By the end of the tenth day, looking out of the temple, the sky in the distance had been covered by the crowd in Wuyang.

The powerful people of all sides gather together, forming a powerful enough to make the heaven and earth change color.

Such a scene, of course, also let the Yan Family in the temple panic, even into a very embarrassing situation.

Out, none of them dare not go out.

Wait, but I don't know how long to wait here.

In such a dilemma, Yan's family is filled with a strange atmosphere that is hard to express.

Many elite Yan family members and ordinary disciples are willing to wait for Yan Meishu's return here.

After all, Yan Meishu's performance before is beyond reproach, which is enough to prove her strength as a young lady of Yan family.

But Yan Mengtao didn't think so. She already understood that Xue an was not an ordinary man. She was not a man of his own.

If Yan Meishu is really in charge of the Yan Family in the future, you can imagine what kind of situation he will be.

With this idea, she began to urge her father to lead the Yan family to leave here more than once.

For example, at the moment, Yan Meishu said in a low voice: "father, it has been ten days now, and this Mr. Xue and Yan Meishu have not come back! But we don't have much time left for the Yan Family! "

Now Yan Yang is confused. Even if he is sleeping, he will be awakened from time to time.

Because now he is so sorry that his intestines are almost green.

If he had been old enough to listen to his daughter more than once!

With xue'an such a big supporter, can't the Yan family walk sideways in Li Hentian?

And he, too, will become a man of no two opinions and be respected by all.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine to take in the world, Yan Yang can only do what he can.

Now, when he heard Yan Mengtao's words, he could not help but frown slightly, "how can I say this?"

Don't you see the situation outside, father? Nowadays, there are more and more forces and strong people gathered outside. The whole city of Lihen has been disturbed, and even some forces from afar have come! "

"So what? Even if they come, they are still afraid of the strength shown by Mr. Xue and dare not cross the thunder pool for half a step? "

Yan Mengtao sneered and said, "ha ha, my father, why are you so confused? Yes, this Mr. Xue is indeed powerful and powerful enough to subdue the public. But the question is when will he return? "

"Well?" Yan Yang was said to be stunned.

Yan Mengtao then said, "this Mr. Xue left with Yan Meishu and said that he wanted to teach her skills. But you don't want to think about it. Is cultivation so simple? Even if Mr. Xue's cultivation is amazing, it will take time for Yan Meishu to practice a new set of martial arts, even if he is gifted! Even if you want to get started, it will take at least ten years! "

"And in ten years, have you ever thought about what will happen?"

"What will happen?" Yan Yang Leng Leng asked.

Yan Mengtao looked at the crowd gathered in the distance outside the window and said coldly: "now these people are afraid of Mr. Xue's strength and dare not come here! But deterrence is time effective. After waiting for a long time, will these people wait so honestly? And now there are more and more powerful people gathered here! At the end of the day, if all the strong men from Hentian are here, what can we do even if Mr. Xue comes back? "

"You mean..." Yan Yang said with some trembling.

"Yes, more ants can kill elephants! What's more, this is like a cloud of powerful people in Hentian. If they really gather together and form a powerful force, I think even Mr. Xue will have to give up! "

"You mean..." Yan Yang is more and more pale by his daughter's words.

"What I mean is very simple. The longer I stay here, the more unfavorable it will be for our Yan family. No one can guarantee when this Mr. Xue will return. Ten years is just my speculation. What if he leaves this world with Yan Meishu and never comes back again? Isn't it even more unfortunate for our Yan family Yan Mengtao said with a sneer.

"Therefore, we might as well take advantage of the present to directly contact with outside forces and choose a strong strength to cooperate. After all, we have an advantage that others do not have, that is, the vast wealth in the temple of Li hen!"

At the mention of cooperation, Yan Yang's face trembled, and his eyes showed a look of fear. Obviously, he thought about the cooperation with the blood tiger building. He could not help saying, "but if we were like the blood tiger building again, wouldn't we just go out of the tiger's den and enter the Longtan again?"

"Father, are we here to die? Even if Mr. Xue returns soon, will you really get her forgiveness for what you did to my elder sister? At that time, she said, your position as the head of the house will be finished! "

Yan Mengtao's words can be regarded as stabbing Yan Yang's pain, which is also one of his most worried things in recent days."That's the so-called risk, and my father can rest assured that as long as we plan well this time, we will not be deceived like last time!" Yan Mengtao's clever tongue, "follow good advice" said.

Yan Yang thought about it for a long time. Finally, he stood up and said, "OK! Mengtao is right. We will die when we wait here. We might as well go out and have a try! "

Yan Mengtao was overjoyed, "my father is really wise!"

The father and daughter made up their minds and prepared to lead the people out of the temple.

But then an embarrassing thing happened.

Except for the two of them, almost all of Yan's family are reluctant to leave.

And repeatedly said that he wanted to wait for the return of the eldest lady here.

This can not help but let Yan Yang feel more panic and uneasiness.

Yan Meishu has not come back, his power has been almost elevated, if she comes back, he will not become an empty shell?

Thinking of this, Yan Yang finally took out as the head of the family's ruthless strength, a few elders who came to persuade him to fly out, and then said in a cold voice.

"I am the master of Yan family. If I say to go now, I have to go now. Who dares not listen?"

Now, the whole audience was quiet.

All of the Yan family are staring at their master, and their eyes are full of disgust and disdain.

After all, the Yan family fell into this situation, which was largely made by Yan Yang.

If he had not believed in the blood tiger building, how could he have been so?

However, as the head of Yan family, Yan Yang has the right to kill and seize all people's lives.

Although these people do not want to, but also have to listen, so they have to quietly lower their heads.

Yan Yang then showed a smile of contentment. "Listen, it's useless to wait here, because Mr. Xue may not come back. For the survival of our Yan family, we can only leave here as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

There was no one to answer.

Yan Yang thought everyone was acquiesced. He nodded with satisfaction, then turned to Yan Mengtao and said, "daughter, how do you feel?"

Yan Mengtao was naturally very happy, "my father is really powerful. We should leave now without delay."

But at this time, only listen to the void came a light smile. "Who said I would not come back?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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