"Because whether it's right or wrong, Miss Luo has entered our Buddhist sect. If she can really inherit this position, it would be a good thing! Because in this way, the behavior of these ghosts can be restrained and the problem can be solved completely! "

When he said this, Jin Jue Seng's voice was frank and his face was calm. Obviously, this was what he had planned for a long time.

Luo Li's eyes gradually showed light.

On the contrary, Luo Jingting looks at Jin Jue in amazement and finds that the teacher, who has always been amiable in his eyes, suddenly becomes very strange.

And this words, will Xue an almost angry smile.

He raised his hand to the Que and asked yuan and others behind him, and said faintly, "according to what you say, what should these indigenous ghosts do? What should they do with their blood feud? "

Jin Jue Seng put his palms together and said, "benefactor is a person with great magical power. Naturally, he should know that everything has cause and effect. The so-called past life is due to the result of this life..."

Xue an interrupted him directly and said faintly, "don't tell me what happened in the past because of this life. I only ask you one question, is she still the original one after reincarnation?"


"Memory has changed, appearance has changed, even the body has changed! Human nature is no longer, so why let this irrelevant person bear the previous cause and effect? "

This question made Jin Jue silent for a long time. Finally, he said with some difficulty: "everything has a certain number. I think this is the best solution. After all, some people are sacrificed for the long-term stability of the world."

Xue an sneered, "then these people deserve to be sacrificed?"

"I don't mean that!"

"I understand. You mean to say that if you die, you'd better look ahead! After all, put down the hatred, the enemy should be solved, not knot! Is that right? "

Jin Jue Seng was silent for a moment and then nodded.

Xue an sneered, "but have you thought about it! When they slaughtered these unconquered Aboriginal ghosts, did they think that the enemy should be solved instead of ending? When they invade this plane and trap unrelated people, do they want to be kind to others? "

"Now a light down will let these people die in vain? I ask you, if you can get world stability by sacrificing yourself, would you like to

Jin Jue Seng immediately nodded and said firmly, "I'd like to!"

You would have said that! But if you want to, you can't represent other people's opinions! Everyone's life should be respected, not ignored! "

"A lot of people say that sacrificing one can bring a lifetime of peace! But I just want to ask, why? "

"Why should these people be sacrificed? Why do a few people have to trade death for the survival of others

"This Is it fair? "

Xue an's series of questions like a barrage of questions, let everyone be silent.

In the clear eyes of this Jin Jue monk, a trace of confusion finally appeared.

As for Yingning and que Wenyuan, they were already in tears.

Because they felt that Xue an had told them all.

"Now do you know what's wrong with you?" Xue an asked again.

Jin Jue Seng finally bowed down and saluted, "benefactor, your eloquence is unimpeded. I lost. I was wrong! But... "

Jin Jue Seng raised his head, and his eyes showed a trace of confusion. "If this road is impassable, will there be other roads?"

Xue an looked at the Jin Jue Seng and finally nodded, "of course there will be, and I should have met it already!"

Jin Jue Seng was shocked and looked at Xue an in astonishment.

At the same time, Xue an flicked his finger and passed a divine thought.

Then he fell into silence.

A moment later, he began to laugh.

"I see! It seems that my wisdom root is not enough, but a mystery of incarnation, which has not been explored! It's ridiculous that I always thought my way was right

Words are full of joy and admiration.

Then Jin Jue Seng saluted Xue an for the second time. "Thank you for your kindness. I understand now!"

Xue an nodded, "understand! Do you want me to help you next? "

Jin Chueh Seng shook his head with a smile! In fact, no matter if you can't find it, the meaning of my existence has been completed! That is to prove that this road is not workable! "

After that, Jin Jue Seng put his palms together and gave Xue an a smile, "Nanwu Buddha! I will go

After that, he slowly closed his eyes and recited a few verses. Then he heard the sound, and his whole body turned into a complete golden light and dissipated.

"Master!" Luo Jingting exclaimed.

Xue an glanced at the scattered golden light and said faintly, "don't shout, he has gone!"

Luo Jingting, who had already suffered a great blow, has left his master for many years. This makes Luo Jingting feel like a knife in his stomach and sobs.Xue an did not pay attention to these, but turned to smile at Luo Li, whose face was gray.

"Time to go!"

Luo Li's whole body was shocked, and then he called out with great fright: "Lord, spare your life! My lord If you kill me, she will not be able to let go of the trapped one, because it is not a defense that can be broken by strength! "

"Who said I was going to break through the defense?"

"Well?" Luo Li a Zheng, "but..."

As soon as Xue an's wrist turned, the two ancient mirrors appeared in his palm. He said slowly, "you've always wanted to find out these two ancient mirrors. You want to wake her up through this, right?"

Seeing these two ancient mirrors, Luo Liru was struck by lightning.

"You Did you locate it through this ancient mirror? " Luo Li hissed and screamed.

"Yes! And I know why the messenger behind you wants you to deal with this plane. "

Xue an gives a cold smile. At the same time, Wen Mu Ling also stands up with black threads on her body.

"Ming Jun! She's under the nether king Luo Li almost groaned, because she had understood everything in an instant.

And think of the relationship between this god fire ghost Zun and Ming Jun, Luo Li is even more chilly.

"You seem to understand already!"

"It is Yes

"Is there anything else to say?" Xue an smiles.

Luo Li has already understood that all begging for mercy is useless.

She looks pale, suddenly turns her head to see Luo Jingting, who is still immersed in grief, hesitates for a moment, and finally whispers.

"Ting'er, mother, I'm sorry for you! I shouldn't have gambled on you! But believe me, I do like you

Luo Jingting looks at her with dull eyes.

Luo Li miserably smiles, and then says to Xue an: "do it!"

Seeing this, que asked yuan and Ying Ning's eyes showed a color of intolerance.

But Xue an didn't even hesitate. With a wave of his hand, the white flame suddenly rose into the sky, and then it was divided into two and two into four.

In an instant, it covered the whole city of Chuzhou.

Under the power of fire, all living beings tremble.

Luo Li suddenly despair, looking at the sky in horror, "no..."

Xue an said coldly: "the fake compassion before death should be used for others in the next life! Good and evil are rewarded, and no one else is to blame! "

After that, Xue an raised his hand.


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