Moritz's face was white and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Hahaha, Moritz, you don't really believe it! I'm kidding you! Why be so afraid? " Severus laughed.

Morriz was in a hurry to laugh, but his smile was worse than crying.

Because he couldn't tell if Severus was joking or serious.

He doesn't want to try either!

Because everyone who challenges the night watchman's patience is dead. It's tragic!

At this time, Severus suddenly restrained his smile, "what are you laughing at?"

"Ah, i..." Moritz was startled.

Severus then stepped forward. "Let's go and see this poor coppert first."

Moritz took a breath and followed in a hurry.

Corridor on the second floor.

Although he had not entered the room at the end, when he came to this corridor, the color of intoxication appeared on Severus's face.

"What a refreshing smell of blood! I haven't smelled such a strong aroma for a long time

In fact, because it was a day before koppet and others died, the body began to smell slightly.

The smell of corpse mixed with blood was disgusting.

But in the eyes of Severus, it was a wonderful aroma.

Even his steps were much lighter.

Morriz, pale and forced to smile, "Lord Severus, this is the first scene where the great copperts died!"

He was about to turn on the door.

"Don't move!" Suddenly cried Severus.

Moritz was so frightened that he couldn't move.

"Lord Severus, what's the matter?"

Severus looked at the don't disturb sign hanging in front of the door, and said faintly, "is this sign written by coppert?"

"Ah, yes!"

"What an ugly font

Severus sighed, then kicked the door open and stepped into it.

The loud noise of the door being kicked open made many people feel nervous, and Moritz shivered all over.

But he knew that Severus was such a man who was unstable and unstable.

Therefore, he did not dare to have any complaints, and quickly followed up.

"Don't come in!" A word from Severus stopped Moritz's life.

Then Severus looked at the tragedy in the room with intoxicated eyes.

On the ground, the bodies with bullet marks were like exquisite sculptures in his eyes, which made him tremble slightly.

Coppert, who was sitting on the sofa with his head on the coffee table, was still murmuring to himself.

"What a brilliant idea! Cut off his head at a very fast speed, and then put his head on the coffee table before koppet is completely dead, so that he can witness his own death! Every step is so coordinated and calm that you want to shiver and cheer for it

Of course, Moritz and others didn't hear his words. They just saw him standing in the room, his eyes becoming more and more bright, and finally even like a lamp, which made people dare not look directly at him.

No one dared to speak. The corridor on the second floor was as silent as death.

For a long time.

Severus finally woke up from the intoxication, and then said without looking back, "which waiter came to the second floor the night coppert died?"

Moritz turned around and asked, "now find out who came to the second floor that night!"

As soon as the voice fell, Haida, dressed as a bunny girl, stepped forward and said calmly, "don't check it out. I've been here!"

There was a slight commotion in the crowd.

Severus also turned his head and looked at Haida. After a long time, he showed his uneven teeth like a wolfhound, and said with a smile: "is that the sign at the door that you hung?"

Haida nodded. "Yes!"

"Why put up the don't disturb sign?" Continued Severus.

"Because at that time I heard a scream coming from inside. I was afraid that someone would disturb Lord coppert's interest after hearing it. This had happened before, so I put the sign of" don't disturb "on the door Haida is as calm as ever.

At this time, Moritz also nodded. "Yes, Lord coppert had played too much before. As a result, some guests came forward to inquire curiously, which disturbed his interest and finally got angry."

"You're lying!" Severus, staring at Haida, suddenly asserted.

Haida's face turned white, but he still shook his head. "I don't have it!"

At the end of the speech, Severus suddenly stepped forward, crossed the distance between each other, came to Haida, and then grabbed her neck and lifted it into the air."You not only put up the sign, but also locked the door, and if I'm right, the man who killed coppert should have been led by you! Is that right? "

Haida's face turned red because of lack of oxygen. Even so, she shook her head as hard as she could, "no No! "

Severus sneered, his palms began to exert force, and the leather gloves creaked.

Haida couldn't breathe at all because of her great strength. Her hands and feet trembled and her face looked desperate.

But at the moment when she was dying, Severus suddenly released his hand.

Haida fell to the ground and began to gasp violently.

Severus leaned down and gave Heda a a smile. "You want to protect him?"

Haida's face flushed with oxygen, but even so, she looked calmly at Severus, her mouth closed.

Severus suddenly became angry, slapped Haida fan to the ground, and then stepped on her head and crushed her hard.

With the squeak, Haida's skull groaned under the weight of the force.

The pain made her scream uncontrollably.

Severus sneered, "do you really think you can hide from the great night watchman? You can't hide anything from me! And I'm not going to kill you now, because I'm going to let you, a stupid woman, see with her own eyes what you want to protect will be destroyed in front of her

Speaking of this, Severus looked crazy, and then raised his hand and gently touched the void in front of him.

The void is like a calm lake, rippling with his click.

And then, in the whole space, the event factors that should have dissipated began to cheer.

In the eyes of Severus, the time line began to collapse, events began to trace back, and all kinds of past appeared in front of Severus. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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