The guest rooms are very nice, exquisite and clean, and you can see the city Lord's house from the window. Xue an is very satisfied with this.

It seems that the Zhu building is not only a green building on the surface, but also a very good accommodation.

"Childe, what do you think of this room?" Ah Qing rourourou said, the eye wave is even more gentle, and it will drip out of the water.

Xue an nodded. "Good! Thank you very much, miss

"It's called ah Ching!"

"Thank you very much, miss ah Qing!"

Ah Qing looked at the serious Xue an and chuckled. Then she came forward and said tenderly, "young master, how do you want to thank me?"

Xue an did not move back half step, light way: "do you say?"

"I said..." Ah Qing stretched out her hand to touch Xue an, but at this time, she suddenly felt that her feet slipped, and the whole person ran out of the room involuntarily and nearly fell to the ground.

Then, before she could stand still, she heard a clang, and the door closed heavily behind her. Xue an's indifferent voice came from it.

"It's late. I should have a rest. Miss ah Qing, please come back."

Ah Qing stood at the door with a look of shame and indignation on her face. She raised her hand and was about to smash the door. But then she seemed to think of something. She stamped her foot with hatred and left.

In the room, Xue an does not agree with a smile, and then walked to the window.

After more than 3000 years of practice, he has seen countless big scenes, of course, he will not take such things to heart.

He quietly looked at the city Lord's house in the distance, and then the mind spread slowly like water, covering the whole Zhu tower.

At the same time.

In a room on the top floor of Zhu building.

A woman also stood in front of the window, staring at the city Lord's house in the distance.

The woman was wearing a gorgeous dress, set off the figure is very slender, a long hair like a waterfall down, will be beautiful facial features hidden a few more charm.

In short, this is a beautiful woman who can be regarded as the most beautiful from any angle.

But at the moment, the woman's face was extremely pale, a pair of wonderful eyes flashed with pain from time to time, her hands were holding the window frame tightly, as if she was immersed in some painful memories.

Just at this time, the door behind him was pushed open gently, and ah Qing, who was dressed appropriately, crept in.

But her footstep sound is very light, but still awaken this woman.

The pain in the woman's eyes instantly faded, and her clenched hands were also loosened, but she did not turn back. She just said faintly, "is there any new news?"

Ah Qing shook his head and said in a low voice, "it's not yet. It's just that this celebration seems to be unprecedented. Even many religious sects outside the ghost world have come to celebrate their birthday!"

The woman was silent for a moment, and then sneered, "this God appointed ghost King certainly hopes that the bigger the battle, the better. After all, he has invited the Ren family and the tan family this time."

Ah Qing was a little silent, but in the end he said in a low voice: "Wei Chang, are we really sure that we start this time?"

"Sure!" The woman Huoran turned around and looked at ah Qing coldly, "what? Are you afraid? "

Ah Qing fell to his knees in a hurry, "I dare not! My subordinates are just a little worried. This time, even the powerful families in the ghost world have gone out. In addition, with the grand occasion of this celebration, how can we shake it with our strength? "

The woman stares at this ah Qing, after a long time, the chill on her face gradually converges, and then sighs: "this question, should not be only you!"

Ah Ching hung his head and said, "there are many sisters who have doubts about this."

The woman turned to look out of the window of the city Lord's house, light way: "you have this question is very normal, after all, you and the people in this building are not always following me!"

Heard the woman say so, ah Qing's face showed the color of fear, and then banged kowtow, trembling voice.

"Captain Wei, I and all the sisters in the building have suffered your great kindness. If it were not for you, we would have died a long time ago. Therefore, we have no other intention but are just worried! After all... "

"After all, the strength of the other side is strong, and I'm the only one on our side, right?" The woman laughed and said, "get up, I don't blame you!"

Ah Qing stood up trembling, but her face was still full of worry.

"In fact, I shouldn't have involved you in this matter, but this opportunity is so good! The children of the rich families who would not show up in the ghost world on the edge have all rushed here. I really don't want to give up! " Speaking of this, the woman's hands were tightly clenched together, and a sharp hatred flashed in her eyes.

"I will try my best to protect you on the occasion. If I can't, I will take back the favor I lent you in advance."

The woman's words made ah Qing pale. She wanted to say something. The woman shook her head and said in a soft voice, "go down. I remember that we must observe the trend of destiny city in recent days. If there is any abnormality, please report to me!"Ah Qing's face changed, and he finally bowed down and said in a soft voice, "yes!"

Then he bowed and backed out.

When she was left alone in the room, a large tear burst out of the corner of her eyes, and her body trembled slightly.

But in this silent cry, the corner of the woman's mouth gradually raised, showing a brilliant smile.

"Lord Ming, do you see it? The heirs of these powerful families who hurt you at the beginning have been ambushed by me. I will let them all pay their lives for you soon

The woman murmured softly, and then trembling, she took out a piece of black jade from her arms, on which were written three characters in ghost seal script.

Shadow guard.

The woman's eyes showed infinite yearning color, and then gently kisses on the jade resolution, "Lord Ming, I don't have much skill, I can't even go to the depths of the ghost world. I can only live in the marginal ghost world, but this time, I'm willing to revenge for you!"

At the end, the woman's eyes showed a ferocious color, the long hair in the back of her head started without wind, and a group of black gas lingered among them, just like a magic shadow.

But this jade decision, is then vibrates unceasingly, and looms a silk thread, extends into the unknown void.

At this time, in the room downstairs, Xue an slowly withdrew his mind, and then sighed, "it's really the shadow guard that he created first. No wonder the breath is so familiar! But... "

Speaking of this, Xue an's face suddenly showed a funny smile, "actually said he was dead? Hehe, I don't wonder who died in the ghost world. He is the only one... "

Xue an said word by word: "absolutely impossible!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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