Three people a Leng, all don't understand Xue an this is to do?

"Well, what do you mean, my lord? Why should we be separated by the mind? " Yu blade asked in some puzzled way.

Wheezing day is a face muddle force, "I how to know!"

Only drunken dream seems to understand something after a little Zheng. His eyes move, and he looks at the God barrier with interest, and then he covers his mouth and laughs.

At this time, in the mind barrier, Xue an silently prayed a few words, and then a little uneasy to put his own hand on the Fubao small building seal to crack.

When the seal broke, Xue an even stepped back a few steps, as if to avoid something.

But unexpectedly, nothing unusual happened. Fubao building still stands there quietly.

Xue an frowned slightly, and immediately some worried steps forward to check the situation in the Fubao building.

But at this time, Fubao building suddenly shocked, and then saw a flash of light flying out of it, ran to Xue an and rushed over.

Xue an shivered and turned to run.

But at this time, only listen to a woman voice with infinite anger: "stop for me!"

Xue an's body was stiff, and then he was very obedient and stood still.

At the same time, Guanghua fell directly in front of Xue an's body, showing a graceful and graceful figure. Then, without answering, he raised his hand and grabbed Xue an's ear, frowned upside down and said fiercely.

"Xue an, do you know what's wrong?"

Although there was anger in the tone, there was a tremolo.

That's right!

From Fu Bao's small building, it is an Yan who flies out.

Xue an was grabbed by the ear, grinning said: "Oh, pain, Yan'er quickly let go, my ear is falling down!"

At the same time, he was secretly glad that he had isolated Xiaotian and Xiaotian with his mind in advance. Otherwise, if he was seen by others, his reputation would be destroyed.

Because there is no outsider to see, so Xue an performance is very rogue, although an Yan just gently grasped his ear, but Xue an performance is very exaggerated, it seems that the next second the ear really fell down the same.

But his how to call but did not lead to any response from an Yan, which let Xue an can't help but be stunned.

What's going on? Why is it so quiet?

At this time, Xue an suddenly felt a cold shoulder, and then heard the sound of sobbing.

Xue an's heart trembled and turned to look.

See an Yan infatuated looking at Xue an chest between that huge wound, already tears.

Even in the face of the Immortal King's edict, xue'an was calm as water and didn't feel much. But when she saw an Yan's tears, Xue an felt an unprecedented panic.

Especially when you see an Yan's shoulders are twitching because of silent sobbing, it makes Xue an spontaneously produce a strong sense of guilt.

It's a mixture of heartache and guilt, and even hard hearted people have to kneel.

Because no matter how tough a man is, he can't resist a woman's tears.

Xue an raised his hand in pain, gently took an Yan's waist and said in a low voice: "OK, Yan'er, don't cry! I'm not all right! Don't worry

But he didn't comfort him. With this advice, Anyan cried more bitterly.

Looking at an Yan with pear blossoms and rain, Xue an felt flustered. She simply hugged an Yan.

But this move, which usually has no future and is disadvantageous, is ineffective at this moment.

See an Yan in Xue an's arms struggling, powder fist is with no money hammer on Xue an's chest.

While hammering, an Yan choked and scolded: "you big bastard! Big fool, big wood! I hate you. Do you know how worried I am about you in the small building? If you make a mistake, what can I do if you think about it? Have you ever thought about it, you big jerk! Boo Hoo Hoo Hoo

Hearing an Yan's words, feeling the anger in her fist, Xue an is both sad and sorry.

"Yan'er, I know I'm wrong! But I'm not all right? I said, as long as I dare to do it, it shows that there will be no matter! Don't worry

"Big bastard, how can I rest assured? That breath even I am frightened, but you go to face alone, how can you let me rest assured? "

An Yan is still reluctant.

Xue an had to stand there with a smiling face.

I thought that an Yan would vent for a long time, but I didn't expect to breathe a few times. Anyan stopped and stood there with his head down.

Xue an a Leng, and then some hesitation called out, "Yan Er?"

The voice just fell, see an Yan a pounce into Xue an's arms, cry can't help from.

"Honey, I'm so scared! I'm really afraid of your accident! I beg you, don't let me watch this in the future, OK? I'd rather not fight with you than with meXue an gently stroked an Yan's trembling shoulder, and his heart was filled with infinite tenderness and said in a soft voice: "good! I promise you everything, and it will never happen again, OK? "

An Yan nodded, and then silently stretched out his hand, trembling and stroking the wound between Xue an's chest and abdomen. His face was full of heartache.

Xue an sneered and said carelessly, "Yan'er, my wound is about to be healed. Now it's just that the appearance has not been completely recovered."! It's all right to do it! "

But before he finished his words, he couldn't go on.

Because an Yan shed tears, gently kisses on his wound, asks softly: "does it hurt?"

Xue an Leng for a moment, and then gently smile, "at that time some pain, but now it's all right!"

Anyan's heart seems to be broken, she has never been so sad.

Because only those who have lost can understand this feeling.

She didn't want to repeat the nightmare that year, so she shivered and said, "husband, we will be fine in the future, and no one will leave who! All right? "

Xue an looks at an Yan quietly, then reaches out the hand, gently wiped away the tears on her face, gentle smile.


"I want you to promise me!"

"I promise you!"

"And forever!"


Finally, an Yan recovered calm, but Xue an did not remove the mind barrier.

Because an Yan is quietly leaning in Xue an's arms, full of worship listen to Xue an about this section of the process.

At the moment, she even looks at Xue an's eyes, which is the kind of girl's eyes to her own heroes.

And this series of thrilling ups and downs of the story, is to make an Yan heart surging.

Especially when she heard that Erlang Shenjun was willing to commit suicide in order not to be controlled by Lihen Tianjun, her eyes turned red.

And after hearing this, an Yan Rou said: "husband, can you find the reincarnation of elder Erlang?"

Xue an shook his head and sighed: "in fact I don't know either! Because this hope, though it does exist, is so remote that it is almost impossible! "

An Yan was a little gloomy, but he said in a low voice: "in fact, it's OK. After all If we lose this hope, the general Xiaotian may collapse in an instant! Let this hope be the crutch that supports him to go down

Xue an chuckled, then rubbed Anyan's hair, "yes, I think so too!"

"It's just Maybe it's going to be hard for Miss Jiang! " An Yan sighed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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