At the beginning, Xing didn't care.

Xing Yushu learned this skill when he was a child, but now he has no longer studied it.

Because in this precarious era, unless those well fed nobles spend their time, who is in the mood to study painting?

But Xue an's performance now proves a conjecture in Xing Yushu's heart.

This guy must be or at least was a noble before, otherwise he would not have such good education and knowledge.

But in addition, he did not even have a spiritual power fluctuation.

This makes Xing Yushu shake his head.

He who is useless is a scholar.

This is not a joke at this time.

This guy has no ability at all. He dares to run around outside. It's lucky that he didn't die!

Xing Yushu thought about it for a while and then decided to leave.

But at this time, the crowd made a burst of exclamation.

"Wow! How beautiful

"My God, it's just like living!"

These exclamations made Xing Yushu a little stunned and couldn't help looking up.

Then he was stunned.

On top of the gate, a vivid dragon was taking shape under Xue an's pen.

Even though it is very far away, Xing Yushu can still feel the majestic momentum from this giant dragon.

At that moment, Xing Yushu even thought the dragon was alive.

This can not help but make Xing Yushu a little silly

apart from other things, Xue an is not ordinary with his amazing painting skills.

Even Xing Yuhe was stunned when he saw the Dragon drawn by Xue an.

Finally, Xue an finished the last stroke, then stepped back a few steps, nodded with satisfaction, and then turned to Xiao Rui and said with a smile: "good looking?"

Xiao Rui's eyes were almost seeing flowers. After hearing Xue an's words, she nodded her head crazily, "good-looking! Big brother, you are so good! But big brother, why does this dragon have no eyes

With that, Xiao Rui pointed to the head of the dragon.

People watched.

Sure enough.

In the head of this giant dragon, the place that should have been eyes was blank.

Xue an smile, and then gently touched Xiao Rui's head, "silly child, because if I draw eyes, this dragon will come back to life!"

Xiao Rui gradually stares round eyes, obviously has believed Xue an's words.

But all the people around him were suspicious.

Drawing eyes can make a dragon come alive?

How can this sound like the Arabian Nights!

Even Xing Yushu couldn't help being stunned at the smell of speech, and then looked at his grandfather.

Xing Yuhe shook his head slightly.

Because even he had never heard of the saying that drawing eyes can make a painted dragon come alive.

I can't even hear about the secret arts of Taoism.

Seeing his grandfather had never heard of it, Xing Yushu could not help but snort, and his appreciation of xue'an just disappeared.

Because in his opinion, Xue an is obviously blowing the air in order to show his extraordinary.

This made Xing Yu disdain the heart of the book, so he turned around and left.

But his attitude did not affect Xiao Rui's worship of Xue an.

Wait until three days have passed.

Finally, the restoration of the city wall was completed, and the seal characters on the wall were all redrawn.

All of us are breathing.

In any case, it is not easy to survive in this troubled time. As for the bitter point, it is nothing at all.

After this incident, Xue an's status also rose. No matter where he went, someone would respectfully call him Mr.

Every day, three meals, also some people rush to deliver.

But Xue an accepted these things without hesitation.

But in the vermilion building, Xing Yuhe's looks are getting worse and worse day by day.

Xing Yushu also no longer went out, but all day long waiting in front of his grandfather's bed, because Xing Yuhe was teaching him everything he knew.

Every time he said a few words, he would stop to have a rest for a while, because his physical strength had reached the extremely weak point.

But even so, Xing Yuhe did not want to delay, but insisted on biting his teeth.

This let Xing Yushu listen to listen, then can not help choking.

Of course, the outside world has no way to know.

Only Xue an, from time to time, looked at this vermilion building and sighed slightly.

And when Fengmo town returned to peace.

On the road thousands of miles away from the wind devil Town, a team of people came slowly.

This group of men and horses seems to come out of the dark, black horse and black car, as far as you can see, everything is black.And when you get closer, you'll be surprised to find that these chariots and horses are actually three feet above the ground, hanging in the air.

This also makes the motorcade go on without a sound, just like a ghost out of hell.

In such a chilling atmosphere, the curtain of the carriage in the middle was gently lifted away, and a hand was stretched out.

One finger is like scallion, slender and beautiful hand.

Then the hand swung slightly and the motorcade stopped in an instant.

Then, in front of the carriage in the ground, gushed a black gas.

When the black air dispersed, there was a man in a black hat, but his lower body was like a ghost, turning into layers of mist.

"How far is it?" A cold voice came from the carriage, and the darkness trembled as far as the sound could reach.

"Report back to the princess, now that I can clearly feel the breath of that old guy, and it's getting stronger and stronger. This shows that the old guy can't control his injury, so he can't suppress his poison! As far as we can see, it is no more than a thousand miles. " The man in Black said with a flattering smile.

There was silence for a moment in the carriage, and then the carriage trembled slightly. A beautiful woman with cold and beautiful lips appeared slowly.

Seeing her face, including the man in black, all the people in the motorcade bowed.

The woman did not pay attention to these, but looked up at the road which disappeared in the dark in the distance. After a moment, she said coldly: "since we can feel it, other people can also. So if we want to win the chance, we must be ahead of everyone! So I don't want to hear about the range. What I want is how far and when can I get there! Do you understand? "

With that, the woman glanced at the man.

The man trembled all over, then bowed down in a hurry, "Princess Baili, don't worry, I will try my best to live up to my mission!"

"Good! Let's go all out now. I want to see him in front of me by tomorrow


The curtain was put down again, and the man in black wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

He knew better than anyone the end of the task.

Because the one who gives orders is the top authority in the kingdom of Jing, the eldest daughter of the Baili family, who is called the hundred Li Shao of the dark princess.

So after a little hesitation, the man waved, "go

The ghost convoy suddenly began to accelerate, then turned into a black light, disappeared on the vast ancient road.

And the direction is directed at Fengmo town. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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