When the light dissipated, the figure completely appeared in front of the public.

The whole scene, which was originally dead, was boiling up in an instant.

"My God, it's really him!" There was an almost groaning scream.

Many of the powerful people are stupefied, eyes full of infinite fear color.

Because this man was once their deepest nightmare.

I thought that he had been completely rid of him through the amazing war, but he was reborn again!

And still in this posture in front of the public.

Thinking of the heinous crimes committed by his family, almost every powerful man has a trace of despair in his heart.

As for Wei Yuhua, his whole body was stiff and his face was pale without a trace of blood.

The man who appears in the void is Wei haocang.

Wei canghao is different from the one before now.

Although the facial features did not change, but there is a kind of evil spirit which is almost monstrous.

And the root of all these changes came from his eyes.

What kind of eyes are they!

Calm without a trace of waves, but also contains unlimited opportunities to kill.

This is a contradiction to the feeling that people want to vomit blood!

Wei haocang's eyes are just like the Taiji diagram, in which the black and white Qi flows indefinitely, and the momentum is so powerful that it is impossible to look directly at it.

At this moment, Wei Yuhua suddenly felt fear and despair, but then, all this turned into a raging jealousy.

By what!

How can this stupid guy be reincarnated?

Why not me?

If it was me, all this would be mine!

In this kind of crazy jealousy, Wei Yuhua has lost all his reason.

Because from small to large, Wei Yuhua is extremely conceited and proud.

Therefore, he never paid attention to such "waste" as Wei haocang.

Can never expect, the old fool changed, become the whole ghost world are a few big figures.

And myself But it will become a mole ant under his feet, and it is impossible for him to take a look at himself.

This kind of difference like clouds and mud easily broke Wei Yuhua's psychological defense line.

He almost laughed hysterically.

"Wei haocang, no matter how you change, you are also the original fool, the biggest waste of Wei family for thousands of years! What's so great about your ancestors here? Ha ha ha

In the face of this crazy clamor, Wei haocang was indifferent and spoke slowly.

"Today, I will restore my real name, ye hanshang!"

"Don't talk nonsense. You're just a waste! Yes? You're not convinced? So you're going to hit me? " Wei Yuhua's face was flushed with excitement, and her eyes were full of madness.

It's obviously completely crazy.

Wei haocang, no, it's time to call ye Hanchang. He frowns slightly when he hears the speech.

"I give you everything you have! Now, get down on your knees

As soon as the voice fell, a strong pressure suddenly fell on Wei Yuhua's head!

Plop, Wei Yuhua is directly kneeling on the ground!

Seeing this scene, Wei Qing, who was standing at a very far away place, couldn't help but cover his mouth with his hand and burst into tears.

Many humiliations he had suffered one by one crossed my mind, especially Wei Yuhua's humiliation on himself.

Wei Qingxiao had fantasized more than once. After his brother's illness was cured, how could it be a scene of elation!

But I didn't expect that when this day came, Wei Qing was not happy at all.

Because she suddenly felt that her brother suddenly became so strange.

The stranger is like another person.

Before that laughingly called his sister's person, already did not exist?

Now there is only one king who is arrogant and can't be defeated!

That's why Wei Qingxiao is so sad.

Sad like a child who lost his favorite.

At the same time.

Forced to kneel on the ground, Wei Yuhua struggled madly and tried to get up.

But in this great force, all the struggle is in vain.

As a result, Wei Yuhua's eyes became blood red and gave out bursts of wild animal like growls.

"I don't accept it, Wei haocang, no matter who you are! I will never accept it! "

"Oh Ye hanshang gently should a sound, and then raised the slender finger a little empty.


A flash of light swept across the sky with great speed.

When Guanghua passed by, Wei Yuhua was shocked. He was frozen in the same place. He looked at Ye Hanshan and looked down at the big hole in his chest.Because Wei Yuhua is the body of the ghost family at the moment, there is no blood flowing out of this cave, just a little black light is constantly escaping.

Wei Yuhua looked dull, as if he could not believe it was true.

"You..." Wei Yuhua just wanted to talk.

"If you don't accept it, you'll die!" Ye hanshang doesn't give him a chance to speak. His fingers are as empty as playing the piano.

Puff, puff, puff!

Countless Dao Guanghua rushed like a meteor shower, and Wei Yuhua's eyes widened in an instant. He finally realized what he had just done. His eyes could not help but show fear and regret.

But it was too late for him to give out a very short scream, and then he was directly swallowed up by the glory and evaporated into nothingness.

In this regard.

Wei Yuhua, who tried his best to seize the opportunity and achieve great success, was destroyed.

After finishing all this, ye hanshang patted her hands, as if she had trampled on a mole ant. She didn't even lift her eyelids, but looked at Wei Li coldly.

Wei Li's face was cloudy and sunny. After a while, he slowly breathed out a breath. "I'm really puzzled. I've killed all your spirits with my own hands. Why are you still alive? Ye hanshang

Ye Hanchang's mouth raised a cold smile, "Wei Li, you started the whole ghost world to attack me. The plan is not deep, the calculation is not poisonous!"

"But in the end you made a mistake!"

"Oh? Which one? "

"In this world, I am the real immortal! But you are just a ghost who stirs the wind and cloud behind your back, but you dare not reveal your true face! "

After this, Wei Li's face became extremely ugly.

But immediately, he then Jie Jie Jie strange smile, and then eyes from ye hanshang and not far away from Xue an body swept.

"I admit, I do look down on you! But it's not over! I'm really a ghost in the background, but what can you do to me? Ha ha ha

Wei gradually began to smile.

"He's running away!" Meng Yao exclaimed in surprise.

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