The driver of the black car looked blankly. After a long time, he noticed that the gear that Xue an threw to him was actually blue.

"Hiss! So much money? And what happened to his car? Isn't that Lord coppert's exclusive car? "

Murmured the black driver.

At the same time.

With a burst of sky shaking sound, a broken motorcycle with thick black smoke at the tail staggered to the door of the bear bar.

Iressa jumped out of the back seat, saw the black car on the street at a glance, and rushed over.

"Hello, and Andrew? Did he go into the bar? "

The black driver nodded. "Of course, I've been in for a long time."

Iressa immediately let out a wail, then turned around and yelled at the middle-aged man angrily.

"I blame you for your broken motorcycle, which broke down on the way! Now it's all over! "

The middle-aged man was also a little annoyed, "Alisa, you can insult me, but please don't talk about my motorcycle!"

"What? Can't we say that breaking is breaking Iressa is more and more shrewd.

"You..." The middle-aged man was speechless.

Iressa shed a few sad tears at the bear bar.

"Poor Andrew, why don't you listen? Now it's all right. I guess you're already cold! "

"Cough!" The driver of the black car suddenly coughed and said, "aresa, are you worried about that teenager? You don't have to! Because about three minutes before you came, the boy had already left on Lord coppert's chariot

"What?" Aretha exclaimed, "are you sure you read it right?"

"Joke, who am I? How can you read it wrong! And he paid off my car when he left The black driver raised the gear in his hand.

Iressa's eyes widened and she couldn't wait to ask, "where did he go?"

The black driver shrugged, "I don't know! But when he left, he asked me the way to Qingshi city! And then he left! "

"Bluestone city?" Iressa's face turned pale in an instant.

"Yes! Eliza, you're lucky. This adult is so generous that the gear I gave me is enough money for the round trip, so I don't need you to accompany me! Goodbye

After that, the black driver drove away leisurely.

The middle-aged man came over with a shy face. "Alisa, anyway, Andrew is gone. Why don't we go back now, so we can get home before dawn."

While talking, the middle-aged man greedily looked at her figure.

Before she said that, IRESSA was furious and said, "get out of here! Get out of here! It's because of you that I've delayed seeing Andrew. You stupid woodchuck, you want to sleep with my mother

IRESSA was like a big white goose with her teeth and claws.

The middle-aged man was scolded, blushing and retreating. He wanted to attack, but he was afraid to disturb the people in the bear bar. He had no choice but to say bitterly.

"Eliza, you old shoe, wait for me!"

After that, he left on a scooter.

All she left was Iressa standing in the same place, dejected, "bluestone city Andrew, what are you doing there

When the crimson moon gradually sinks to the west, the day of light rises from the East, illuminating the world.

The whole world wakes up and people are busy with their food and clothing for the day.

At this time, the bear bar was silent, and the guests who had been struggling for the whole night dispersed. The wine girls were lying on the bed tired, closing their eyes and going to sleep.

But at this time, a shrill cry from the second floor broke the rare calm.

The whole bear bar is boiling again with this scream.

Originally suffering from insomnia, but because he had just drunk a glass of champagne, he was about to fall into a sweet dream. Morriz, the bar director, was also awakened by the scream and sat up in a rage.

"Gear God is on, if I catch this yelling bitch, I'll cut her tongue off and make a toilet door handle!"

Moritz angrily out of the room, a few of his men at this time have also rushed over, silent with the impending outbreak of Moritz walked up the second floor.

Just past the corner, the piercing scream stung Moritz's eardrum.

A waitress slumped in front of the room door at the end of the corridor, screaming hysterically.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Moritz was so angry that he rushed forward a few steps and plucked the maid's hair.

"You damned whore, do you know you disturb Lord Moritz's dream?"The sharp pain in her scalp brought the waiters' screams to an abrupt end, but it did not mean that she had regained consciousness.

She was shaking and clucking in her throat, like a hen waiting to be slaughtered watching a butcher come with a knife.

Moritz frowned slightly!

The damned woman looked as if she had been completely stunned.

What's going on?

Is it Lord coppert that they have come up with something new?

As the director of the bear bar, he certainly knows who the box belongs to, and he is also more aware of the cruel and abnormal hobbies of koppet and others.

However, because koppet has a close relationship with the boss behind him, Moritz has always chosen to turn a blind eye to these things.

Even a lot of times, they will acquiesce in indulgence.

After all, if you want beasts to work for you, you have to satisfy their desires first.

Therefore, in recent years, Moritz has seen more than once the corpses transported out of this box.

Moritz sometimes marvels at the bizarre, whimsical methods of cruelty.

Of course, this has led to his employees being scared more than once.

But there's never been an overreaction like this waitress.

Moritz felt a little puzzled and went to the door.

There was a small crack in the door, which was obviously pushed open by the waitress.

Although I haven't entered the door yet, I can smell the blood that is so thick that I feel disgusting.

And in the carpet under the door, there is a black stain, obviously after the blood dried up.

Moritz frowned!

Did you overdo it?

It seems that he should admonish Mr. coppert to be a little more restrained. After all, it is too much, but it is easy to cause unnecessary trouble.

For example, now, with such a thick smell of blood, God knows what they have done in it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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