The sound shakes the sky and Jianzhou trembles.

This kind of momentum also made the hearts of the other six caves shake. They could not help but look up at the young man in white who was standing in the wind with negative hands. Their eyes were full of awe.

Once upon a time, when Xue an said that he would fight for the first place in the grand ratio of orthodoxy, no one believed it at all, and even attracted a lot of ridicule and ridicule, believing that he was just talking about a dream.

However, as time went by, when Xue an killed the demon and ghost empress with his own strength and made the group bow with a sword, many people suddenly felt that the so-called "first" was not important at all.

Because this young man, obviously beyond the scope of ordinary people's imagination, his powerful, simply can not be described by rank.

Just then, Xue an raised his hand and slowly spread it out.

In the palm of the hand is a broken Lingding sword.

Seeing the sword, all the people in Mingxin palace screamed.

"It's the sword meaning of elder shejian!"

"Elder shejian is not dead!"

In the cry of surprise, several elders such as holding the sword and listening to the sword were extremely excited.

Xue an said with a faint smile, "when I just cut out this sword, I suddenly found that there was such a sword meaning in the sky, but it was about to dissipate, so I caught it! It seems that this is also your Mingxin palace people? "

Holding the sword, he nodded, "yes, this is my elder brother's sword idea! Before, in order to eliminate the demons and ghosts, I was willing to explode and die! "

"Oh? It's loyal! " Xue an said lightly.

"My Lord, is there any way to save him?" Holding the sword, he looked at Xue an with hope on his face.

The rest of the people were also full of hope.

After all, Xue an has given people too many surprises.

Xue an shook his head. "No hope! His body has been completely broken, and even the remaining sword meaning is incomplete, and he can't be saved at all! "

Hearing Xue an's words, those who were full of hope, such as holding swords, suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley, and their eyes also showed a gloomy color.

"But..." Xue an slightly raised his eyebrows. "Although the body can't be recovered, I can recast him as a sword. In this way, he can survive in disguise. What do you think?"

Sword and others looked at each other, and then nodded without hesitation.

"My Lord, my fifth brother has always been fond of swords. If he can take a sword as his body, he must be willing to!" Said the sword.

Xue an nodded. "That's good."

With a wave of Xue an's hand, the incomplete Lingding sword suddenly flew out and flew over Mingxin palace.

Xue an said lightly: "I will give you a chance. As for whether you can succeed or not, it depends on your nature."

After that, Xue an raised his hand and raised his eyebrow. He drank softly, "ten thousand swords are washed and practiced, and their bones are reborn!"


With Xue an's order, the whole Mingxin palace suddenly began to shake, and then countless swords were seen rising from the Mingxin palace, so many of them even covered the sky.

The faces of all the people changed.

"These are all swords from the sword Pavilion and the sword tomb!" Yu Jian was shocked and exclaimed.

We should know that Mingxin palace, as a sword sect which has been inherited for thousands of years, naturally collects numerous precious famous swords. At the same time, many swords were buried in sword tombs because of their owners' death.

Therefore, when they saw these swords, they were all shocked.

At the same time, however, the boundless swords converged into a torrent of iron and steel, and then rose to the sky, straight to the Lingding sword above the sky.


When the two met, after a dull sound, the Lingding sword was soon submerged by the boundless sword.

All that remained was the sound of gold and iron from the swords.

The nervous palms of swordsmen and others are sweating. They open their eyes and watch quietly.

Time passes by.

The iron and steel torrent composed of swords wriggles wildly, but the appearance of the Lingding sword has not been seen.

Xue an looks at it quietly and doesn't speak.

Because he said that he could only provide an opportunity. Whether he could succeed or not depends on the nature of this sword.

At this time, the faces of the swordsmen and others suddenly turned white, and they cried out, "old five!"

Because in their perception, the sword meaning belonging to shejian suddenly disappeared.

What this means naturally goes without saying.

All the people in Mingxin palace looked gloomy.

Read Snow heart is to cover the mouth, silent sobbing.

But at this time, Xue an's eyes suddenly brightened, and then looked up at the iron and steel torrent, slightly surprised and said: "actually can break and later generations, talent is really good! If so, I'll give you another hand! "

After that, Xue an held out a finger and directly pointed it on the steel torrent.Click!

With a slight sound, the steel torrent seemed to have been pressed the pause button and stopped instantly. Then there was a loud noise. The steel torrent suddenly disintegrated, and the swords were not spared. All of them turned into dust.

In the smoke and dust, a powerful sword suddenly rushed out and swept all the sword dust in an instant.

And then the boundless sword dust began to collapse and condense with lightning speed!

In an instant.

A small Lingding sword with brilliant sword meaning appeared in the center of the sword dust.

When they saw the sword, they opened their eyes.

Naturally, they can feel the familiar sword meaning, but what makes them even more astonished is that the sword meaning is more than twice as powerful as before, and it can be said that it is completely changed.

At the same time, however, seeing that the Lingding sword rushed to xue'an in an instant, before people could react, it stopped and turned into a figure.

It was the elder of shejian who died of suicide.

Seeing his face full of excitement, he bowed to Xue an respectfully.

"Thank you for saving my life!"

Xue an accepted it calmly, "get up, this is your own creation! And now you are the body of ten thousand swords. If you can improve yourself in the future, you can also walk out of your own way! "

Hearing Xue an's words, his eyes suddenly showed a blazing light.

For him who loves sword like life, it doesn't matter whether his body is broken or not. Even because of the limitation of talent, if he is still in the physical state, he has not much progress.

But now he has become the body of ten thousand swords, and there are countless possibilities for his growth. How can he not be excited.

"Yes, my Lord, if you are sent in the future, shejian would like to be crushed to pieces and reported!" Shejian said solemnly.

Xue an just laughed and was about to talk.

All of a sudden, his eyes were full of cold light, and then he turned his head and looked in the direction of some place, and his body showed an extremely cold killing intention.


"What's the matter, my lord?" He quickly changed his face.

Xue an's body was boiling, and his face was as heavy as water, "something happened to a friend of mine."

Just now, Xue an suddenly felt a cry for help at the soul level.

This is a very simple belief, only five words.

Big brother, help me!

But the breath attached to it was so familiar that Xue an instantly recognized that it was Qian Xirui, the little girl in Fengmo town.

In fact, if Xue an's mind was not very strong, he might not have been able to detect this weak fluctuation of soul at all.

Because this kind of fluctuation can only come from the ordinary people who are on the verge of despair.

And the fear contained in these five words is extremely obvious.

You can imagine what the little girl is facing.

Strangely enough, the seal script that Xue an left in Fengmo town was not triggered at all.

But anyway, something must have happened to Fengmo town!

At the same time, after hearing Xue an's words, Shi Jian's body showed the intention of killing each other. He gritted his teeth and said, "my Lord, please tell me who I am. I will go and chop back the head of the thief now!"

All the elders of Mingxin palace, such as swordsmen, and the people in the caves changed their faces and rose up one after another.

"Yes, my Lord, please tell me to kill him no matter who he is."

Cried the sword.

"Yes! My Lord, please tell me to come down. "

The people of several big caves are all expressing their opinions.

Xue an looked down at the whole audience, and then narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "well, in that case, come with me!"

With that, Xue an turned into a streamer and flew into the sky.

And behind him, countless lights rose to the sky and turned into a torrent of terror, which followed him and crossed the sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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