They really don't understand what the boy came from and why he was so powerful?

At the same time.

Xue an smiles at Wei haocang, "brother haocang, do you want to set off fireworks one by one? Or do you want them to explode together? "

This question is really like the devil's whispering, which makes the audience shocked and silent.

"Who are you? Let me go

"Yes! It has nothing to do with us! Let me go

"Pardon me, my Lord

Cries for mercy and angry abuse mingled to make the whole ballroom a mess.

Xue an didn't have any expression, but looked at it as if he was watching some wonderful performance.


A sudden big drink made the whole audience quiet for a moment.

Then he saw Luo Qifeng take a few steps, looked at Xue an with a solemn look, clasped his hands, and spoke in a deep voice.

"My friend! Your strength is really strong, but there is no hatred between us! If it's just because of some trivial things, it's not worth such a stir. After all, you are a world-class strong man. Why do you say that? "

"Trifles?" Xue an smiles and glances at the ghost of Luo Xuan standing behind Luo Qifeng, shivering.

"Since you also know that I am a strong man in the world, this woman has just spoken ill of me. You must give me an account of this matter."

Hearing this, Luo Xuan trembled and then screamed.

"You've already destroyed my Terran body. What else do you want? I tell you, I'm Luo's family... "

Before he finished speaking, Luo Qifeng had already pulled one of them to his body.

"What are you going to do, brother?" Luo Xuan is still unclear.

Luo Qifeng sighed, "xuan'er, it's strange that you offended a person who shouldn't have offended today!"

Luo Xuan shudders all over her body, and suddenly understands something. She can't help but cry out in horror.


But the voice did not fall, Luo Qifeng both hands to grasp her ghost body, suddenly a force.

"Ah, ah, ah! Luo Qifeng, you bastard With a shrill cry.

Luo Xuan's body is torn in two from the middle.

Sensen ghost gas gushed out from it, just like the blood flowing out of Bo Bo, and sprayed all over the ground.

Then Luo Xuan's ghost fragments became transparent at the speed visible to the naked eye. In an instant, they were invisible.


After a crisp sound.

The Luo family, famous for her arrogance and overbearing, died in the hands of her most adored elder brother.

And the purpose is only to apologize to the young man in white.

Many people can't help but change their color.

Luo Qifeng, who finished all this, said to Xue an with relief: "friend, are you satisfied with this statement?"

Xue an quietly looked at the scattered ghost fragments on the ground, and finally nodded.

"Not bad!"

Luo Qifeng secretly took a breath, and then said with a smile, "in this case, please hold your hand high and let me wait!"

Be flexible and outstretched, and be cruel!

Luo Qifeng's present performance, falls in many people's eyes, only these eight words appraisal.

Luo Gaoyang nodded secretly.

In his opinion, this is the quality of a qualified householder.

As for the death of a daughter Compared with my own life, it's not worth mentioning!

But when Luo Qifeng was full of confidence, Xue an suddenly burst into laughter.

"I'm really satisfied with what you said, but when did I say I'll let you go if I'm satisfied?"

"You..." This sentence makes Luo Qifeng suddenly color change, immediately calm down again, Yin compassion said.

"My friend, you have to forgive us. How can you let us go?"

"Very simple!" Speaking of this, Xue an raised his hand to Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi in the distance.

"No matter who you are, as long as you ask the two of them to agree, I can let him go!"


Xue an's decision made a big stir in the banquet hall.

Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi are also confused.

What do you mean, my lord?

In the audience, only Wei Qing laughed thoughtfully. She probably understood what Xue an wanted to do. But the more she was like this, the more shocked she was. She couldn't help but take a deep look at Xue an.

Who is this boy?

Why not only is the strength so strong against the sky, but also the means of playing with people's hearts so skillful?

At this time, the mess of the banquet hall like the vegetable market gradually quieted down.All the people are staring at Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi.

Because all their life hopes are pinned on both of them.

It can be said that today's Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi want to let who live. Who can survive.

"Cough! Old seven, I did all the things I did wrong. Please bear with me. After all, we are brothers by blood, right? " Luo Qifeng first said to Luo Jian.

Luo Jian had just awakened from the shock, when he saw that Luo Qifeng, who always looked at himself with his eyes higher than the top, and rarely even looked at himself with his eyes in the eye, spoke to himself in a low voice.

He suddenly understood a lot, and could not help but look at Xue an in the distance with gratitude.

He nodded his head and motioned to himself.

Luo Jian took a deep breath and then said with a sneer, "Luo Qifeng, do you think of my brother at this time? Yes? All kinds of bullying and targeting in the past can be broken down with a few apologies? "

Luo Qifeng looks white.

Naturally, he knew the resentment in Luo Jian's heart, because what he had done to Luo Jian was not so glorious.

So he looked at Luo Gaoyang with a look of help.

Concerning his own safety, Luo Gaoyang can't stand idly by. He coughs softly and tries to make his voice amiable. He says with a smile.

"Between son, OK, don't be too persistent in the past, anyway, we are all a family!"

"The family?" Luo Jian's face appeared extremely strong hatred, "how did you take me as a family?"

"It's hard to be a father..." Luo Gaoyang said apologetically.

"Ha ha..." Luo Jian interrupted him directly and said coldly, "Luo Gaoyang, how did my mother die? Do you still need me to say this?"

This sentence makes Luo Gaoyang's face instantly become extremely ugly, and his eyelids are crazy beating.


"How do I know that?" Luo Jian didn't know when she was in tears. "Do you think I didn't know anything when I was young? You are wrong. My mother told me everything before she died

"That cheap maid! She did it Luo Gaoyang was very angry.

"Ha ha! Sure enough, to death, she is a maid in your eyes! But do you know what she said to me? She said let me live well, don't be hurt by you, if possible, don't hate you , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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