Since ancient times, we have never heard of anyone holding a sword!

Fang Xingan snorted and was obviously injured, but he had no time to pay attention to it. He raised his eyebrows and cried in a deep voice, "who are you?"

Lu Lingfan giggled, "me? Naturally, I am the first true biography of Acacia garden, Lu Lingfan

"No, you will never be her!" Fang Xingan said in a cold voice, then raised the sword in his hand. The tip of the sword trembled and pointed at Lu Lingfan.

"You have the spirit of demon and ghost hidden in you

One word and the whole audience was shocked.

"What? Ghost? How could that be possible? " Someone exclaimed.

"Yes, what demons and ghosts can escape the detection of the orthodox evolution God tripod?"

"But this Lu Lingfan is really strange!"

In the whole discussion, Lu Lingfan's mouth curled out a palpitating arc, and then chuckled.

"I'm really worthy of walking! But I didn't lie. I was Lu Lingfan! But now I am much stronger than ever! "

With that, Lu Lingfan stretched out her lilac tongue, licked her dry lips, and said to the side of Zhongli muxue, "are you the real biography of the enchanting hall, the mortal enemy of the body?"

Zhongli muxue was shocked all over. Although she was frightened in her heart, her arrogance as a strong man made her look calm down in an instant, and then said in a cold voice: "yes! I am Zhong Li Mu Xue

"Good! Then this feast, let's start with you! I have Can't wait

And then, with the roar of the snow, he lifted his hand and left it.

Where he passed, there were bursts of plaintive voice, as if a person was weeping because of his deep love.

"Lovesickness magic spell!" There was a cry of surprise.

Zhong Li Mu Xue takes a deep breath. Naturally, she can see the strangeness of Lu Lingfan. But now it's not the time to tangle with these things. Even if it's for the prestige of the enchanting hall, she can't retreat!

As a result, her eyebrows suddenly twinkled with silver lines, and quickly spread to the whole forehead, and connected with her eyes, forming a very strange flower mother.

"Since we have already missed each other, we have to cross the industry!" Zhong Li Mu snow light drink, a silver light will directly meet the blast to the Acacia mantra!

"It's the cross industry divine pattern! Xiangsiyuan and xiaohunguan are the old enemies who have been fighting for thousands of years Someone sighed.

But before everyone could react, Fang Xingan suddenly seemed to understand something and suddenly swung his sword.

"Be careful!"

As soon as his voice fell, he saw that the lovesickness mantra, which was just like crying, suddenly changed into a ferocious evil ghost, and he would swallow the attacking ferocious divine pattern.

Zhong Li Mu Xue exclaimed, that is, at this time, Fang Xing'an's sword has arrived, directly cutting on the head of this ferocious devil.


With a light sound, the evil ghost transformed by the mantra will be in a different place.

But before Fang Xing'an breathed a sigh of relief, the ghost's head instantly returned to its original state, and its shape changed. With one mouth, he bit Fang Xingan's sword and chewed it into pieces.

Fang Xingan's face was white, and his eyes were dim in an instant.

To know that as a sword cultivation, the most important thing is to cultivate the meaning of the sword in your heart.

So he hit the air twice in succession, and even the sword was broken, which made Fang Xingan suffer a lot of internal injury.

At the same time, there was a big uproar.

Fang Xing'an just said that Lu Ling is a demon and ghost, many people still don't believe it.

But just that scene, people can see with their own eyes, that is about to condense into the essence of ghost gas, but can not be fake.

And Fang Xing'an's failure made many people's hair stand on end.

Even Sha Miaoyi, Lu Lingfan's master and master of Acacia garden, can't help but open his eyes.

"Lingfan, what's going on?"

Voice just fell, see a black awn into a long whip, suddenly appeared in the sand behind Miao Yi, a whip will be drawn on her back.

Caught off guard, Sha Miaoyi's back gave out a burst of dense explosion, and then she was pulled out. After landing, Sha Miaoyi opened his mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood.

It was a shock.

Everyone was stupid.

Lu Lingfan burst out laughing, and in the laughter, her eyes gradually turned into pure black, and then she restrained the laughter and said coldly.

"Lingfan? My name is what you can call it? "

"You You traitor

All the elders in the Acacia garden reacted at this time. They were all angry and wanted to avenge their leader.

Koruling who did not take a look at them, behind the black awn into countless long whip, waving will cover these elders, a moment later, see these black awn suddenly closed, and then listen to the inside of the continuous scream.When the black light dispersed, a headless corpse fell one after another.

This scene saw a lot of people's hair chilling, sand wonderful meaning is more anxious anger attack heart, open mouth is a big mouth of blood spurt.

Lu Lingfan enjoyed this feeling very much. After taking a deep breath, he said slowly, "what a wonderful smell of blood! Cluck, Zhong Li Mu Xue, since you are my predestined enemy, I will kill you first! "

Said, a black awn in the time between the hair directly appeared in the center of the eyebrows from the Mu snow.

Clock from Mu snow scared all over a shudder, suddenly turned his head, can be regarded as can evade this blow.

At this time, however, it is just like a myriad of black water fleeing from behind.

All the people in the ecstasy hall screamed.

Mei Qing, the owner of the museum, is burning all over his body and trying to get out of trouble.

But it was all in vain.

But in a flash, all the people in the hall of enchantment, as well as Fang Xingan, were firmly bound up by the long whip made of black awns, and then lifted into the air.

A lot of people were so cold.

One of them, the weak willed, tried to get out of here.

Because in the past, if you feel that you are not the enemy, you can take the initiative to surrender and then withdraw.

But until this time, all the people were terrified to find that they were already inseparable.

Then Lu Lingfan burst out a burst of complacent laughter, "useless, here has been completely blocked, if you want to unseal, then only you all can die!"

"What do you want? What's good for you if we die? Don't you know that you can be resurrected if you are dead in this orthodox contest Someone roared in surprise.

But as soon as the voice fell, a black Datura flower suddenly grew out of the man's mouth, and then the huge rhizome burst his body completely. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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