It is a scenic spot in the south of Fuling mountain.

But today, there are many more security guards in front of Fulong mountain.

"I'm sorry, sir. Fulong mountain is temporarily closed today. I'm sorry we won't receive you!" The security guard said politely.

The local tyrant, who was stopped, glared, "do you know who I am? How dare you stop me? Go away

"I'm sorry, sir. No matter who you are, today's Fulong mountain is not open to the public."

The local tyrant with a big gold chain around his neck could not help but get angry. "You can't understand people's words, can't you? Believe it or not, if you stop me, I will make you unable to get along in Lingnan? "

The smile on the security guard's face didn't change. "I believe it, but today's Fulong mountain, people who are not allowed to enter, because this is the order issued by the Yu family!"

The local tyrant, who was full of arrogance, was frozen.

More than Yu family?

Although the local tyrant felt that he had some influence in Lingnan, he could not even compare with the Yu family.

The atmosphere became very awkward, and at this time, a monk carrying a big stone slowly walked to the front of the mountain.

These security are solemnly out of the way, the monk stepped into the mountain.

At the same time, people in all sorts of strange costumes appeared and all entered the mountain.

The local tyrant trembled and left.

He knew in his heart that today's Fulong mountain It's going to be big!


On the high platform of the top of Fulong, many people have gathered.

In addition to the hermit immortal sect, there are also many people from small sects.

These sectarian voices are gathering.

"This year's Xianmen conference is unprecedented

"Who said no, it's said that many aristocratic families who have never appeared before have also come this time."

At this time, Huinian slowly walked up the high platform with the scripture stone on his back, and then sat down on his knees in a corner.

"The great monk has a strong momentum!" Someone exclaimed.

"Hush! This great monk is not an ordinary person, but a master of Huinian in kuchan temple outside the Great Wall! It's said that his cultivation has reached the end of immortality. "


A lot of people take a breath of cold air.

Scattered immortals!

It seems that Huinian is only about 30 years old, and has already arrived at Sanxian?

And then there were people coming.

"That's the White Dragon Master of the white dragon gate! I heard that this clan has been closed for many years, but it has come? "

"My God, isn't that the Taiji immortal master of Taiji building?"

"And the murderer of Shura island!"

"It's from the golden lion building!"


In the astonishment of the public, the immortal families of the hermit world, who had not been born for a long time, appeared one after another.

All kinds of fierce momentum, let the whole mount Fulong tremble slightly.

At this time, Shu Yinger also stepped onto the platform.

The moon pavilion has a special status in the hermit immortal gate, so when she comes, many people get up and nod to her.

In particular, the White Dragon Master of the white dragon gate, as soon as he saw Shu Ying'er, he could not help but brighten his eyes. He came forward and said with a smile, "Yinger, long time no see!"

Shu Ying'er smiles slightly, "elder martial brother Bailong, I didn't expect you to arrive too!"

Bai Long said with a proud smile, "I was closing the gate last time, so I didn't come. Of course, I won't miss this time!"

Laughing and talking, they walked aside.

Next to him, Jin chengsuo came from state h. his appearance made many people pale.

"It's the big and small evil knife of H country!"

"Damn it, this guy killed a lot of Chinese experts last time, but he still dares to come this time!"

Jin Cheng squinted around all the people in the field, but to his disappointment, he didn't see the back figure that he thought about day and night.

At the same time, Kong yuandai and Yuan zongfeng also stepped on the stage together.

This time a lot of people were completely shocked.

"Did the yuan family of Jibei also come?"

"Why did you get together with the people of the night devil Valley?"

"The situation is more complicated now!"

Many people can't help but look dignified, because in terms of strength, the yuan family in Jibei is among the best among the hermit immortal families.

The descendants of Yemo valley have always been known for their ruthlessness. If they form an alliance, they will add a lot of variables to the Xianmen meeting.

"Almost all the people are here." Yuan zongfeng carried his hands and said haughtily.

Kong yuandai took a look at the scene, then sneered at him and said, "there's still one missing!"

"Oh? Who's the difference? "

"Of course, I am a good friend of Lingying palace." Kong yuandai said with a look of hate.

Yuan zongfeng hehe a smile, "now do not come, it is estimated that dare not come!"

As soon as the voice dropped, a group of people came along the road at the foot of the mountain.One of the women let Kong yuandai shine in front of her eyes, then gritted her teeth and said, "who said she didn't dare to come? This is not Are you here? "

Yuan zongfeng followed Kong yuandai's gaze, but he was stunned.

In terms of appearance and temperament, Shi Xueqing is far better than Kong yuandai.

And Yuan zongfeng can see, this time snow green temperament is pure, obviously still a virgin!

It's said that the descendants of Lingying Palace are the same as those of the night devil valley. If they can seize the Yuan Yin, they will be of great benefit to their cultivation.

Thinking of this, yuan zongfeng's eyes twinkled.

At this time, people also saw the comer.

"It's the girl of Lingying palace! Eh! How did she get along with the rest of the family? "

"Hey, haven't you heard? Kong yuandai of Yemo Valley has a deep resentment with Shi Xueqing. This time, Kong yuandai is attached to the yuan family. Naturally, she has to find a backer. "

Someone shook his head and said, "at this time, Xueqing is too unwise. I heard that Yu Lang and Yu Ming, the father and son, were injured. Yu Yuanyi had already died, and the Yu family was hard to protect themselves. How could she still climb up? What a death wish

"Ha ha, there's a lot of excitement here. The Yu family is also brave. At this time, they should hide their talents and keep a low profile. How dare they come to the Xianmen meeting?" Someone sneered.

"Well, look at that man. Why did he come with the child?"

They all looked at it one after another, and sure enough, a man came up to the high platform with two little girls in his arms.

"This person should not regard the Xianmen meeting as a tour?" Someone laughed.

Many people also secretly shake their heads, because in their view, the man holding the child is plain, obviously an ordinary person.

At this time, Xue Xiang and Xue Nian whispered in Xue an's ear: "Dad, these people are so strange!"

Xue an a smile, "strange don't go to see them, wait for a while, dad will clean them up, take you to eat good food!"

"Mm-hmm!" The two daughters nodded.

However, his words also attracted many people's attention.

All packed up?

This man What a big breath!

Kong yuandai couldn't help it. She came over and said with a sarcastic smile on her face: "Oh, my sister, I haven't seen you for a long time. How can I change my dress? Is it possible that the Lingying palace has fallen to such a low level? Can't even afford to wear good clothes? Tut , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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