All the people are gaping at, some timid people are shivering all over.

This Is it real or is it a dream?

The demon and ghost empress, who has repeatedly invaded this world and even gathered the power of the seven great caves, is actually suppressed by the young man in white all the time. In this way, it seems that she will be broken up a little bit!

It's just incredible!

Just when everyone was in a daze, Xue an had taken off the ribs of the empress very quickly.

Looking at the huge skeletons piled up on the ground.

Even the well-known swordsmen and others could not help but swallow their saliva.

"Old Fourth! Can the demon goddess be so destroyed? " He asked in a trembling voice.

Yu Jian was silent for a moment, then he shook his head with a bitter smile, "I don't know, but it's the first time I've seen such a violent technique!"

Hearing this, the people looked up and looked up at Xue an, who was pouting the empress's legs. They were all silent.

It seems to be a little violent, but I feel It's so cool!

You should know that this demon family has always regarded the human race as a meal, and has repeatedly invaded this realm for thousands of years. There are more than hundreds of millions of creatures dead in their hands.

In the past, it was the empress who used various cruel means to deal with the Terran.

Now it's her turn, and everyone naturally feels very happy.

Just then, there was a big bang, and then a violent tremor.

When people looked up again, they saw that the legs of the empress had been broken directly from the knee, and the broken leg fell to the ground.

And she was wriggling wildly because of the intense pain.

Although there was no sound, everyone could hear her howling.

Many people look pale and can't help but step back.

At this time, Xue an clapped his hands and said faintly, "how do you feel?"

Hearing his words, the demon goddess, who was always known for her arrogance and cruelty, raised her head, and her eyes were full of panic and fear.

"Well?" Xue an raised her eyebrows.

The empress was so frightened that she trembled all over her body. Then she quickly pulled the corners of her mouth and showed a smile full of flattery.

Seeing this, everyone's mouth opened slightly.

Because the contrast between before and after this is too big. The former empress can be said to be the nightmare of all people in this world.

But now, he was beaten and flattered by the boy in white.

Such contrast, let a lot of people's hearts have a sense of extreme absurdity.

But just then, Yu Jian suddenly called out: "this Elder, don't be fooled by these demons. Especially, the empress has been killing this place for thousands of years, and countless lives have died in her hands, so you must not let her go

His words remind a lot of people.

"Yes! These demons are not human beings, they are animals without soul

People yelled, their eyes twinkled with hatred.

Seeing this scene, the empress panicked.

Now she is really afraid of xue'an who comes out of nowhere.

At this time, Xue an slowly lowered her head and whispered in her ear, "see? People don't seem to like you! "

The empress was shocked and her broken mouth moved.

But at this time, Xue an did not hesitate to step on one of her legs, pull the other leg, light way: "there is a sentence you like best, I will give you now!"

"Welcome to hell!"

After that, Xue an shook her arms and suddenly gave a light drink, "give me Open it


With a burst of continuous explosion, the empress was struggling with pain, and her eyes were full of resentment.

But all this can not change her fate.

I just heard a loud bang.

The second form of this demon ghost empress was torn into two parts by Xue Ansheng,

there was no blood.

There are only bone scraps and powder scattered like rain.

No one dares to speak because people have been stunned by Xue an's powerful blow.

At this time, Xue an threw away the demon bone which had been torn in two, but he did not leave. Instead, he patted his hands and said faintly: "is this the means? What a disappointment

It seems to be in response to his words, just at the moment when the demon bone fell to the ground, a momentum strong enough to make the whole sword state overturn appeared out of thin air.

Then a layer of extreme darkness appeared above the sky, and in the darkness, a small figure was slowly emerging.

"No Third form! It's the third form of the empress! " Yu Jian seemed to understand something and exclaimed.On the other hand, the elder holding the sword shivered, not because of fear, but because of the momentum.

"Immortal The power of the Immortal King He murmured softly, his eyes full of horror.

Because only the power of the Immortal King can make the heaven and earth collapse.

It seems to have heard his words, Xue an standing on the sky was not moved by the momentum, but a faint smile.

"It's not even a magic weapon that you made by virtue of fairy root! Am I right? "

With Xue an's voice, but the woman who emerged in the dark gave out a sneer.

"That's right, but you forget that the fake fairy king is also a fairy king! And you will pay a thousand times for what just happened

The woman's form at the moment is not a demon or a human body, but an illusory spiritual form.

But even so, can still see in her eyes contains the color of resentment and cruelty.

Just now Xue an has done all kinds of things to its demon ghost body, which makes it feel incomparable anger and shame.

As an extremely noble existence, it has never been humiliated like this.

So now she would like to eat Xue an alive.

As for the whole audience, it was even more trembling.

There was a sense of despair in everyone's heart.

Because as the empress said, the false fairy king is also a fairy king!

Such a gap in strength is enough to kill everyone on the spot, even the sword state may not be able to survive.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly flashed and appeared beside the empress. Before she could react, Xue an whispered something in her ear.

In an instant, the eyes of the empress widened in an instant, and an unprecedented panic appeared on her face full of resentment.

"You You... "

Xue an laughed, then lowered his eyebrows and said, "now that I know who I am, I'll finish it myself."

The sound spread all over the audience, and many people's eyes widened in an instant. They could not believe their ears.

But at the next moment, the empress's performance was even more unexpected. She saw a look of fear and unwillingness in her eyes, and finally bowed down.

"Yes! My Lord

After that, her figure suddenly exploded and turned into nothingness. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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