However, Wan Henxin is very fond of his brother Wan Gaoxing, and the relationship between his brother and sister is also very good.

This is very rare among the ghost families who often bleed for the favor.

This time, Wan Gaoxing went out to visit the ancient mirror. Wan hen Xin wanted to follow him, but his strength was not good, so he failed to make the trip.

Therefore, she lost her temper at home these days and hurt several servant girls.

When he heard the news, he came back to the room in a hurry, and he was very angry.

When he saw Wan Gao Xing, he hugged his arm and said in a greasy voice, "brother! I haven't seen you for days. I miss you so much! "

Xue an snorted coldly in her heart, but her face did not show any trace. She raised her hand and pinched her face for a moment, "OK! I'm not coming back! "

"Oh, is this the man you arrested?" Wan hen Xin saw the bound Ying Ning and others. He was surprised by these women's faces, and then asked.

Xue an nodded. "Yes!"

"Brother, you are so good!"

As he said this, Wan hen Xin leaned forward and looked at the crowd curiously.

But after a while, her eyes suddenly showed jealousy.

Because she found that no matter which of these women's looks are far better than their own, especially standing in front of the que Wen Yuan, the purity of her body makes Wanhen Xin, who is also a woman, feel excited.

In this case, Wan hen Xin snorted, "it's really a group of wave hooves!"

Then he raised his hand and fiercely fan to the que.

This slap with the wind howling, obviously the power is very heavy, if hit, que Wen Yuan will definitely be disfigured.

Wan hen Xin's face showed a happy color, but at this time, Xue an suddenly appeared beside her, grabbed her arm, and said in a cold voice, "these people are all brought back by me. They are also useful. Don't make fun of them!"

Wan hen Xin was stunned. It seemed that his brother would stop him, but his heart was filled with anger.

"You stopped me for this cheap woman? Then I will have her die

Then he kicked out again.

This foot obviously ran to ask the fate of the que.

But at this time, Xue an raised his hand, which was a slap in the face. The fan's Wan hen Xin went back several steps and then stood still.

This slap also made the faces of many people in front of the door pale, and even did not dare to lift their heads.

Wan hen Xin covered his face and looked at Xue an, "you Do you dare to hit me? "

Xue an took back his slap, and a look of disgust flashed on his face, which had been turned into a star. "These people are really useful to me, so you'd better not make a fool of yourself!"

Wan hen Xin was so angry that he even sneered: "useful? What can you do? Don't you want to save it for yourself? I... "

The latter words did not finish, because Xue an has once again raised his hand.

Wan Henxin stepped back a few steps in fear.

Just as the brother and sister confronted each other in front of the door, they heard a burst of laughter coming out of the door.

"Star son is really up to expectations. Is she coming back so soon?"

With that, a dignified man came out.

Wan hen Xin immediately restrained his anger and said, "father!"

It was Wan Tai Hui, the owner of the family, who was the father of Wan Gaoxing and WAN Henxin.

Xue an certainly can't really call his father. In fact, Xue an has been searching the whole city through his mind after he went into the city in a dignified way, trying to find out what he wanted as soon as possible.

But obviously, these foreign ghosts are not idiots, things are hidden very deep.

So it doesn't look any different on the surface.

But the more like this, Xue an is more aware that there must be articles in it, otherwise this group of ghosts would not be so eager to get this ancient mirror.

As soon as he read this, Xue an casually squeezed out a Dharma seal and quietly invaded the sea of knowledge of Wantai Hui.

According to reason, this wantaihui is at least a half step big Luo, will not be so easy to be intruded into the sea.

But because Xue an's Wan Gao Xing is his only son, after relaxing his vigilance, Xue an easily changed some things in his spirit.

"Old man, I'm back!" Xue an said lightly.

Hearing this address, Yingning, que Wenyuan and all the people who followed were surprised.

Because it's just a deliberate exposure!

After all, Xue an is now playing Wan Gao Xing, the eldest young master of Wan family.

How many sons have you seen shouting at their fathers?

This is over!

As soon as I enter the city, I guess I have to expose my identity! Yinning was almost depressed to death.But the next moment, Wan Tai Hui and the performance of the public made them all dumbfounded.

Wan Tai Hui's face was full of spring breeze, as if he had not heard that old thing at all. Instead, he said with a smile, "good boy, it's really polite! Tired or not? "

"The crowd said

Ning caichen quietly asked one side of Nie Xiaoqian, "qian'er, is that what you call your father in the ghost family?"

Nie Xiaoqian also some muddle, but still shook his head, "how possible! But these foreign ghosts may have such a custom! "

Not to mention the astonishment of the people.

After a pass of solicitude, Wan Tai Hui looked at the people who had been tied up, and his face flashed with amazement, "star son, what are you going to do with these Aboriginal ghosts?"

Xue an said lightly: "old man, I plan to lock these guys to my side first, and then deal with them after a good trial!"

"Good! Good Wan Tai Hui showed a smile that men all know, patted Xue an on the shoulder, "pay attention to your body! by the way! There will be a party in Chuzhou City tomorrow evening, and you will come back, so let's go and join us! "

With that, Wan Tai Hui walked away with a smile.

Wan hen Xin takes a look at Xue an, and then looks at yingningque, Wenyuan and others with resentment. Finally, he stomps his feet and turns away.

Xue an frowned slightly.

Party? What party?

However, it's good to find some clues through the people who attended the party.

Thinking of this, Xue an waved, "take these people to my yard!"



The news that Wan Jia Da Shao Wan Gao Xing came back and captured many indigenous ghosts was spread throughout the whole city of Chuzhou.

Especially when people heard that there were many amazing women, they were more agitated.

"Damn it, Wan Gao Xing, how could he be so lucky? How can I catch so many girls after going out? " In another mansion, an evil looking man roared.

"Cluck, is zongshao jealous?" A thin and pale boy sat on the chair, grinning his mouth to the root of his ears, which was very strange.

"Hum!" The Zong Shao snorted coldly and glanced at the boy, "how? Brother Bai is not jealous? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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