There was a dead silence.

All of them were staring.

Because at the moment, the jungle that once covered the whole land has disappeared, revealing the dark and humid land below.

Death Dead?

Just as the thought hovered in everyone's mind, only a terrible howl came from far away.

Then people saw a spectacle.

But see in the distant sky, a red light straight into the sky, and continue to spread the sound of explosion.

"Rao Life

A cry for mercy spread across thousands of miles and reached everyone's ears.

Xing Yushu's teeth trembled and his whole body trembled.

Because he recognized the sound.

Tree demon and ghost king!

He's begging for mercy!

So, the red light.

A lot of people suddenly understand something.

However, Xue an, standing in the void, just smiles, then slowly retracts his fist and says faintly: "I thought you could hold up my two fists, but it's a pity I don't want to be beaten! "

Because under xue'an's blow, not only the jungle covering the whole land was smashed, but also the giant tree which towered into the clouds in the middle of the territory began to fall.

And this giant tree is the body of the tree demon and ghost king.

As a plant into the existence of the ghost Road, this tree demon king in theory can be said to be immortal!

Because after thousands of years of operation, his roots have covered the whole continent.

The growth of the jungle, in fact, is from his roots.

It can be said that this seemingly vast sea of forests is actually a tree bred by him.

Under this kind of near terror vitality blessing, this tree demon ghost King's strength may not compare with those powerful ghost king.

But he has a body that is almost immortal.

As long as you can't hurt his root, you can't eradicate him completely.

This is the reason why the king of the tree demon and ghost is so bold and bold.

In fact, after being crushed by Xue an's first blow.

This tree demon ghost King almost instantly turned to the body.

At that time, his heart was full of happiness, and even filled with hatred for Xue an. He was ready to find Xue an's troubles later.

But the idea just rose, and Xue an's second punch had already arrived.

Although the breeding forest was destroyed, the tree demon king was seriously injured, but it did not hurt the root.

But when the boxing power and body, the tree demon ghost King finally found that he could not resist the power of this fist.

The tree trunk, which is as firm as a magic weapon, is not much better than tofu under this force, and almost instantly begins to crumble.

The thick branches swayed wildly and then plummeted down.

The sharp pain of the destruction of this noumenon made the tree demon king finally feel the fear of death.

But as soon as he called out to spare his life, the thick tree trunk cracked and fell to the ground like a building.

In an instant, he was seriously injured, and under the damage of the spirit, he burst out red light, and even reflected the sky.

Although all the people in front of Fengmo town didn't see it with their own eyes, the concussion of the heaven and earth Qi machine told them what was happening.

Zeng Jialiang and Jin HaoTu, who thought everything was over, were scared to death.

What is the existence of tree demon and ghost king?

That's a strong man that even Jingguo doesn't dare to provoke easily!

As a result, he was beaten to pieces by the young man in white?

How could this not have alarmed the two men.

On the contrary, it was just a hundred Li Shaoguang, which had just begun to palpitation. At this time, he gradually regained consciousness.

At this time, I saw in front of Xue an, a very thin shadow began to emerge, and then knelt in the void to kowtow to Xue an crazily.

Everyone was silent.

Kneeling people, of course, is the tree demon ghost king who just flaunted his power.

But now he can be said to be extremely miserable, not only has no prestige, even this wisp of spirit also more and more thin up.

Xue an quietly looked at the virtual figure kneeling at his feet, a faint smile.

"What else do you want to say before you die?"

The virtual image of the tree demon and ghost King fluctuated for a while, and then, in a very weak voice, he screamed wildly: "forgive me, my Lord. I don't know your Majesty's power. How offending, please forgive me. Please spare my life!"

Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "It's not creative. I thought you wanted to say something! As for sparing your life... "

Do you think it's possible for Xue an to smile

The ghost king of the tree was shocked, and the virtual image was shocked. He almost lost his soul."My Lord, I would like to take refuge in you. I have so many treasures that I can dedicate to you. I..."

Xue an didn't want to listen any more. He took a deep breath slowly and then spit it out.


There was a strong wind.

This tree demon ghost King screamed, the extremely fragile spirit was blown away and disappeared between heaven and earth.

At the same time, everyone felt that something that had been above the land suddenly collapsed.

In an instant, even the breath has become much smoother.

But Xue an didn't stop there. He looked down at the earth and said, "do you think I can't see the tree roots hidden in the ground?"

With that, Xue an landed like a shell.


The earth shakes.

Then, with Xue an's feet as the center, cracks suddenly appear and radiate wildly.

In an instant, the whole land fell apart.

And all the roots hidden in the thick soil were directly shocked into powder by the force of this foot, completely cutting off all the vitality of the tree demon ghost king.

People are all stupid eyes, staring at.

At this time, Xing Yuhe's body slowly fell to the ground, and the cage that had bound Xing Yushu was also broken.

When he regained his freedom, he immediately urged his body to come to Xing Yuhe, who was still unknown about his life and death.

"Grandfather Xing Yushu tears can not stop falling, and then suddenly think of something, raised his head to look at Xue an with infinite hope.

"Xue My Lord, please help my grandfather! I'm wrong before. I'll apologize to you! "

With that, Xing Yushu flopped and knelt on the ground.

Xue an looked at the Xing Yushu with pity, "your grandfather's life is cut off, and no one can save him. Now he is only supported by a belief!"

When Xing Yushu heard the speech, the whole person was frozen in place.

Xue an shook his head, raised his hand and pointed, and then flew into Xing Yuhe's eyebrows.

A moment later.

Xing Yuhe snorted and opened his eyes slowly.

But at the moment, his eyes are so dim that they can even be described as gray and empty.

After a while, when he saw Xue an standing in front of him, his eyes gradually showed a little light, and then he said in a respectful whisper as if he had some more understanding.

"I've seen you, master!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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