The dinner was held in the headquarters building of Longtai group.

The Qin family didn't invite too many people this time, but there were still many people who came uninvited.

All of them, without exception, wanted to stutter and tie up with the Qin family.

Now even a fool can see that the Qin family's position is as solid as gold, and has become the top class of Beijiang and even the whole provincial capital.

In addition, many people came to Xue an.

But Xue an only appeared at the beginning of the party, and never showed up in the back.

This can't help but let a lot of people who think of condominium to be disappointed.

At the moment, Xue an is standing on the balcony of Qin yuan's office, drinking wine silently.

Tang xuan'er looked at him anxiously.

Today's war, Tang xuan'er didn't go, but took care of Xue Xiang and Xue Nian at home.

Fan Mengxue is busy working on the next film in the provincial capital. She is the only one who accompanies Xue an.

Originally, Tang Xuaner didn't worry too much. In her opinion, xue'an has changed too much after she disappeared for four years.

It's as if there's nothing hard to get him.

But I didn't expect that Xue an, after winning the first battle, actually wrote a war letter to the Yu family.

This is a matter that shocked and puzzled many people.

And since coming back, Xue an has been calm and silent.

This kind of atmosphere makes Tang xuan'er's heart tense.

"Do you want to ask me why I have to deal with the Yu family?" Suddenly said Xue an.

Tang xuan'er bowed her head and said nothing, because she knew that if xue'an wanted to say it, he would say it. If she didn't, it would be useless to ask.

Xue an took up his glass, drank the red wine in the glass, and then said in a low voice: "today, I see a shadow of a man from the soul of Yu Yang!"

Tang xuan'er was shocked and looked up at xue'an.

Xue an nodded, "yes, it's an Yan's back. Although it's fuzzy, I can recognize it at a glance."

Speaking of this, Xue an's tone has a trace of sadness.

"Her back is very lonely, it seems to bear a huge pressure, let me see that, very want to kill!"

Xue an said that there was no wind within a hundred meters, and the wine glass on the table was quietly turned into powder.

That's Xue an's anger.

Tang xuan'er looks at xue'an with complicated eyes.

"You Are you going to find her? "

Xue an firmly nodded, "of course, I will go, no matter who the other party is, I also want to find her!"

Tang xuan'er is silent. She just looks at Xue an's back quietly. Her eyes are a little crazy.

"Dad, Dad, why are you here?" Xue Xiang and Xue Nianxing rushed in.

They had a great time today.

Qin Yu bought a whole set of amusement park equipment, and then set up a whole floor of the building to set up an exclusive amusement park for the two girls.

So they have been playing until now, and they come to see Xue an.

Xue an's face returned to normal. He squatted down and picked up his two daughters. Then he said with a smile, "Dad is talking to your aunt xuan'er!"

"Dad, are you drinking?" Xue wanted to smile and ask.

Xue an nodded, and then said, "in two days, dad will take you to your mother, OK?"

The two girls were stunned at first, then exclaimed in surprise: "good, good! We're going to find mom! "

Xue wanted to say, a pair of big eyes raised a layer of fog, some aggrieved said: "Dad, mother does not like us ah!"

"How! Mom likes you two best

"Why didn't you come to us all the time?"

"That's because mom has been busy all the time. Now that there is time, dad will take you to find her."

"Good, good, good!" Xue wants to cheer with Xue Nian, then turns to look at Tang xuan'er.

"Aunt xuan'er, let's go to find mom together."

Tang xuan'er glanced at her hair and said with a smile, "no, my aunt has to go to work. I'll be at home, waiting for you to come back."

"Mm-hmm! Aunt xuan'er, you will be our favorite aunt xuan'er after her mother comes back! " Xue Xiang and Xue Nian suddenly said a word.

This made Tang xuan'er's eyes grow red, and then she turned her head and didn't want to cry in front of the two little girls.

In fact, in terms of feelings, Tang Xuaner has been taking care of the two little girls until they grow up. Only Tang Xuaner knows the bitterness and tiredness.

And the two little girls are also the most intimate to her.

She even used to call her mother.

Later, Tang xuan'er corrected it several times, and then she changed her name to aunt Xuaner.

Xue an looks at Tang xuan'er, whose shoulders are slightly moved. Her eyes gradually become gentle.

He owes the girl so much that he will make up for it later.Lingnan Yujia!

The news that Yu Yang was killed by Xue an with a sword came back.

Yu Lang, Yu Yang's father, stood up and became dignified.

"You said that he cut off the qingfengjiang river with one sword?"

"Yes! In addition, Yu San childe was also transformed into powder by this sword. At the same time, he said, seven days later He will kill Lingnan and kill Yu's family with his sword! " Said the bearer.

"Well, you go down!" Yu Lang's eyes twinkled with cold light and said in a deep voice.

After the visitors retired, there was not much sadness in Yu Lang's expression.

As a son of martial arts family, it's not uncommon to have a fight to death. It's OK to get revenge afterwards!

But what shocked Yu Lang was Xue an's last words, which seemed like a declaration of war.

Seven days later, kill Lingnan and kill Yu's family!

What a big breath!

There was a sneer at the corner of Yu Lang's mouth.

Do you really think that killing a legitimate descendant of Yu's family can do something about it?

I don't know how many of them want to fight for Yu!

At this time, after knowing the news, Yu Ran came in a hurry.

As soon as he entered the door, Yu Ran cried out bitterly: "father! My third brother, he... "

Yu Lang waved his hand, "the skill is not as good as a person, even if he dies, he can't blame others!"

Then Yu Lang looked at Yu ran with doting eyes. "In a few days, it will be rain god festival in Lingnan. Why didn't you go out to play?"

Yu Ran is still a little sad at this time. Although Yu Yang is not usually liked by his father, he still dotes on him.

I didn't expect that this seemingly peaceful shejian killed Yu Yang.

"Back to my father, I've just come back from the outside!"

"How about this year's rain god Festival?"

"The grand occasion is unprecedented. There are more tourists from all over the country than in previous years." Yu Ran stopped and then said, "father, I heard that Xue an will come to Lingnan seven days later?"

Yu Lang sneered and said, "with him? If he dares to come, Lingnan will be his burial place! "

Then Yu Lang said, "don't run too far these days. Maybe my grandfather will go out in these days."

Yu Ran was shocked, bowed his head and said yes, and then slowly walked out of the room.

My heart is still filled with sadness, but also heard the people around.

"Yu Yang was killed this time. We Yu's family hasn't gone to him. How dare Xue an come to Lingnan? Do you want to die? "

"Who said it wasn't, and wanted to kill the Yu family? What a joke

At the same time, the news spread throughout the south of the five ridges.

But without exception, no one believed it.

For the Aboriginal people in Lingnan, the Yu family is the living immortal guarding the local area!

How can the gods fail? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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