After that, the light in xue'an's eyes flashed, and the shackles imposed on his own cultivation suddenly disintegrated, and then a powerful force rose from xue'an's head.

The power is so powerful that it even directly shakes the momentum of Li hen Tian Jun and Zi Wei Xing Zhu, and there is a faint sign of being superior to it.

"How could it be?" The night ryukiya, who was watching the war with a smile on one side, could not believe his eyes. He screamed: "just a real immortal, how could he have such a powerful power?"

And from hate emperor and purple micro star Lord is also a change in face, but they two reaction quickly, Qi Qi cold drink a, directly moved the hand.

The stars twinkled, and the lights rocked the sky.

The momentum is so strong that even the heaven and earth are stagnant at the moment.

If we talk about the strength, we can say that we are different from each other. They are the level of the Immortal King who is not full above the big Luo.

In fact, among the heavens, there are many such things as them.

There may be many reasons for the achievement of a great Luo, and even some great magical powers will promote an ordinary practitioner into a strong one through various secret methods.

For example, the night before the ryukiyan side of the palace without a gap, is such a situation.

But if you want to be a fairy king, it is not so simple. Not only is he extremely gifted, but also he needs a little luck when he finally achieves the Immortal King.

It is mysterious and illusory, which is not imaginable in the ordinary world.

Therefore, among these heavens, the fairy King became a natural moat.

The strong under the Immortal King, no matter how powerful, are nothing but mediocrity.

Only the achievement of fairy king can be regarded as the ticket to the most powerful one.

Because of the scarcity of fairy kings, banbu Xianwang has already represented the top fighting power in the sky.

Even many galaxies don't necessarily have a Bantam.

At the moment, two and a half steps of the fairy king at the same time, such power, enough to make the Dara Zun heartbroken.

What's more, what we're dealing with now is just a real immortal.

Therefore, under this attack, ye Liuyan was fully convinced that Xue an was bound to die and could not die again.

From hate emperor and Ziwei star Lord also think so.

If Xue an was not immortal, how could he possibly deal with a real immortal as two of them?

That's too much to pass on.

The two of them felt that Xue an would surely die under such attention.

Sure enough.

In the twinkling of an eye, the light of the two people flashed through without hindrance and finally landed on the ground.

Without sound and sound, the wild ground seemed to be vaporized, and a huge and incomparable pit was opened in an instant.

Heaven and earth are empty, there is no Xue an's shadow.


Li hen Tianjun and Ziwei star master look at each other.

According to the law, a real immortal will surely die under the joint attack of the two of them, and can't die any more.

But how could Xue an die so easily?

It seems that he has overestimated him! Although it's the rebirth of the immortal, what can a real immortal do?

Think of this, from hate and purple osmanthus star Lord can't help but some chagrin.

After all, they had planned to seize Xue an's spirit, so as to interrogate the secret and treasure!

But the matter has been so far, they have no choice but to accept.

At the same time.

All the people were staring.

Xiaotian, in particular, was grateful to Xue an. Seeing that he was not found at the moment, he could not help feeling indignant and said in a trembling voice, "master, Mr. Xue, he..."

Yang Jian looked at it quietly, and then whispered, "wait and see!"

At this time, but see that Ji Huan rushed out of the crowd, looked up with joy, and called out to Li hen Tian Jun: "my husband, I'm Ji Huan. It's great that you can kill Xue an. Take me home quickly!"

From hate the emperor looked down at this smiling Ji Huan, his majestic face showed a sneer.

"Go home? To what home? "

Ji Huan one Zheng, "nature is to return to set day Xuan."

From hate emperor sneer: "Ji Huan, what have you done on your back for more than a thousand years recently, do you still use me to say?"

Ji Huan's face suddenly turned pale as paper, "husband My husband

"And how dare you betray me this time? Do you really think I'm addicted to green hats? "

After that, he raised his hand and pointed out that Ji Huan didn't have time to say anything, so he exploded into nothingness.

To kill a woman who once lived with each other day and night, it was like killing a chicken without any strange look.

But at this time, only a slight smile came from the void, "you are right, you are addicted to wearing a green hat!"Listening to this, from the hatred of the emperor as well as all the people suddenly color change.

At this moment, I saw the void was directly opened a gap, and then Xue an walked out slowly, with a faint smile on his face.

The pupil of Lihen Tianjun and Ziwei star master shrinks to the size of needle tip.

Because they found that at the moment, Xue an's momentum is more and more ethereal. Although standing there, it makes people feel like they are thousands of miles away. This kind of feeling makes people feel uncomfortable and almost want to vomit blood.

Xue an looked down at Ji Huan, who had become nothing. She shook her head and sighed: "she thought she had made a fake warrant, but in fact, this warrant is real! Am I right? From hating the emperor? "

From hate the emperor's face slightly changed, but spin even sneer up, "is again how? This stupid woman will die sooner or later. Isn't it normal for me to take advantage of her before she dies? "

Xue an nodded, "that's right! It's a pity that you still have some bright green on your head

"Don't talk nonsense, Xue. Don't think you can avoid our attack. Since we dare to fight today, you must die today!" From Hentian Jun face cold as ice, cold drink, and then again moved his hand.

This time, purple osmanthus star Lord did not participate, but stood by coldly.

But the more so, the more oppressive it will be, because you don't know when he will do it.

At the same time, from hate the emperor's this blow has also hit.

As an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years, his means are not as bright as those of ordinary strong men, and even some of them are of mediocrity.

But the more so, the more he showed his viciousness.

Because it is such a common blow, but blocked all Xue an retreat, even space for it.

But Xue an face such a blow, the smile of the corner of the mouth is more and more intense, and then a look of crazy color appears in his eyes.

In a trance, Xue an seems to be the incarnation of the original proud and powerful Honglian xianzun, full of unbridled arrogance and madness.

"I was once immortal! I will ask for the blood feud of the Chinese people! "

"Ten thousand methods return to one, group of immortals give the head!"

After that, Xue an raised his fist and blew it out.

This blow, as if the whole world were smashed to pieces, with a resolute posture, face-to-face with the blow of Li hen Tian Jun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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