She raised her head and looked at the mountain protection array.

Through the layers of fog, she could clearly see that in the wave formed by the dark clouds, the demon ghost with facial sores on his head was thousands of feet high, overlooking the Acacia garden.

Both eyes contact, the demon ghost Jie Jie strange smile a few times, but it is the beauty on his head, the facial sores take the lead to speak.

"Tut, I haven't seen you for a few days. Have you grown old? Bai Han, I am really puzzled. Is it worth paying so much for the Acacia garden that has been in name only? "

White Han sneers coldly, and then raises a hand to rush this demon ghost ferociously compared a middle finger.

"Yes! Do you care? "

"Hum! You guys are really stinky and tough. I'll see how long you can last

After saying that, the demon ghost raised his fist and hit the mountain protection array with one fist.


The light curtain of the mountain protection array flickered, and the whole Acacia garden trembled.

White Han does not give out accident again two big mouthfuls of blood again, appearance instantaneous and aging a few minutes, but tenaciously held up in the past.

But this demon ghost obviously had lost patience, did not plan to wait any longer, only saw him a burst of ferocious smile.

"I'll take you on the road now!"

Said, the other hand also lifted up, then ready to fall.

But it was just then.

But saw a blue sword suddenly from the vast black clouds, and then with a lightning speed from the demon ghost's wrist straight cut.


After a bang, the demon ghost gave a painful roar, and then his wrist broke.

"Who is it?" The demon roared.

But he responded with a rebuke.

"Sword like snow!"

The delicate sword awn completely covered the tall body of the demon ghost.

The sword is like snow, but it is invincible.

The demon ghost made a sound of pain, but this was not over, and then the golden light seal script poured into this demon ghost like no money.

In the bang bang bang bang bang bang, the body of this demon ghost was completely blown apart.

The huge head fell slowly.

All the people in the Acacia garden are looking at it. Bai Han is even more shocked.

At the same time, a group of people flew out of the dark clouds.

Tian Yuanqing is the leader.

They hardly stopped at all along the way, so they came so quickly.

At the sight of the people in Mingxin palace and Jinding Pavilion, the female disciples in the Acacia garden can't help but cry with joy.

White Han is to grow a breath more, and then stagger to stand up, toward the sky one arch hand.

"Thank you for your help

Although Tian Yuanqing doesn't recognize Bai Han, she can also guess what happened by looking at her bloodstains and aging appearance. Her complexion can't help but become very solemn.

"You are welcome

One side of Nian Xue Xin can't help but ask: "Daoyou, how long have our senior brothers been in Dabi?"

Bai Han said with a bitter smile: "already Three days

This number is a big surprise to everyone.

This is because the traditional big ratio usually ends in one day and has never been delayed to three days.

Tian Yuanqing's face was dignified, "where is the Taoist evolution God tripod now?"

"White Han said:" in the side of the giant city, I

She just wanted to say I'll take you to see what's going on!

But at this time, suddenly came a burst of female laughter.

Laughter was full of sarcasm.

"Who is it?" Tian Yuanqing shouts in a deep voice, and his body is surrounded by sword.

Other people are getting ready.

All over the sky, there was a sudden burst of wind and clouds. In an instant, a huge whirlpool appeared in the center of the sea of clouds. Then, in the cloud column of the whirlpool, a graceful woman's figure was slowly emerging.

Then he heard the woman give out a burst of complacent laughter, "what a group of interesting guys, at this time, they don't even give up? It's good to sacrifice you to the empress! "

With the words, the woman walked slowly out of the cloud column, when she saw her face.

White Han whole body trembles, issued a exclamation, "you are that The facial sores on that demon's head

"Yes, you are right!" she said with a smile

With that, she glanced at the audience and chuckled, "speaking of it, I have to thank you all, or I can't transform so quickly."

Tian Yuanqing's face was dignified, and he didn't talk nonsense. He raised his hand and chopped it with a sword.

He could feel that the ghost spirit of this woman was much stronger than that demon ghost just now.The strength is so strong that the world is trembling slightly.

So Tian Yuanqing wants to start first.

But I didn't expect that the sword had just rushed to the woman, and then it broke away.

"I really don't know how to fight and kill when I see someone else! In this way, people will be sad! " The woman is coquettish.

Tian Yuanqing's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, because he suddenly found that the spiritual power around him was fluctuating wildly.

At the same time, a cruel look flashed in the woman's eyes. "Since you want to kill me so much, I'll let you taste the taste of despair first."

Said, the woman suddenly pulled out the hairpin from the back of her head, a head of green silk pouring down, in the shadow of black clouds, there is a kind of illusory beauty.

The woman holds the hairpin and looks respectful. Then she raises her hand and paints in the air.

"Stop him!" Tian Yuanqing roared.

In fact, he didn't need to remind her, because no one knew what would happen after the woman finished writing, and no one wanted to try it.

You can see the shadow of the sword is heavy and the golden light is bright.

But all the attacks, to the woman near, it is like snow into the oven, quietly dissipated.

At the same time, a very pure black light flashed over the woman's hairpin, filling the last stroke.


This is a Fu Zhuan that exudes extremely evil and ferocious spirit. At the moment of its completion, the whole world suddenly sinks.

Tian Yuanqing, nianxuexin, Jinding Pavilion and xiangsiyuan all felt shocked. Then they were extremely frightened to find that their cultivation and spiritual power were sealed, and even their fingers could not move. They could only passively float in the air.

The woman let out a burst of proud laughter.

"You want to fight me? This is a ghost given to me by the empress herself

Nian Xuexin struggled for a few times and found that she couldn't move at all. She couldn't help but say, "demon ghost, if you have the ability, you can kill your aunt now. She's not afraid to die!"

"Kill you? Hehe, don't worry, none of you can live! But it's not here. After all, you are all strong, so you can't waste it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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