The ghost of that time was worshipped by the ghosts from generation to generation, and a faint connection was established between them. Therefore, when they were inspired, they separated a wisp of very subtle spirits and came to the past.

This kind of thing is common in the ghost world, not only the ghost king!

The ghost king, even the powerful ghost emperor, will establish contact with the sects that worship the ghost family in the heavens.

At ordinary times, these sects sacrifice their fresh souls to these ghosts. When they need to, they will send their bodies to come.

In this way, both sides can benefit from each other.

Therefore, he just met Xue an who had just been reborn.

At that time, Xue an did not kill him, but let him go.

After the return of this wisp of divinity, Youhuan felt deeply lucky at that time.

After all, although he is only an ordinary ghost king who lives in the outermost layer of the ghost world, he also knows the name of shenhuogui Zun.

But he never thought that he met this adult here again today.

And it seems that I'm still aiming at myself.

These thoughts flashed through the dreamy heart, and then bowed down respectfully.

"Humble, I have seen the ghost Lord!"

Xue an didn't say anything, just watched quietly.

As time went by, the atmosphere became more and more dignified.

The dark air around the body is floating, and the eyes of ghost fire hidden in the black fog also show the color of fear.


Xue an said faintly, "are you asking for all these souls?"

With that, Xue an spread out his hand. In the palm of his hand, there was a group of brilliant light.

It was the souls that these ghost masters paid tribute to, but they were all collected by xue'an and held in the palm of his hand.

At the sight of these spirits, and thinking of Xue an's present identity, Youhuan understood everything in an instant, and she couldn't help but shudder and yelled: "your honor, these souls are not what I want to ask for, it's because I also have a hard time!"

"Oh? What's the trouble? " Xue an began to laugh. "Say it and listen to it!"

Youhuan Qiang suppressed the fear in his heart and told the story of the ghost King's coming birthday and summoning many ghost kings.

Although Xue an knew this for a long time, she couldn't help blinking after listening to Youhuan's words.

Because if according to this fantasy, the dead ghost king is likely to be the ghost king who was forced to come by himself in the kingdom of Jing and ordered to explode himself, and eventually his spirit died.

I didn't expect that the ghost king was on the outermost layer of the ghost world.

Xue an's heart flashed a few ideas, and then a smile, "so, these things have nothing to do with you?"

"My Lord, it has nothing to do with me! I had to do it that day because the ghost king was forced to do so. " You unreal tone is very aggrieved, but the bottom of my heart is some excitement and joy.

Originally, he hated the fate and ghost king. It would be great if he could take this opportunity to lead the evil water to the East and let the God killing grandfather, who was once famous in the whole ghost world, look for the trouble of destiny!

And if Xue an can wipe out the ghost king, it will be more perfect.

You Huan's mind is full of wishful thinking, but on the surface it doesn't show at all. There is only infinite injustice and helplessness, as if he is the victim.

Xue an converged her eyes. "It sounds reasonable!"

You Huan secretly relaxed, and said with a smile on her face, "my Lord, how dare I deceive you?"

Xue an nodded. "In this case, I'll let you go!"

You unreal heart is simply happy to open flowers, busy nodding and bowing: "thank you, thank you!"

Xue an laughed, "you're welcome! All should be done! "

I don't know what happened. When I heard Xue an's words, Youhuan felt chilly. But as a ghost king who has survived for thousands of years, he still kept calm and laughed with Xue an.

"Why? What are you laughing at Xue an asked in surprise.

You unreal a Zheng, hastily convergence smile, full face surprised say: "adult, I did not smile what..."

Xue an shook his head. "No, your smile was strange. You must have been laughing at me in secret, right?"

You Huan almost cried, "how dare I laugh at you! I just see you are smiling, so I will accompany you to smile! Ah ~! "

Before the words fell, Xue an slowly took back the hand that crushed the head of Youhuan, and said faintly: "smile with me? Are you qualified? "

At the same time, the ghost shaped ghost appeared in a cloud of black air, and then he looked at Xue an in horror.

"Big My Lord

Xue an smile, "sorry, just a moment quick, will your head to crush, you won't blame me!"

You Huan laughs worse than she cries, "no Dare notXue an nodded, then stretched out his hand and gently stroked the ghost shape of the head, "really good!"

But every touch, you will shudder, the face is full of fear to break the color.

But even so, he still forced himself to pile up a flattering smile, "my Lord, I..."

The voice just fell, Xue an once again crushed this mysterious head.

I just heard a dull bang.

For the sake of this, it's no longer a ghost.

"What do you mean?"

Before he died, he let out a roar.

Xue an took back the palm of his hand and said faintly, "it's not interesting. I want to kill you. That's all!"

"Shenhuo Guizun, as a human race, you made such a name in the ghost world at the beginning, but do you think that it is still the original ghost world?" The faint and illusory voice gradually became ethereal, which was a sign that he was about to die, so his voice was full of reluctance.

Xue an laughed, "is there any harm? As long as you who have lost awe still exist, then I will always kill them!"

"Ha ha, kill down, do you really think you can finish it?" You Huan grinned grimly, and his voice was full of bitterness.

Xue an said faintly: "there is nothing that can't be killed. If there is one, I will kill one, and if there are two, I will kill a pair. If there are too many Then I will destroy this world

Hearing these words, I originally wanted to strike Xue an's Youhuan surprise from the words, and then I wanted to say something.

But at this time, Xue an slowly exhaled a breath.


However, seeing a gust of wind blowing, the already fragmented ghost sent out a scream, and then it was completely blown away, and the spirits were all destroyed!

But Xue an obviously didn't just kill a ghost. He stepped out one step and punched the ground.


A shock wave spread out in an instant, and the ghost city built of blood and white bones collapsed and turned into powder.

As for the ghosts among them, none of them escaped, and they were killed on the spot. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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