Xue an smiles, and then goes straight on the mount.

Now, even Yan Meishu can't help being a little silly.

She had never seen such a gentle lion.

What's going on?

Is this Xue an's special ability to make beasts bow?

As if feeling Yan Meishu's doubts, Xue an gave her a smile, "this mount is good, very obedient!"

"Ah It's It's very obedient! " Yan Meishu said in a daze.

"Let's go!" As soon as Xue an patted his mount, the jade lion walked steadily forward.

Yan Meishu took a deep look at Xue an's back, and then urged his mount to follow him.

Yan's residence is not far from the city Lord's house.

On horseback, only a cup of tea can be reached.

But when they came to the gate of the Lord's house, an unexpected thing happened.

He Chuncai, dressed in a white suit of Sao Bao and a spirit animal, was waiting for Yan Meishu's arrival at the door.

When he saw Yan Meishu's figure, he rushed over in a hurry. Just as he wanted to say hello, he saw Xue an on the side.

This makes he Chuncai's face extremely ugly.

"Cousin, how did he come to the dinner party of the second lady?"

Yan Meishu's face was also very ugly. She didn't expect he Chuncai to come, so she said angrily, "can you manage it? Why did you follow me

He Chuncai said with a smile, "I'm not following here. I'm invited by the housekeeper to attend the dinner party as well."

With that, he Chuncai showed the invitation card in his hand with a proud face.

Yan Meishu's face suddenly became ugly.

She is not a fool. Yu Ren must have been inspired by the second lady.

And they do so for one purpose, that is, check and balance.

After all, a strong and United Yan family is not in their interests for the marginal city.

But the matter has come to this point, she can not say anything, can only snort coldly, pull the horse to go to the city Lord's house.

She left first, and xue'an went in with her.

But at this time, he Chuncai stopped his way. Then he looked at Xue an with a sneer and said, "boy, do you think you can do something if you get my cousin's favor? I tell you, it's no use. Mei Shu can only belong to a strong man like me. It's pure wishful thinking like you! "

Xue an stopped the jade lion at night under his crotch, then said with a smile: "you are such a strong man?"

He Chuncai nodded haughtily, "yes! So I advise you, if you know your own way, you'd better leave here and run as far as you can! If you are stubborn, when you are splashed with blood, don't say I didn't remind you! "

Xue an looked up and down at he Chuncai with a strange look, and then said with a dumb smile: "it sounds very powerful, but I think it's better to leave it to yourself!"

"You..." He Chuncai didn't expect that Xue an would dare to refute his own words, and his face changed greatly.

At this time, Xue an gently waved his hand, interrupted he Chuncai's words, and then said faintly: "my patience is very limited, so I only remind you once, from now on, you'd better roll as far as you can, otherwise when you are scared to cry, don't blame me!"

He Chuncai was speechless by Xue an's words.

At this time, Xue an urged the horse under his hip, and Shi ran walked into the city Lord's mansion.

When his back had disappeared, he Chuncai regained his consciousness. Then he said angrily, "if you don't have any accomplishments, you dare to be so arrogant. I'd like to see how you scare me to cry!"

Said, he also angrily followed into the city Lord's house.

The banquet was not large in scale. It was a casual banquet for Yan Meishu.

But even so, the banquet hall is still full of lights.

All the representatives of the major forces in the edge of the city also came to the scene.

So when Xue an and Yan Meishu and others walked into the banquet hall, there were already bright lights and singing and dancing.

The drunken dream lady has not arrived, only this housekeeper Yu Ren presides over the situation.

When he saw Yan Meishu dressed in full clothes, everyone's eyes could not help but shine.

I know that this is Yan Meishu, the rising star of the Yan Family caravan.

The strength of the Yan family may not be the strongest, but it must be the richest, so the eyes of the whole banquet hall are converging.

At this time, Yu Ren came forward and said with a smile, "Miss Yan is really beautiful. Please come to your seat!"

Then he beckoned Yan Meishu to the head.

Yan Meishu is stunned and then subconsciously turns to look at Xue an.

Xue an just smiles at this, and then makes a gesture of invitation.Yan Meishu nodded at Yu'an and said, "if so, I'll bother you!"

There was nothing strange about the whole process. Only some people with sharp eyes saw Yan Meishu looking at xue'an just now, and all of them were surprised.

Who is the boy in white?

Why do girls in the Yan family value it so much?

Yu Ren also looks at Xue an in surprise, but when he finds that Xue an has no fluctuation in his accomplishments, he immediately loses interest and leads Yan Meishu onto the high platform of the banquet hall.

All the way as Xue an is like air.

Such a scene made he Chuncai, who came in later, feel dark and cool. He could not help but smile coldly at xue'an. Then he walked on the high platform of the banquet hall with a proud face.

Xue an just smiles at this, and then goes to the wine and tea area of the banquet hall, chooses some things that he likes and starts to eat them.

This makes a lot of people who are very curious about Xue an can't help shaking their heads.

This kind of party is for social intercourse, and no one has ever come here to eat.

Although the young man is not vulgar, he seems to be a stranger to the world.

Under this, let those girls who are eager to try also become lack of interest.

However, she still felt that she had not eaten everything.

This attitude made Yan Meishu, who looked at him from time to time, a little disappointed.

Is it because of his illusion that Xue an is nothing but good-looking?

In her mind, she heard a low noise coming from the door of the banquet hall, and then she saw people bow down one after another.

"See you, second lady!"

With the voice, but see a beautiful woman full of makeup.

Such elegant momentum is like a blooming rose, which makes people dare not look directly.

But behind her, there was still a number of men with erect eyes and evil looks coming in.

If the second lady is like a rose, then the man is like a poisonous snake, spitting out the snake's letter and preparing to choose a person to eat. It makes people shudder!

The whole scene was a little creepy.

After seeing this man, Xue an slowly put down the plate in his hand, and his eyes gradually became cold.

There are vertical eyes on the forehead?

Hehe, it seems that his guess is right!

In that case, let's all die!

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