However, the ground was covered with beads and stones, and the sacred grass and fairy branches were piled up like mountains. The sharp blades of magic soldiers were arranged in the forest, and the amulet armor floated among them.

And by the countless treasures of the rich gas, is more dazzling, intoxicated.

Wandering in the meantime, an Yan couldn't help but exclaimed: "a lot of treasure! Does this king of Li hen have so much wealth? "

On one side, Hu Ying covered his mouth and laughed, "sister Yan, this is nothing at all. It's just a half step fairy king. The wealth accumulated is not enough to see!"

An Yan's eyes once again stare round, pointing to the huge amount of wealth piled up like a mountain, "this is not what?"

Hu Ying nodded with a smile and said haughtily, "in my opinion, this king of hatred is just like a rich man in the countryside."

An Yan can't help but be a little unbelievable.

At this time, Xue an explained with a smile: "Yan'er, if this is said from other people's mouth, it may be suspected of bragging, but it is very normal to say it from Ying'er's mouth, because in the sky, if we talk about the amount of wealth accumulated, Xue an laughs," don't worry, I've been thinking about this matter! But the place where the dragon people live is so far away that it can even be regarded as a place independent of the heaven! It's very difficult for us to cross it now, and

Speaking of this, Xue an's face showed a strange look, "even if we are in the past now, with my current strength, it is difficult to let those big loach obedient! After all, the origin of the holy land is the holy land of the dragon people. With the stingy character of the old loach, it will never be taken out easily! "

Zhang Xiaoyu lowered his head.

Xue an said with a smile, "OK, don't worry. I'll do what I say. I'll go to the dragon clan for a turn. After all, I haven't been there for so long. Those old loaches must have saved a lot of good things. If they stay in their hands, they will become moldy in the cave. I'd better take them out and play with them!"

In words, it seems that the dragon people have become their own back garden.

When Hu Ying heard the speech, she covered her mouth and laughed so that her eyes were crescent shaped.

Because she naturally knows how Xue an dealt with those stingy dragon people.

It can be said that in the past, with the strength of the dragon people, in these days, it can be said that the gods and ghosts are not afraid of no one dares to provoke, and the country of Qingqiu fox has to retreat three points.

However, this group of dragon people had bad luck and met Xue an, the immortal immortal who never existed before.

From then on, this group of dragon people can be said to want to cry without tears, the first two big.

Because Xue an arranged them clearly.

However, he couldn't fight again. He could only spit blood and pay money to ensure safety.

And hear Xue an so say, Zhang Xiaoyu just became happy again, forced point head way: "mm-hmm! Recently, when I was cleaning the eggshells for Mr. Sha, I found that she seemed to be a little older than before. Is Xiaosha growing up

"This is the case of the dragon people. Once they die, they may die, and they may be reborn with difficulty! This is Xiaosha's chance Xue an said lightly.

Zhang Xiaoyu nodded vaguely, what chance and so on, she didn't understand.

However, Zhang Xiaoyu's heart is full of joy when he hears that Xiaosha still has hope to live.

Master Xiaosha, you should be good. I'm waiting for you to wake up! Zhang Xiaoyu thought silently.

Just at this time, an Yan asked, "husband, what about these things?"

Xue an smiles. "Since you can't let go of it, you can put it in Fubao building and make a nest for Xiaosha. In this way, these precious Qi can help Xiaosha recover as soon as possible."

Dragon people are extremely greedy for money. Xiaosha belongs to Jiaolong, which is no exception.

Making a nest for Xiaosha with these treasures, though it can't make her wake up, is also of great benefit.

This method can be described as a new way, not that no one thought of it, but no one willing to do it!

Among all the heaven, Xue an had such a large amount of money to make a nest for a dying dragon clan.

Anyan and others naturally have no opinion. Although Hu Ying understands this truth, as a princess of the country of fox in Qingqiu, she really doesn't care about this thing.

At this time, with a wave of Xue an's hand, Fu Bao's small building appeared in the air, and then saw a flash of light, where all the wealth was flying, and then scrambled to rush into it.

Even at such a speed, they still absorbed a full meal, and then all the treasures were inhaled into the Fubao building.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly let out a light, because after the mountain of treasures disappeared, there was a shining light floating in the air, which was not moved by the light of Fubao building.

Xue an's heart moved, and then came to the light before, and so on a detailed end, Xue an's face suddenly became solemn.

Because he saw that in this brilliance, it was a sharp three edged sword.

It is said that they are knives, but the three tips are actually three Jiaoshou, but because of the long history, the three dragons have already died.But even so, you can still feel the cold and killing meaning of this magic weapon.

At this time, an Yan also came to Xue an's front. When he saw the three pointed two blade sword, he was stunned.

"Honey, this is..."

Xue an took a deep breath. "Yes, this is the weapon of Erlang Shenjun."

Said, Xue an stretched out his hand, slowly into the light, holding the magic weapon.

As soon as he started, the three pointed two blade sword suddenly trembled and began to resist. However, because he had been imprisoned for too long, the magic soldier was extremely weak, but even so, he was resisting, which shows the strong nature of the weapon.

Xue an sighed and his eyes flashed. He sealed the magic weapon temporarily and pulled it out slowly.

At this time, people can see that the three pointed two-edged knife is scarred and bloodstained. Even after such a long time, people can still feel the tragedy of the original war.

Xue an gently stroked the magic weapon.

Everyone was silent.

After a while, Xue an just regained consciousness, and then laughed, "since it is the weapon left by elder Erlang, don't take it away! Leave it to Jiang xunnan and wait for Xiaotian's return here! "

With that, Xue an raised his hand and danced the knife into a flower, then stabbed it forward.

The magic weapon penetrated the space and disappeared.

At the same time, in the Li hen temple, Jiang xunnan, who is discussing things with Zuimeng and Yan Meishu, suddenly feels that the space around him is shaking and has not yet waited for her to react.

The three pointed two edged knife had already penetrated the void and flew to her.

All of them were stunned. At this time, Xue an's voice came from the three pointed two blade sword.

"This sword is the weapon of elder Erlang. You can keep it when you look for the south. Wait for the return of general Xiaotian!"

Jiang xunnan's face was su when he heard the speech and said, "yes!"

Then Xue an said faintly: "this matter has already, you three people are good to take charge of this realm, I wait to go also!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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