After listening to Wei Qing's words, Xue an chuckled, "you're right. It's really weird."

"What do you think we should do now?" Speaking of this, Wei Qing grinned and gritted his teeth. "I can treat canger as if I haven't received this message first, and then we should seize the time to cure canger as soon as possible."

Xue an shook her head. "You're wrong!"


"What do you think your brother needs to be treated for? Looking for a beautiful place to recuperate? If you think wrong, it may improve, but it can't solve the fundamental problem! "

Speaking of this, Xue an looked up quietly at Wei Qing and laughed, "because all the crux is in your family! So if you want to really cure your brother's disease, you can't retreat at this moment, but you should take the initiative to rush back! "

"But..." Wei Qingxiao is still worried.

Xue an waved his hand. "I know what you are worried about, but don't you think this is a test for your brother? He has to go all the way by himself! And... "

Xue an's smile was brilliant, but his eyes were full of cold. "I'll go back with your brothers and sisters."

Wei Qing smiles and hears speech and looks at Xue an for a long time. Finally, he takes a deep breath and nods slowly, "OK! I see! "

Then she turned and left.

Xue an looked at her back, a faint smile, "Yan'er!"


"Pack up, we're going!"


After that, an Yan showed off the cudgel method, which seemed like two little fur monkeys to think about and recite "obedience". After reluctantly saying goodbye to Wei haocang, she went back to Fubao building to change clothes.

Although Wei haocang is also full of face not to give up, but somehow, he is both respectful and afraid of Anyan, actually obediently followed the Wei family's entourage to leave.

So soon, the courtyard became quiet again.

But Hu Ying didn't leave. Instead, he watched Wei haocang's back with interest. After he completely disappeared in the gate, he took back his eyes and chuckled.

"Brother Xue, this guy It's not ordinary! "

As a fox princess, although Hu Ying's accomplishments are not very high, but his vision can be called the world's best.

So she can feel that Wei haocang is not as simple as it seems.

Xue an also laughed, "yes! Indeed It's very unusual! "

Hu Ying looked at Xue an's smile and suddenly said, "brother Xue!"


"Are you going to kill next?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because my brother said that as long as you don't have a smile in your eyes when you smile, you will have bad luck! Is that so? "

Xue an was dumbfounded and put up her hand to pinch a handful of Hu Ying's face, "you little girl film!"

"Hee hee!" Hu Ying laughs.

"You haven't seen your brother for a long time! Don't you miss him

Hu Ying pondered for a moment, then nodded silently, "a little bit!"

"Then wait for the ghost world, I will send you back first!"

"No!" Hu Ying immediately shook his head, and then said very firmly: "I suddenly don't want him again, because like his lazy and sloppy brother, I won't think about it!"

Xue an smell speech but some cry and laugh, "your brother is lazy, I know, but how he is sloppy?"

"Cough, brother Xue, you don't know. When my brother didn't graduate, he practiced with the elder elder in the fox kingdom of Qingqiu. He

Hu Ying began to tell the story of fox night vividly, and even Xue an had heard of these things for the first time, so the more he listened to the smile, the more prosperous he became.

Boy, when I see you next time, with these things, you have to call my big brother!

At the same time.

In a world far away from the ghost world, fox night sat under a flower tree with a gentle face and was chatting and laughing with several women.

But just as he spoke vigorously, several women were dazzled and bewildered, and their faces were full of admiration. Suddenly, fox night felt a strange itch in his nose, and then sneezed several times in succession.

This time, it was hard to create the spirit of immortality.

Fox night habitually uses the robe sleeve to wipe nose, in the heart one strength murmurs, how to return a responsibility?

How to stay well, but suddenly sneeze?

Then he looked up and said with a smile, "let's go on Why, where are the people? Where have you been

Fox night stood up, some muddled around to check, but did not see a trace of the flower demon.

Fox night was full of annoyed stomp on his face, "it's true that I don't sneeze early or late, but I have to sneeze at this time!"

With that, he wiped his nose again, and then he wanted to rub it on the tree.But at this time, the original blooming tree instantly gathered all the flowers, and then rose up with lightning speed, even shoes were ignored, waving the roots of the tree and ran away.

Fox night a person stay in place, lenglengleng looking at the flowers and trees have run far away, and then look down at the ground pit.

"This is him..." Fox night a face depressed, and then conveniently rubbed his hands on the clothes, turned and left dejected.

Of course, Hu Ying doesn't know these things! And even if you know, Huying will not be in charge of it!

Because when she was a child, Hu Ying, who was a little bit clean, was deeply poisoned by the dirty fox night.

This is also one of the reasons why Hu Ying never returns on the road of Keng elder brother.

The next day, it is the expiration of three days!

Until this morning, Xue an gang out of the door, Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi have been waiting in the hospital.

And look at the dew on their bodies, it seems that they have been waiting for a long time, but even so, they are not a bit tired, still standing tall and straight.

Until Xue an walked out of the door, they bowed and bowed at the same time.

"Yes, my Lord!"

Xue an smile, "it seems that your task has been completed!"

Luo Jian raised her head, her face full of excitement, "yes, my Lord! Brother Tianqi and I have subdued all the powerful families in the whole ghost world with the sword meaning you gave us

Said, two people respectfully will sword hands.

Xue an glanced at the two swords and said, "OK, these two swords will be given to you."

They trembled, and then they all looked excited.

"Thank you very much."

Xue an walked to the stone table in the courtyard, sat down and then said leisurely: "in fact, you should also understand that although the ghost world is suppressed by you for the time being, it will take a long time for you to really control the ghost world, which requires your own means!"

"Understand!" Naturally, both of them understand that.

In just three days, it has been extremely incredible to subdue all the powerful families.

Therefore, if you want to convince all the powerful families by this point alone, it is simply a dream.

"It's good to understand. These two swords have my sword meaning, and they should be able to support three swords, so you should cherish them!"

"Don't worry, my Lord. I will try my best to live up to your expectations." Luo Jiangong said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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