Lu Lingfan deeply kowtowed, "my Lord, I have secretly modified the array pattern of the traditional evolution God tripod according to your orders!"

"Good! Well done The female voice was very satisfied.

Lu Lingfan's heart lit up a flame of hope, and then raised his head, full of hope to look at the unknown dark depths.

"My Lord, will you help me revive my family?"

The voice just fell, only listen to a plop, Lu Lingfan fell to the ground, struggling in pain.

The female voice gave out a burst of sneer, then sneer way.

"You have to make sure that everything you have now is given to you by me. Even if you understand the lovesickness magic spell, it is because of my help that you can succeed! So you should always remember that what I give you is yours. If I don't, you can never ask for it! Otherwise I'll make life worse than death! Do you understand? "

The corner of his mouth has already shed black blood, and Lu Lingfan, who is about to faint, burst out two words from his teeth.


The pain of hitting the depths of his soul faded like the tide. Lu Lingfan was paralyzed on the ground, breathing with a big mouth.

At this time, the female voice said faintly, "do you know why I want you to modify the array pattern on the evolution God tripod?"

Lu Lingfan shook his head.

"Because once the array pattern is modified, the rules attached to it will be invalid. That is to say, all the people who enter it will face a real catastrophe of life and death at this big match! And then... "

The female voice let out a burst of complacent sneer, "several big Dongtian forces will be caught in one net, and you will be the only master left. At that time, even the whole world will be yours. Why cling to a small Lu family?"

Hearing these words, Lu Lingfan's eyes gradually widened and looked into the darkness with an extremely frightened eye.

Because she did not expect that this mysterious woman who suddenly appeared at her side and seduced her by giving her strong talent would be so crazy.

Even want to kill all the people in Dongtian.

It's a terrible idea.

Lu Lingfan trembled a little, and then couldn't help saying, "big My Lord, will even our Acacia garden be the same then? "

"What do you think?" She said with a smile.

Lu Lingfan trembled even more. Suddenly, she thought of something and said in a loud voice: "but my Lord, there is only one person from Mingxin palace. Even if all the people are killed, it is a Mingxin palace, and it is very difficult to be provoked!"

The female voice laughed and said, "that's good! Those sword maniacs are really hard to deal with, but don't worry. Since I asked you to do it, it means that I'm well prepared! "

"Think about it. When you take charge of the power in this world and become a well deserved queen, you will understand how ridiculous the so-called family relationship is!" Women's voice "follow good advice".

In her voice, it seems that there is a very strong demagogue, Lu Lingfan after hearing the speech, eyes began to darken, and then chuckled.

"Yes, my Lord!"

In this dark tide surging, this big contest of orthodoxy finally arrived.

Until this day.

Everyone heard the wind and moved, and they came to the venue used by the big match early.

In the middle of this huge square is a high platform with a height of 100 Zhang. On the platform, there is a huge tripod surrounded by auspicious clouds.

The crowd was noisy.

"Is that the evolution God tripod handed down from ancient times? What a spectacle One of the first time to participate in the Daoist big match asked in shock.

"That's right. It's the evolution God tripod which is said to be made by the founders of the seven caves and has infinite magical effect! Although it is not the first time, I can't help but marvel at it Someone sighed.

In the midst of all this noise.

Strong men from all over the cave also arrived one after another.

But see each other clearly, all in the nervous preparation.

We can see the strength of each other.

The higher the ranking of Dongtian, the more people, the more powerful.

For example, the disciples of the second cave Hall of enchanting souls occupy a large area.

And the lower the ranking, the fewer people.

But at the end of the crowd, it was a clearing.

Seeing this scene, Fang Xingan could not help but feel a little stunned.

Because according to the ranking, the open space should have been the location of Jinding Pavilion.

But now it's empty, which means that the people in Jinding Pavilion haven't arrived yet.

Fang Xingan's heart sank slightly.

What's going on?

How come the people from Jinding Pavilion haven't come yet?

His heart is confused, Meiqing suddenly some mysterious said: "Fang Xiaoyou, look over there, that is the recent momentum of Lu Lingfan!"Fang Xingan turned his head and looked.

Sure enough, not far away, Lu Lingfan stood in the crowd of Acacia garden, silent.

When he saw her, Fang Xingan raised his eyebrows and let out a little light.

Because he found that in this woman, it seemed that there was a cold and dark air that could not be concealed.

It can be cultivated in Acacia garden, but the orthodox Taoist skills, how can there be black gas?

At this time, Mei Qing said with some hope: "Fang Xiaoyou, this woman's strength can not be underestimated. After entering Dabi, I hope you can take more care of muxue!"

Fang Xingan put down the doubts in his heart and gave a slight smile. "Don't worry about the leader of Mei school. I will try my best, but I'm weak. If I can't catch up, I hope I can forgive you!"

Mei Qing was overjoyed and said with a smile, "Fang Xiaoyou is so polite! With your protection, there will be no loss! "

Just as he was talking here, he saw several streamers flying to him in an instant, and then stayed in the area of Jinding Pavilion.

When the streamer dissipated, it was Xue an and Xing Yushu.

And their appearance also caused a stir in the audience.

"Coming, coming! Here comes the people from Jinding Pavilion

"Hiss, how dare you dare to come here!"

In these comments, Lu Lingfan coldly looks at Xue an in the distance without saying a word.

Lin's, don't be afraid of the impulse

Lu Lingfan laughed and said, "OK!"

Sha Miaoyi suddenly felt a little surprised, because she always felt that her beloved disciple was a little strange today, but she couldn't tell me what was wrong.

At the same time.

Next to the Jinding Pavilion, the two door owners of the sixth and fifth cave can't help but look at each other.

Xie tianwu of the sixth cave, with a smile, passed a trace of divinity to the thunder frost blade of the fifth cave.

"Lord Lei, remember our agreement. After you go in, you should deal with this young boy first."

Lei Shuang edge smiles and nods, and then greedily licks his lips. He thinks that the Golden Tripod Pavilion is already in his bag.

In this kind of intrigue, Xue an, who was gathered by countless evil eyes, gently raised his head and looked at the holy tripod. Suddenly, a strange color flashed in his eyes. Then he raised the corners of his mouth and laughed coldly.

It's interesting!

At this time, there was a sudden light rising from the divine tripod, and then extended to cover the whole square directly.

Everyone just felt that there was a flower in front of them, and then the scenery in front of them suddenly changed.

The former square no longer exists, and what appears in front of him is a huge, like a Colosseum.

"The grand ratio of orthodoxy, official start!"

With the emergence of this line of gold lettering, countless Guanghua soared into the sky, and a scuffle began. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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