Xingyu wanted to tell her grandfather's story again, but she didn't know that Ciyun didn't listen to him at all. Instead, she waved impatiently.

"All right, then you can go on!"

"But..." Xing Yushu was stunned and wanted to go on.

But unexpectedly, Ciyun glared and snorted: "but what? Now you are left alone. If you don't want to be assessed, you can quit as soon as possible, saving everyone's time! "

Xing Yushu's face was white, and his anger was faint in his eyes.

Because before this Ciyun in the face of those rich children is not this attitude.

As a teenager who had not experienced too much, how could he bear such humiliation.

But at this time, only listen to the light words of Xue an behind him: "in this case, then you go up the ladder first!"

Xing Yushu bit his teeth and took a cold look at Ciyun. Then he lowered his head and went to the ladder.

But his attitude, but let the heart of this Ciyun is not happy.

He could not help but sneer at him. With your attitude, would you like to pass the examination?

The whole audience focused on Xing Yushu. Some people discussed something with the people around them, and sometimes pointed to Xue an and Xing Yushu, and then gave out bursts of harsh laughter.

"Aren't these two guys stupid?"

"Who said no, I dare to contradict elder Ciyun. I'm really impatient to live!"

"Tut Tut, I want to pass the examination with this eyesight. It's wishful thinking!"

These comments floated into Xing Yushu's ears, making the young man's heart more and more cold.

Didn't my grandfather say that as long as he got here, he could get a chance?

But what's going on?

Why is everything different from what he said?

Xing Yushu thought in silence, and then looked up to see the sky ladder extending into the clouds.

Anyway, try it first!

He took a deep breath and stepped up the ladder.

The originally stable ladder suddenly began to tremble, which had never happened before.

At this time, Xing Yu'an continued to be afraid

Hearing Xue an's words, Xing Yushu gritted his teeth and simply put aside everything. His eyes showed a fierce look, and then he climbed up.

Seeing this, Ciyun sneered in his heart and then looked at Xue an, who was standing in the distance.

Is this the guy who offended the Sheng family? It's a pity that I can't see the situation clearly.

At the same time, we can see that the xingyushu has climbed to half the height quickly, and the whole process is like walking on the ground, and even the sky ladder has shown a trace of brilliance.

This shows that Xing Yushu's talent in Taoism is amazing.

But Ciyun didn't even bother to look at it.

For him, hosting the opening ceremony was an opportunity that he had earned very hard. He could take the opportunity to amass wealth.

And if he didn't want to let Xing Yushu pass, no matter how talented he was, he could never pass it!

What's more, there are Sheng family and Lu family in it. Of course, he wants to sell each other's face.

Therefore, when he saw that Xing Yushu was about to climb to the clouds, he pinched a decision seal in his sleeve and then recited it silently.

Break up!

Click, a crisp sound, but see the ladder of heaven condensed by the Taoist method shaking, and then began to disperse.

Xing Yushu felt that his feet were unstable and his palms were not stressed. His heart was full of horror.

But he saw that the cloud was right in front of him, so he wanted to rush to it as soon as he gritted his teeth and put all his accomplishments into practice.

But on this ladder, all his accomplishments have been sealed, just like a mortal.

Therefore, this short distance has become so far away.

And his body began to fall.

This time, many people who are still kind-hearted can not help exclaiming.

But Ciyun and others showed a smile of satisfaction.

Especially Sheng Manyu, she looked at Xue an sarcastically with a sneer in her heart.

Don't you boast about what we are all ants?

I'll see what you're going to do!

But her pride just lasted a few seconds, then was interrupted.

Because at this moment, Xue an looked up at the beginning of the collapse of the ladder, her eyes were cold as iron, and she said faintly: "are you so bad at the handed down Dao fa? Coagulation

At an order.

The already weak and invisible ladder suddenly showed a brilliant brilliance, and then it became solid.

And Xing Yushu took advantage of this opportunity to climb a few, then ascended into the cloud.

As soon as he entered the cloud, his body appeared above the ground.Then the ladder broke.

The audience was shocked.

No one expected such a reversal.

Those who thought that Xing Yushu would never pass the examination were all stupid at the moment.

Once you cross the sky ladder, you can even worship the gate of Jinding Pavilion!

It's just like a little cloud to eat.

At this time, Xing Yushu was a little excited and called out: "my Lord, I passed. My grandfather can rest assured now!"

At the end of the day, the voice was choking.

But at this time, the Ciyun elder suddenly shook his head and drank coldly, "wait! Who said you passed? "

Xing Yushu was stunned and turned to look at Ciyun, "what do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" With a ferocious look on his face, Ciyun raised his hand to xue'an and said coldly, "boy, what kind of sorcery and evil method did you just use? You're cheating on this boy by condensing the sky ladder that is about to break up

Hearing this, Su junneng and others are even more agitated.

"Yes, cheating

"This guy must have some evil ways! Even he may be a member of the ghost sect

All sorts of vicious conjectures go on and on.

Xing Yushu's face was as pale as paper. He looked at the crowd of people who were angry and didn't know what to say.

Xue an laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"Is it disgusting?"

Xing Yushu hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

Xue an sighed, "me too! Just give them another chance

Speaking of this, Xue an's eyes showed a bright light and said coldly, "jade book, light the two soul chopping lamps left by your grandfather! I Give them another quarter of an hour

Xing Yushu nodded in a daze. Although he didn't know why Xue an wanted to do this, he now obeyed Xue an almost blindly, so he took out the two soul killing lamps from his backpack and lit them.

The candle flickered through the white lantern, and Ciyun and others were all a little surprised, and then looked at each other and laughed.

"Here comes the lantern? Isn't it funny? "

"Who said no! Another quarter of an hour? Who does he think he is? "

In these sarcasm, Xue an stood aloof, his face as cold as ice.

For no reason, Ciyun felt a tight heart.

As for those who just laughed, they could not help but restrain their laughter.

Time is a breath, a breath of the past.

Soon, a quarter of an hour is near.

Everything is as usual.

The crowd began to stir up a little, and Sheng Man Yu could not help but be ready to make sarcasm.

But at this time, the earth suddenly a burst of light tremor, and then listen to behind the Jinding Pavilion spread a full of surprise female voice.

"Yu He, is that you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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