In this case, Tan Xiyao's cake touched Wei haocang's lips intentionally or unintentionally.

Wei haocang was shocked by this humble action.

In fact, it's not easy for him to survive until now.

Because there are a lot of delicious dishes in the banquet hall, the aroma of these delicacies torments Wei haocang all the time.

If Wei Qingxiao had not been suppressing him, he would have been out of control.

But this cake, which touched his lips, was like the last straw that crushed the camel, and finally made Wei haocang lose his mind.

His expression suddenly became extremely ferocious. He suddenly opened his mouth and bit the cake thoroughly.

Tan Xiyao howled miserably, because she was bitten down together with one of her fingers.

Under the intense pain, Tan Xiyao shivered.

However, Wei haocang completely lost his mind. He threw himself at the table, grabbed the plates of delicate snacks on the table and stuffed them into his mouth crazily.

That pair of ferocious and terrible eating appearance, let originally lively banquet hall instantly quiet down.

All the people were staring at Wei haocang, who looked like a wild animal. They didn't understand what happened.

Xue an sighed leisurely, showing a trace of compassion in his eyes, and whispered: "it's hard for you!"

In the stillness of the whole scene, Wei Qingxiao, who was talking to the public, realized that she was not right. She turned around suddenly, and the scene that caught her eyes made her face turn blue.

Because what she worried about most still happened!

Tan Xiyao holds her injured hand, which is missing a finger. She looks at Wei haocang, who is gobbling things into her mouth, shaking like chaff.

And people's faces gradually became strange.

Now even the duller can see that the state of Wei's young master is not right.

How can normal people eat like this!

Luo Gaoyang, the owner of the Luo family, and others looked at each other and saw the clarity in each other's eyes.

The rumor is true.

This young master of the Wei family really has a problem.

In this strange atmosphere, Wei Qing's face changed several times with a smile, but without delay, he walked quickly to the table and raised his hand in a slap.


The sound of slapping in the face resounded in the banquet hall.

Tan Xiyao screamed, was directly fan out, hit a table, will be above all the utensils smashed.

In the noise, many people's faces changed slightly.

Wei Qing smiles and looks livid. Looking at Wei haocang, who is still lying on the table, he suddenly feels very tired.

I tried my best to make some progress, but I still fell into such a situation.

She forced herself to endure the sadness in her heart. She grabbed Wei haocang's wrist and said in a low voice, "canger, don't eat it! It's time for us to go! "

When Wei haocang breaks out, only when Wei Qing smiles can he recover his calm.

So when he heard Wei's smile, he gradually calmed down, and then he completely ignored the oil stains and debris on his face and grinned foolishly.

Wei Qing smiles and tries to hold back the tears that will burst out of his eyes. He says faintly, "I'm sorry, there was an accident today, so we'll leave first."

Then she took her brother's wrist and went out.

This kind of desolation and desolation moved Luo Jian.

Luo Xuan was about to laugh.

That's good!

I don't believe that after seeing that the so-called Wei family is a fool, his elder brother dares to have other ideas!

Sure enough.

Luo Qifeng looked at Wei Qingxiao's back with astonishment, and his eyes flashed a few struggling colors, but he finally lowered his head and stopped looking.

As the legitimate eldest son of Luo family, Luo Qifeng is not a fool.

This Wei Qing is really worth pursuing before she laughs, because she has everything she needs.

Appearance, family background and so on are even better than themselves.

But now the basis for all this is gone.

Because her brother is a complete fool.

In this way, we can imagine the situation of Wei Qingxiao in Wei's family.

Combined with the previous rumors about Wei Qingxiao, we can know that her brother will be her death.

And she has no way out!

If so, Nawei's smile will no longer be the object of pursuit, but a bomb that will explode at any time.

Because if you want to pursue her, you have to bear all her pressure.

It's just unthinkable!

So Luo Qifeng is very wise to choose to retreat, and even vaguely have a trace of happiness.

Fortunately, I knew it early, otherwise I would have been on the thief ship!

Tan Xiyao, who was also fortunate, lost a finger and slapped her in the face.But she thinks it's worth it.

If you lose your life, it's possible.

So the banquet hall, which had just been bustling with excitement, was suddenly cold.

Everyone's eyes at the brothers and sisters became very strange, but there was no more awe and envy.

Wei Qing grinned and bit his silver teeth. He took his brother's hand and was about to walk out of the banquet hall.

Just then, Xue an, sitting on the chair, suddenly chuckled.

"Are you going to leave like this?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the whole audience was shocked.

The crowd turned their eyes to see who the speaker was.

Wei Qing turned around with a smile and said in a cold voice, "who is talking?"

All eyes converged, Xue an sat calmly, looking at Wei Qing in the distance with a smile, "I said it!"

"And who are you? What does that mean? " Wei Qing smiles, his face is as cold as ice, and he asks in a cold voice.

"It doesn't matter. I just want to remind you that if you step out of the door of this banquet hall, the news that your brother is a fool will spread all over the ghost world in a few days! By then, all your efforts over the years will be in vain

"Have you ever thought about this result?"

Xue an's words made Wei Qing smile, and his eyebrows rose in an instant.

Of course she thought about these things.

But what can she do?

Even if today's party is safe and sound, what about the future?

Who dares to say that this will not happen in the future?

The only thing she can do now is to take a look.

"Of course I have, but what can that do?" Wei Qing laughs coldly.

"Don't you want to change all this?"

Xue an's words let Wei Qing smile all over a shock, pupil is an instant contraction for the needle tip size, staring at Xue an, "how to change?"

Xue an leaned back on the chair, looked around the audience, and then said faintly: "it's very simple. Kill all the people here, then the news will not leak out naturally."

Speaking of this, Xue an smiles at Wei Qing and says, "such a simple truth, you should not fail to understand it."


Before Wei Qingxiao reacted to this, the whole banquet hall was already boiling.

"Where are you from? How dare you utter such wild words? "

"Isn't that seven young master Luo Jian and the waste Er Shao of Ren's family? Why are they with this guy? "

"I heard that this guy seems to be Luo Jingting's bodyguard!"

"Hum, how dare a bodyguard of the collateral offspring of the Luo family dare to be so arrogant? What a death wish , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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