
Wei Yuhua's words are like a blockbuster, which caused a great stir in the audience.

"What? In the secret place of the ghost world, you have found a secret hiding place? " Some people said in horror.

"No wonder all the elders in the family are out this time. It turns out that they are going to seek secret hiding in the secret place." There is an excited expression on the face of Wei's family.

"If you want to say that, the third young master really does not have to fight for the so-called family property. After all, if you can get an amazing secret collection, it will be enough to lay the road for a strong one, and even the future kings can expect it!" Some people shake their heads and sigh.

Hearing this, many people look at Wei Yuhua's eyes have changed.

Because it was a secret place that had been turned into a forbidden area for the strong since that war!

In which the emergence of the Jingtian secret, is likely to be associated with the fall of the Ming Jun.

Over the past ten thousand years, the ghost world has been numerous and powerful, but in terms of the strongest strength, it also belongs to the fallen Lord.

So if it's the secret that he left behind, it's worth immeasurable.

It is even possible for Wei Yuhua to have the qualification to sprint to Mingjun.

Although it is only a qualification for promotion, such opportunities are crazy enough.

According to the general strength of the heaven, the ghost emperor is equivalent to the cultivation of the half step fairy king, and the hall master level should be corresponding to the Immortal King level, but the threshold is too high, and in recent thousands of years, the overall cultivation of the ghost people has been declining slowly.

So now the standard has been reduced, as long as you can step into the threshold of the fairy king, you can be called a strong master of the hall.

Although this is only the strength of the false fairy king, but the false fairy king is also the fairy king!

But the Ming King level is different. The Ming King level is a solid king of fairies, not mixed with any water.

At this level, we can even break away from the ghost world and open up a world on our own, and become a Buddha.

Because compared with the vast sky, the number of fairy Kings is too small, too scarce.

The root cause of all this is that when the king was promoted to the Immortal King in Jin Dynasty, he had to pass a barrier.

This level has nothing to do with cultivation and talent. It only focuses on a word of fate.

If the opportunity comes, you will naturally be promoted to the king of immortals. If you don't, you will be in vain even if you try your best.

therefore, there are a large number of Daluo in the present days, but the fairy king is obviously scarce.

And if the Jing Tian secret hiding in this secret place is really related to the Ming king who fell, then the chance is too great.

Because the Ming king who fell down at the beginning was probably not an ordinary fairy king, but the peak of the Immortal King, and even the cultivation of the half step Immortal Emperor.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to build tiewangshan with one's own strength to block the ghost world out of the sky.

At this point, many people's faces changed.

This is because it is likely to be the biggest change in the ghost world that has fallen behind since Ming Jun, and will even overturn all previous interest patterns and form a new round of reshuffle.

The strong will fall, the new will emerge, the aristocratic families will be replaced, and the rich and powerful families will change at this moment.

No one can resist such a temptation. Compared with this, the so-called Wei family struggle is really not worth mentioning.

Just as the whole scene was boiling, Wei Qing's face was as solemn as iron, and his eyes were full of haze, and then he spoke slowly.

"No wonder you can break through the realm in such a short period of time, which should be the reason for that secret place!"

Wei Yuhua looked up and laughed, full of arrogance and pride.

"Yes, I did get part of the inheritance of that secret collection, and not only that..."

With the words, Wei Yuhua's eyes were instantly filled with monstrous crimson. An extremely evil momentum rose from his body and condensed into a ghost head figure on his head.

The face of this statue has no facial features, only a huge and strange eye.

When they came into contact with the eyes of these two eyes, a complete wave of despair and grief came.

Bang bang!

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people with shallow accomplishments died of self explosion because of this extreme despair.

The rest retreated in horror and exclaimed, "don't look into his eyes!"

Wei Qing, pale with a smile, stares at Wei Yuhua, grits his teeth and says, "despairing eyes, have you awakened the power of blood?"

Wei Yuhua laughed more triumphantly.

"Yes! I didn't expect it! When I was on my way to the secret place, I happened to find the place where it was hidden. Although I only entered the periphery, I still got a strong inheritance. I not only made great progress in my cultivation, but also awakened the power of sleeping blood! "

Speaking of this, Wei Yuhua looked at Wei Qing and laughed, his face full of sarcasm.

"That's why I am the real protagonist. I want to be a king! Wei Qing laughs. What are you going to fight me with? "

Wei Qing's smiling eyes gradually fade down, just like a candle that has run out of oil and is slowly extinguished.Yeah!

What can I fight him with?

Hall master strong, blood wake up!

With these two sharp weapons, Wei Yuhua has become the first person in the Wei family.

It can be imagined that those elders who only have interests in their eyes will definitely choose him without hesitation.

If you lose yourself, you will lose without any suspense.

Even if Wei haocang is suddenly better now, it is impossible to shake Wei Yuhua's position.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Wei Yuhua's face was more prosperous, and then he turned his head and said to the Wei family.

"This time I'm here to take you to the secret place and open the secret place! Are you willing to go? "

There was a violent commotion, and then they heard the people scrambling to shout.

"I will!"

"Third young master, I am willing to give priority to you. I only ask you to take care of me when you open the secret collection!"

"Third young master, I would like to!"

Shouting one after another, Wei Yuhua looked at it with a smile. A trace of self satisfaction flashed in his eyes, and then nodded.

"Well, don't worry, I'll take you there!"

After that, Wei Yuhua looked at Wei Qing again and said in a cold voice, "Wei Qingxiao, I won't embarrass you. As long as you kneel down and worship me as the Lord, I can give you and your brother a way to live!"

It sounds grand, but it's actually cruel.

Wei Yuhua's so-called bans on Wei Yuhua are actually playing with him.

From then on, she will forever sink, no chance to turn over.

The whole room was quiet.

Everyone looked at Wei Qing standing there with strange eyes and laughed.

There is sympathy, disdain and schadenfreude in these eyes.

In particular, Wei Yingying's face was almost full of pride.

Wei Qing smiles, but his face is blank.

For the first time in her life, she felt confused.

If only she herself, then in the face of Wei Yuhua's threat, she will not hesitate to choose to explode.

But now it's not just herself, but her brother!

Wei Qing understood with a smile that if he died now, what was waiting for his silly brother would be endless torture.

That would be a punishment many times more terrible than death.

So she can't die for her brother.

Is Do you really want to kneel down and call slave, and become a plaything from now on? Wei Qing's smiling heart is dripping blood.

But at this time, a thin and distinct hand gently put on Wei Qingxiao's shoulder.

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