But it was too late.

In this moment, the streamer has been flying to the near.

At this time, Xing Yushu could see clearly what the streamer was. It was a bright sword.

At the same time.

After listening to a dull sound.

The streamer went straight through without hindrance.

Then the body of the demon ghost was frozen in place.

Everything became quiet.

The sword disappeared after cutting the demon ghost.

The seal script, which just radiated gold light above the city wall, returned to normal.

Xing Yushu looked at it stupidly.

At this time, but see this demon ghost in the middle of the body showed a wisp of thin cracks, and then rapidly expanded.

In an instant, the demon ghost will be in two, and then slowly fall down.

But before it fell to the ground, the body turned into dust and disappeared.

At this point, the demon ghost, who had just flaunted his power, perished.

Xing Yushu couldn't believe his eyes.

He can naturally feel the strength of this demon ghost. It can be said that even if his grandfather is not injured, it is estimated that it is difficult to overcome.

So just now Xing Yushu has decided to fight the death.

But I didn't expect that this demon ghost was cut into nothingness by a sword.

How powerful is it to have such a great power?

Is it a strong passer-by?

Xing Yushu's heart was in doubt and looked up at the night sky.

All of a sudden, he seemed to think of something and ran away.

When he came to the courtyard where Xue an lived, he raised his hand to smash the door, but the door opened slowly.

Xue an stood behind the door, smiling at Xing Yushu, "brother Xing, haven't you slept so late? I just wanted to find you. What was that thing just now

Xing Yushu looked at Xue an with a gentle smile and his eyes flickered.

He had doubted that the sword had been cast by this unknown man.

But when I saw Xue an, the idea suddenly disappeared.

Because no matter how you look at it, the young man in white has nothing strange except his cool temperament.

What's more, I don't know what the demon ghost was just now?

Thinking of this, Xing Yushu hung down his head and said in a low voice: "nothing. Go back to sleep honestly. Don't mess out if you're OK."

Having said that, Xing Yushu turned and left.

Xue an looks at his back, smiles, closes the door again, and then looks at the distant sky, light way.

"Even the nine character truth has spread. Things are really more and more interesting!"

When Xing Yushu returned to the vermilion building, Xing Yuhe had recovered some consciousness. But now he was so weak that he didn't know what was going on outside. He just felt that the ghost's breath had disappeared and disappeared. He could not help but wonder.

When he saw Xing Yushu come in, he forced him to ask, "what's going on? What's going on out there? "

Xing Yushu did not speak, but went straight to the bedside, standing there blankly!

"Yushu, what's going on outside? What about the demon? " Xing Yu he asked anxiously.

"Death Dead

"Dead?" Xing Yuhe was relieved, "was he killed by the nine character truth?"

Xing Yushu shook his head, "no!"

Xing Yu he a Leng, "that is how to return a responsibility?"

After he struck the sword, he lost consciousness and naturally did not know what was going on outside.

Xing Yushu took a deep breath, trembled slightly, and said with some fright on his face: "yes A sword light comes down from the sky and cuts this demon ghost into nothingness

Xing Yuhe's heart is also a shock, emotional excitement, affect the old injury, can not help but is a burst of violent cough.

Xing Yushu woke up from the confusion just now and rushed forward to massage his grandfather.

After a long time, Xing Yuhe just eased over and said, "tell me what happened just now."

Xing Yushu nodded and did not dare to hide anything. He said everything directly.

After listening, Xing Yu he was silent.

But Xing Yushu said in a low voice: "grandfather, I suspected that the guy did it at that time, but I found out after I went over that he didn't seem to know anything about it."

Xing Yuhe shook his head. "It shouldn't be him. After all, as you said, the power of that sword has gone beyond the category of ordinary strong men and reached the peak! Even in the whole continent, there are only a few people who can possess such swordsmanship. They can only be achieved after hundreds of years of tempering. It can never be possessed by such a young man! "

"You mean..."Xing Yuhe sighed: "it should be a strong sword immortal passing by."

Xing Yushu listened leisurely, "Sword Fairy! Grandfather, is there really a sword fairy in the world

Xing Yuhe chuckled and shook his head. "Of course, there are, and they are all extremely powerful people."

"Stronger than your school?" Xing Yushu asked quietly.

Xing Yu He's face was su. "It can't be compared, but my school's inheritance is very old and powerful. I'm just one of the humble disciples."

Speaking of this, Xing Yuhe stretched out his hand and gently stroked Xing Yushu's head. "Yushu, I was trapped by natural talent, and my achievements were very limited. But you are different from me. Your talent is far better than that of me. So I hope that after you inherit my opportunity and join the school, you should practice well and surpass me!"

Xingyushu smell speech, tears in his eyes, sad low head, "grandfather, I don't want any chance, I want to accompany you!"

"Silly child, these words can be said to me. Don't casually say them to others, because you know how precious this opportunity is? If it was not for my immortality that you would not be able to inherit, why should I keep you waiting here so long? "

Speaking of this, Xing Yuhe's expression became a little gloomy.

"But..." What else does Xing Yushu want to say.

Xing Yu crane raised his eyebrows and said in an angry voice, "but what? Have you forgotten what I said to you before

"I dare not forget the jade book!" Seeing his grandfather angry, Xing Yushu bowed down in a hurry and said in a trembling voice.

"As a son of the Xing family, how can you be so confused? Do you know how many people coveted for my chance at the beginning, but you lost your enterprising heart because of your emotion? "

Xing Yushu's face turned white and his lips were closed.

After seeing this, Xing Yuhe said softly: "you have also seen the posture of a real immortal today. Naturally, you understand how precious the chance to have this power is. So don't talk about these stupid words in the future. Understand?"

"Well!" Xing Yushu gave a low reply.

At this time, there was a crow outside the window.

Xing Yuhe said faintly: "it's dawn. Help me up and go to see how the seal characters on the city wall are."

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