and then stepped into the void vortex.


When his figure disappeared in the turbulent flow of time and space, but saw a huge earthquake in the void, and then the huge hole was instantly closed together.

The original turbulent wind and cloud gradually subsided, and the sky changed back to its original appearance.

People look at it stupidly, and they are all in a state of petrification.

Only Chu Xiaoyun's tears loomed in his eyes and whispered in a soft voice: "my Lord, may you go here and come back safely!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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