
When the last scream died, there was no one standing in the banquet hall except Xue an.

The ground is full of corpses lying on the ground. The blood flows along the ground, and the spirit of broken ghosts fills it. This banquet hall looks gloomy and terrible.

Even as the eldest lady of Wei's family, Wei Qing still has some pale complexion and a little nauseated when facing such a tragic situation.

Xue an faint smile, suddenly said: "do you know why I choose to help you?"

Wei Qing was ugly with a smile and did not speak.

"Because you are Miss Wei, but at least you have some bottom line. Otherwise, you would not be so miserable in the face of such a little scene!"

"You know, for these dead guys, this level of blood may be just a daily routine." Xue an said lightly.

Wei Qing laughs and ignores these things. She finally suppresses the boredom in her heart, takes a deep look at Xue an, and suddenly asks, "what's the relationship between you and Ming Jun?"

Xue an faint smile, "how? Scared? "

"Of course not. I'm just curious."

"Well, if I say that I have a friend relationship with Ming Jun, do you believe it?"

"Friend?" Wei Qing smiles and stares slightly, then shakes his head.

"I don't believe it!"

Xue an laughed, "that's over! Since you don't believe what I say, what else do you ask? "

"I'm just afraid of..." Wei Qing's joke has not been finished.

Xue an has interrupted his words, slowly but firmly said: "don't worry, I can definitely cure your brother's disease, and don't you find that he has become much more normal now?"

Wei Qing smiles and looks at Wei haocang, who is squatting on the ground in the distance and is playing with a pool of blood with great interest. His eyes gradually widen.

That's a lot more normal?

This is clearly from a fool who only has some mental defects into a bloodthirsty maniac, OK!

Seeing this, Xue an patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile, "OK, don't worry! I will definitely cure him! "

Speaking of this, Xue an looked at Wei haocang's back with profound meaning and said, "and don't you think that bloodthirsty jackals are better than lambs slaughtered by others? Especially for his status, isn't it more so? "

Wei Qingxiao wanted to refute this sentence, but found himself speechless.

For in the realm of ghosts and even in the heavens, what Xue an said is a truth that cannot be refuted.

You can be kind, but only if you have the strength to be kind.

Without strength, your kindness is just stupid in the eyes of others.

What's more, Wei Qingxiao is very clear about his sister and brother's current environment.

In a word, it is surrounded by wolves.

So she can only acquiesce to Xue an's words.

At this time, Xue an looked around the banquet hall full of bones and bones. After a little meditation, she turned around and said to Luo Jian, whose face was pale but full of determination.

"Remember what I said to you?"

Luo Jian slightly shocked, and then her eyes showed a surprise and panic color, deeply bow down, "humble remember!"

"I said I would help you run the Luo family! Now I have cleared all the obstacles for you. At least no one in the Luo family dare to oppose you any more. But whether you can really control it depends on yourself! " Xue an said lightly.

Luo Jian's face was solemn. Suddenly, she fell down on her knees and said in a condensed voice, "I will try my best not to disappoint the adults!"

Xue an nodded. "Good!"

However, Luo Jian suddenly made an unexpected thing. He suddenly showed pain on his face, and an illusory light and shadow flew out of his eyebrows. He flew to Xue an and disappeared.

Then Luo Jian looked as if she had been fished out of the water. She was sweating profusely, and even her face turned pale, but she said respectfully.

"My Lord, I dare not forget your kindness. I will offer it to you if I have this idea. If I am disobedient, I will burst to death if you think of it!"

Luo Jian said very seriously, in fact, he did think so.

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly and then looked at Luo Jian with great interest.

Of course, he can know that luojian's deity incarnation is true.

But Xue an didn't care about these, because if he really wanted Luo Jian to die, even if he didn't have any body parts, it was just a matter of breathing.

But Luo Jian is very smart and still does it.

Because he knew that it was easy for Xue an to kill himself.

But this is to show an attitude, is also to take the initiative to bind themselves to the ship Xue an.

It has to be said that this hand is very beautiful and cruel enough.

After all, Xue an and their enemies are almost all the powerful families in the ghost world.He still does.

Therefore, after staring at Luo Jian for a long time, Xue an could not help but flash a touch of appreciation in his eyes.

Luo Jian naturally felt this, and could not help but feel a sigh of relief.

Because he knew he was right!

As for the future enemy of the whole ghost world.

Luo Jian has a premonition that in the hands of this young man in white, no existence will be his opponent!

At this time, Ren Tianqi, who has been staying on one side, kneels down on the ground with a plop and says in a trembling voice.

"My Lord, what Luo Jian said is also my voice. I am willing to serve you as the Lord. If there is any violation, all the gods and spirits will die!"

When he said this, Ren Tianqi's eyes were full of blood. He actually made a big oath about the origin of the spirit.

This oath directly acts on the cause and effect. If you disobey it, no matter how deep your cultivation is, you can't resist it.

Xue an is not surprised by Ren Tianqi's attitude.

Because now, even if he doesn't believe in himself, he can't get out.

After all, he is also an indirect sense of self destruction.

And from the moment he made this decision, in fact, he couldn't go back.

Because once this news spreads, his situation will be extremely dangerous.

No rich family would allow such a traitor to exist.

But if he became Xue an's man and took charge of Ren's family with his authority, everything would be different.

Betraying the family is not allowed, but it would be normal if the family took power.

Because this kind of drama is performed almost every day in every big family in the ghost world.

It can also be seen that Ren Tianqi is not a fool.

Xue an is naturally clear about these ways, while Wen Mu Ling doesn't understand them, but Wei Qingxiao knows them clearly.

But the more she was like this, the more shocked she felt and the more afraid she was of xue'an.

It took no effort to gain two loyal subordinates who would never betray. Is it not that he calculated ahead of time?

If so, he would be too terrible!

Wei Qingxiao had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but Xue an suddenly laughed and nodded.

"Good! In this case, I will give you a chance! "

"Three days, I will wait three more days in this world. These three days I want to see you completely suppress this world and control it! Is it possible? " Xue an raised her eyebrows and asked.

Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi looked at each other, then arched their hands together, "here , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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