The party arrived as scheduled.

In the evening of this day, the Luos' mansion, which occupies three streets, is located in the northwest corner of Chuzhou City.

Since the afternoon, the black air in the sky has not stopped.

That's the trace left by the ghost horse Yin car that the ghost people who came to the banquet took.

Therefore, although the banquet has not officially started, the Luo family mansion is already very lively.

In the banquet hall, the children of all powerful families get together and have a good time talking.

"It's said that this young lady Luo has a strange vision and is very popular with the old Luo family. This is the first time she has entered this seat."

"Yes! I just don't know what kind of class the master's banquet is. It's so big! I don't know where it is

In these comments and exclamations, the topic began to drift.

Someone frowned and said with a smile: "did you hear that? Two days ago, the young master of Wanjia captured a lot of Aboriginal ghosts from outside. It is said that there are several unique characters in it. "

"This news has already caused a stir in the whole city of Chuzhou. Who doesn't know? However, these ten thousand young people are so dandy that they don't even have a few friends! " Someone shook his head.

"Tut, I've heard about it!" Someone looked around, then lowered his voice, "Bai Shao and Zong Shao are very dissatisfied with this wangao star. If he doesn't come to the banquet, he will give him some color to see."

"Haha! There's a good show to watch now

People all look gloating when they hear the speech, which shows how unpopular the ten thousand high star usually is.

At the same time, in the heart of the banquet, Bai Xi sipped a glass of wine, but his eyes were always on the entrance of the banquet hall.

Because he knew that if the eldest lady of the Luo family wanted to enter, she would certainly appear from here.

What he wanted to do was to rush up at the first time to give this woman, who had never met before, a beautiful first impression.

One side of the city is gloomy face, cold eyes from time to time to scan the banquet hall.

"Why is Zong Shao in such a hurry? That wangao star is sure to come! " Bai Xi said with a smile.

"Hum! Of course I knew he would come, but I couldn't swallow it! " Zongcheng Yin compassion said.

The contradiction between him and vanguard is so deep that it can not be explained clearly in a few words.

In addition, the wangao star suddenly captured so many aboriginal ghosts, which became the fuse to ignite the contradiction.

Bai Xi smiles at the appearance, but a trace of disdain flashed in his heart.

He doesn't care about these things!

Because in his opinion, whether it's wangaoxing or Zongcheng!

They are all dandies who can only intrigue and show off. Where can he understand.

As long as you try to climb the big tree of Luojia, you will be able to climb higher and higher, and even become a big figure in the ghost world!

These ideas make Bai Xi's eyes full of eager color, which is just like looking at the entrance of the banquet hall.

In Zongcheng's mind, he was planning a good plan in advance, and his eyes flashed with cold light from time to time.

Anyway, I have to make this wangao star make a fool of himself in public this time. I'd better let him bleed a lot!

Think of this, Zongcheng Yin compassion of the smile.

Just when the two men had their own thoughts.

There was a commotion outside the banquet hall, and then he saw Xue an disguised as a star of ten thousand stars walking slowly in.

When I saw him, the scene was quiet for a moment.

It's not because of the high star, but everyone's attention is attracted by the women who follow Xue an.

Wen Mu Ling's gentleness is like water, Ying Ning's calm atmosphere, que Wen Yuan's naivety!

These are three distinct styles, but one thing is common.

And that's why they're all amazing.

I don't know if it's from the heart or what the reason is. The appearance of these foreign ghosts is generally ugly.

And these Aboriginal ghosts are amazing.

Under such two contrasts, the natural more foil three female's appearance peerless.

Especially when these three people walk together, the lethality increases exponentially.

That's why the noisy banquet hall is quiet for a moment.

At the same time, see Xue an stop and scan the whole scene.

And in the moment he stopped, the three women also stopped, and then very obediently stood aside.

It looks like three smart maids.

Zongcheng stupidly looked at, suddenly, his whole body trembled, and then his eyes showed the color of crazy jealousy.

Because compared with the three women behind Xue an, those so-called beauties who are "treasured" by themselves will lose their luster instantly, which is not worth mentioning.Why?

Why can he find such a beautiful woman?

In the heart of Zongcheng, he screamed wildly.

Bai Xi glanced at him with a sneer in his heart. He was a group of idiots who would fight for women all day long!

I am a man with great ideals and great ambition. I will never be like you!

Bai Xi is proud of himself.

At this time, only listen to a ring jingle sound, and then a girl pursed her mouth, full of displeasure came in.

Behind her, there are many people of Luojia.

Here it is!

Bai Xi's eyes widened in an instant.

This should be the first lady of the Luo family!

It looks like you are young, but you can call it beautiful!

Bai Xi felt his heart beat faster than half a beat. Huoran stood up with a warm smile on his face.

But the next incident, let him stay in place for a moment.

I saw that the girl had a sad face, but when she passed by Xue an, she suddenly was stunned. Then she turned her head and said, "is it you?"

Xue an seems to have expected that, aiming at this girl who secretly went out to buy snacks last night, and then "threatened" herself, and at the same time, there was a faint Buddha seal between her eyebrows and a smile.

"It's me!"

The girl's eyes gradually widened, and the color of astonishment and fear flashed through her eyes.

Last night, she felt Xue an's mind prying, and then she left angrily. She thought that this matter was over.

I didn't expect to meet this guy here.

And it seems that this guy is still a son of a powerful family.

At the thought that last night his "ugly" eating phase was seen by this man, Luo Jingting felt blood rush to the brain.

But she did not know that the gaze fell into other people's eyes, but completely changed the taste.

At least in Bai Xi's eyes, this lady Luo obviously knows Xue an, and seems to have a deep relationship.

Otherwise, how can you look at him so affectionately? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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