After the hairpin was crushed by Xue an, Tian Yuanqing and others had already got rid of the shackles, but when they saw the blow, they were all in a daze.

What a powerful boxing!

Tian Yuanqing's eyes flashed a look of horror.

One side of the read Snow heart but with a curious look at Xue an.

Because she found that this powerful young man in white looks smaller than his elder brother.

Such an age, but have such a strong cultivation, read Snow heart naturally full of curiosity.

At this time, Xue an felt that someone was spying on him. He could not help but turn his head and have a look. Seeing that she was a girl full of curiosity, and judging from her momentum, she was in line with Fang Xingan, so she nodded with a smile.

Read Snow heart whole body tremble, then very flustered low head.

Because she found that the eyes of the young man in white seemed to contain a vast ocean, which made people dare not look directly.

Reading snow heart's heart thump straight jump, the face can't help but flash the color of panic.

She had never seen such a deep and calm look in her eyes. Even if she looked at it for a while, she could not help falling into it.

At this time, Fang Xingan came forward and bowed his hand with great apology, "elder martial brother! This time... "

Tian Yuanqing waved his hand, "needless to say, this is a trap set by demons and ghosts. You and your Taoist friends will be ok if you have nothing to do!"

Fang Xingan is respectful and afraid of his elder martial brother, because the master is usually very lazy, and most of the things he teaches his disciples are done by his eldest disciple Tian Yuanqing.

Therefore, this elder martial brother is also half a master. In the whole Mingxin palace, no one is afraid of him except Nian Xuexin.

Therefore, although he knew that the elder martial brother would not blame himself, Fang Xingan could not help but feel relieved after hearing his words.

At this time, nianxuexin had returned to normal. She grabbed Fang Xingan's sleeve and asked curiously, "elder martial brother Fang, why did you delay so long in Dabi? What's the matter with the orthodox God tripod

This question is also Tian Yuanqing and Bai Han people want to ask.

Fang Xing'an sniffed at the speech and then sighed, "if you talk about it, it will be long!"

It turns out.

At that time, the demon ghost was attached to Lu Lingfan's body, secretly modified the talisman pattern on the Taoist evolution God tripod, set up a startling conspiracy, and tried to catch all the people who participated in the daotong Dabi.

But all these plans were smashed by Xue an.

At that time, many people had already died in the traditional evolution God tripod, and even if you fell into Xue an's hands, you would still be very arrogant. If you don't have her help, not only the dead people can't be revived, but also it will be very difficult for the remaining people to leave the evolution God tripod.

Even though it takes a long time for the tripod to change, it will take a lot of time for her to change the flow pattern outside, and it will take a lot of time for her to change the western pattern.

By then, the day lily will be cold.

Almost everyone was in despair.

In particular, people in the Acacia garden, who have been kept in the dark, are simply ashamed and indignant!

Because the whole thing is because Lu Lingfan lost his original intention and was greedy for improvement. As a result, evil spirits entered the body.

Without waiting for Xue an to speak, Sha Miaoyi, the head of the Acacia garden, and others gathered together and bound Lu Lingfan with the secret method of his school. They prepared to wait for the evolution of the divine cauldron, and then split the blade into corpses, killing all the spirits.

But none of this helped the situation at that time.

Youlan is laughing, thinking that without their own help, these people will be trapped in this.

But her pride lasted only for a short time.

Xue an did not kill her, but directly sealed a wisp of her divinity, and then said faintly: "just a piece of rune, do you really think I can't do it?"

After that, he began to repair the talisman pattern in his haunted and frightened eyes.

To know that it is two different things to modify in it and to modify it directly outside. At least, the difficulty will soar many times, because this can only be achieved by directly invading the core of the array of symbols through a huge mind.

This is an extremely dangerous act. If you are not careful, the spirit will be damaged.

But all this may be difficult for others, but for Xue an, it's just a matter of more hands and feet.

Therefore, within a few hours, Xue an had restored the talisman pattern to its original state.

This speed will be ready to see the joke of the quiet entanglement to see silly.

You know, when she ordered Lu Lingfan to tamper with the pattern, it took three years.

How many hours did it take to get to the young man in white?

This gap is too big!

But the next thing, completely let you tangle shut his mouth.

However, Xue an did not wait for the tripod to resurrect the people. Instead, he directly manipulated the power of the origin in the tripod of the evolution of Taoism, forcing all the people who had died before to be resurrected.Even tianwumen and huangshatang are no exception.

Seeing this scene, all the people in the cave, including Fang Xing'an, have been speechless. They can only bow down and show their awe.

At that time, Youjuan was still a little stubborn. She thought that although Xue an had revived the people, she had to take some trouble to get out of the predicament. After all, she had completely destroyed the talisman pattern.

But she still underestimated Xue an, Xue an did not intend to get out of trouble through the normal way.

His method is also very simple, that is to blow out one blow, and then thoroughly smash the Taoist evolution God tripod which has been handed down for thousands of years.

Then Xue an just slowly closed his fist in the startled eyes of the crowd, and said faintly, "I don't want to waste my brain on the things that can be solved by one fist!"

Then Xue an just led the people out of it.

This is what happened in the past.

After listening to Fang Xingan's story, nianxuexin's eyes gradually widened, and then she glanced at Xue an in the distance, shocked.

Is this young man in white so powerful?

And Tian Yuanqing's look is more and more solemn.

Of course, he would not doubt Fang Xingan's words. In fact, he did not see it alone.

People from several caves have witnessed what happened.

Even the people in tianwumen and huangshatang are still full of shame and dare not look up at Xue an.

This makes Tian Yuanqing's evaluation of Xue an even higher.

Can easily frustrate the plot of demons and ghosts, and has such a strong strength, not ordinary people!

Just as everyone was fascinated by it, all of a sudden the sky was filled with layers of black fog, in which a little bit of black light flickered.

In front of Xue an, a faint black gas suddenly emerged, and then came the voice of extremely flattering.

"My Lord, it's xuanwai, who has just been smashed by your fist. The demon ghost is trying to reunite!"

When they heard the speech, they were all in a tight heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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