Although Xiaotian has not recovered his memory, he has already guessed something. Therefore, he respects Xue an and an Yan very much. He can't help nodding: "yes!"

The dinner was very rich, not only with all kinds of dishes from the earth, but also fresh fruits and vegetables produced in Fubao cottage.

Because of the Shenfu ball, the Fubao building is changing every day. Not only is the area gradually expanding, but also its aura is becoming more and more abundant. Therefore, these natural growing spiritual grasses, fruits and vegetables come into being.

They also enjoyed the food.

Especially Hu Ying.

Just now, she and Jiang xunnan were blowing their beards and staring at each other. As a result, they sat together intimately and had a very happy talk.

Xue an couldn't help laughing.

No matter how mature Hu Ying pretends to be, her mind is no different from that of her children.

Although she sometimes behaves very unruly, she may forget what she once said in the twinkling of an eye.

For example, now, she and Jiang xunnan are like a pair of good friends that have not been seen for many years.

The dinner ended in this warm atmosphere.

Xiao Tian and Jiang xunnan, who are drunk, don't go back. Instead, they are arranged by Xue an to live in Fubao building, and they are still one room.

After settling the two of them, Xue an went down the stairs to the living room.

Hu Ying and Zhang Xiaoyu are still playing fighting games in their room.

The two little girls are already sleeping.

Only an Yan sits on the sofa waiting for Xue an.

Xue an saw the situation with a smile, walked straight past, sat down beside an Yan, and held an Yan's shoulder naturally.

An Yan also did not speak, obediently put his head on Xue an's shoulder.

Both were silent.

Until after a good while, an Yan said softly: "husband!"


"This war Is it going to be hard? "

Xue an some surprised looked at an Yan, "why do you say so?"

An Yan said softly: "because I can see that the reason why you come back with Xiaotian and that girl is to complete them as soon as possible. If you are not sure, why do you want to do this?"

Speaking of the end, an Yan's voice has a trace of panic.

It has never been.

No matter what Xue an did before, Anyan was worried, but he was not as frightened as now.

But this time it's different. This time, Xue an is going to face up to the most important person in the whole divine world. He has lived for tens of thousands of years!

Such existence, coupled with Xue an's action, naturally let an Yan's heart mention the throat.

Xue an smelled speech but laughed, and then raised his hand to pinch an Yan's Qiong nose.

"Fool, I think a lot about it!"

"Husband, is that so? Am I right? " Anyan still asked.

Xue an was silent for a moment, then sighed, "it's right, it's not right!"

"Yes, because, as you said, I want to make this pair of miserable mandarin ducks perfect!"

"No, I have never lost my confidence!"

Speaking of this, Xue an raised his hand and pinched on an Yan's lips, indicating that she would not speak, and then said with some exclamation.

"I know what you want to ask, and I do it for a reason! Do you think What will happen to this wheezing day after recovering memory? "

Hearing Xue an's question, an Yan was stunned.

Yeah! His memory is sealed now, but what happens when he recovers?

There was a trace of compassion on Xue an's face.

"Being blinded by enemies who have harmed their compatriots or even killed their masters, and driven them for thousands of years, these attacks are deadly after the memory is restored! Even he is likely to go to extremes! No one can save such things. I can only help him in advance, which can be regarded as giving him the last bit of warmth! "

Hearing Xue an's words, an Yan suddenly shed tears, and then sobbed softly: "why Why do Chinese shoulder so much? Even let a Chinese God live so cruelly

Xue an patted her on the shoulder and said in a soft voice, "because the Chinese have never been a race to admit defeat! That's why the disaster happened ten thousand years ago, but those people will not understand that what they have done to us will be returned a hundred times in the end! "

Speaking of this, Xue an's eyes flashed a cold killing intention.

An Yan felt it. She couldn't help shaking, and then gently hugged Xue an's waist. "Husband, when we fight together, let's fight together."

Xue an chuckled, "silly Yan'er, I'm a man. Men never let their women go to the battlefield. If they really get to that situation, it means that it's really over!""But..." An Yan is a little anxious.

Xue an gently shook his head. "I can listen to you for anything else, but this is the only thing that can't be done."

Looking at Xue an's face of awe, an Yan's heart suddenly softened down, and then nodded, "understand!"

"Don't worry, your husband, I am invincible!"

Xue an smiles, but the words behind can't be said.

Because the red lips were like fire, they had sealed his mouth.

Three days passed in a flash.

When the appointed time comes.

The atmosphere in Fubao building became a little tense.

But Xue an did not have any expression, with the wheezing day will leave.

Jiang Xun Nan's face was flushed and he wanted to follow.

But Xiaotian refused firmly.

In the end, she can only stare at Xiaotian and leave with Xue an. Her eyes are full of worry.

The atmosphere became very depressing.

After a while, Hu Ying said with a smile, "OK! Don't be so dull! It's just a lord of the divine world. Brother Xue will be safe and sound! "

Although so said, but still can't get rid of the Anxian look in the depth of the eyes.

Husband, you must return safely!

At the same time.

Xue an and Xiaotian, zuoyeng and Yuren have already followed mammy Chu and met Ji Huan.

Three days did not see, this Ji unreal face has become haggard many, the eye socket also becomes some blackened, obviously these three days she has been very suffering.

After seeing Xue an, she nodded and said, "I'm not up to my trust. It's done! Now Li hen Tian Jun is not in Li hen Tian, but in his own kingdom of God. If you go to the temple now, you can enter the prison directly

Xue an sniffed and laughed, "Oh? Is it

Ji Huan nodded, "there's everything, I've played well, with this hand, there will be people to meet you when you get there!"

Said, Ji Huan took out a flawless jade.

But Xue an didn't receive it. Instead, he glanced at Ji Huan faintly, and then said in a cold voice: "this hand, you should give it to the other party in person."

"What do you mean?" Ji Huan was stunned.

"It means that you should go with you too!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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