A heavy rain swept the whole bluestone wilderness, like the torrential rain from the morning to the evening.

But thanks to the underground drainage facilities built in the heyday of civilization, there was not much water in Qingshi city in the face of such heavy rain.

And some of these drainage facilities have even gone through tens of thousands of years, but now they can still work normally, which shows how terrible the alchemy civilization was in its heyday.

But the boundless wilderness outside bluestone is not so well treated.

Severus in the rain hard March, once combed meticulous hair, now also because of the difficult journey and become a bit messy.

In such weather, the aircraft can not be used.

Although the luxury of using a mechanical walker, but in this weather conditions, no matter how good the walking aid will not bring any good feeling.

It also makes Severus slow down, especially when there are several people tied to the trailer behind him.

Severus stopped, looked up at the rain - pouring sky, and said, "what a damned day!"

After that, he turned his head and looked at the trailer covered with rain cloth, and his face showed a sly smile.

"But you don't have to worry, two beautiful ladies! Because no matter how difficult the road is, I will let you see a bloody feast as scheduled

In the trailer, Haida and Iressa, who are firmly bound to their limbs, look frightened.

But their mouths were blocked by death, and they couldn't make any sound at all. They could only sob and struggle for a few times, but it didn't help at all.

"Haha, I haven't felt this excited for a long time. I'm really looking forward to seeing the appearance of this teenager!"

Severus laughed nervously, but his eyes were full of deep cold. Then he turned around and continued to walk down firmly.

In this piece of wilderness shrouded by heavy rain, he is like a ghost crawling out of hell, and is heading for the direction of bluestone city step by step.

Xue an loves rainy days, especially sitting in a warm and dry house and looking at the storm through the glass window. This feeling will make you calm down.

Xue an sat on the sofa in front of the window on the second floor and looked at it quietly.

Until dusk, the rain gradually small.

A ray of sunlight, which penetrated through the thick clouds, shone on the street, giving people an extremely desolate feeling.

In this case, a motorcade burst through the rain and appeared on the street, with a modified limousine in the middle.

The motorcade moved slowly to the front of the small building and stopped.

When the door of the car in the middle of the car was opened, a huge umbrella was held up by his subordinates. Zhuang Linyan was wearing a delicate black evening dress and stepping on a pair of high-heeled shoes, and then stepped out of the car.

I have to admit that when she specially dressed up, that kind of mature woman's charm is enough to surprise four.

Zhuang Linyan's beautiful eyes flow, her eyes stop in front of the window on the second floor, and then she takes a deep breath and walks into the small building.

Xue an showed a faint smile, then stood up and turned down the stairs.

"Are you ready, my lord? We are going to start now! " Zhuang Linyan asked in a solemn manner.

"Ready?" Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "No, let's go."

"But you Is this the way to go? " Zhuang Linyan was a little surprised.

"What's the matter? Is there a problem? " Xue an raises eyebrow slightly, light way.

"Er Well, let's go

Until she got on the car, Zhuang Linyan's heart was still a little uneasy.

She always felt that Xue an didn't seem to take the party seriously.

Although Xue an's strength is enough to convince her, this time she is dealing with the blood Wolf Gang which has been in the outer city of Qingshi for decades!

In particular, Cao Gang, the current leader of the blood Wolf Gang, is a cunning and powerful existence.

If such an opponent belittles the enemy, the consequences are unpredictable.

But she didn't dare to say it directly, because she knew that strong men like Xue an must have their own pride. If they were reminded directly, they would probably hate each other.

Therefore, she pondered for a long time, and then she said in a deep voice: "my Lord, when you arrive there, you will have only one Cao Gang. I have arrangements for the rest, so you don't have to worry about it!"

Xue an hears speech to take back the sight from the scenery outside the window, raises the eyes to see Zhuang Linyan, then says with a smile: "you have no confidence in me?"

Zhuang Linyan quickly shook her head, "no, I didn't mean that, I just

Xue an waved his hand. "OK, I see. You mean I just have to kill Cao Gang when it's time, right?""Yes Zhuang Linyan nodded.

"Well! Then there will be no problem! " After that, Xue an continued to look at the rain splashing outside the window because of the rapid passing of vehicles.

The spot of the banquet was set up in a hotel in the middle of the outer city of Qingshi.

This is the central point of all forces, and because this hotel has the background of a big man in the inner city, no power dares to make a mistake here, so it is very suitable to hold such a banquet that all forces should attend.

When Zhuang Linyan's motorcade drove slowly into the hotel, a lot of vehicles had been parked in front of the door.

Without exception, they are all the cars of the big men in the outer city.

After getting out of the car, Zhuang Linyan lifted her eyes, and she could not help but feel frightened.

Because it can be seen at a glance that almost all the big men in the outer city have come.

From this situation, we can see how powerful the blood Wolf Gang is now.

This can not help but let Zhuang Linyan's heart gradually sink.

Xue an just a faint smile, "let's go!"

Then he took the lead and went ahead.

Zhuang Linyan was stunned, and then quickly followed up.

When you walk into the hall, there's a lot of people here.

The leaders of all parties gathered together and were chatting and laughing.

But when Zhuang Linyan and his party came in, the noisy hall suddenly quieted down.

Many people look at Zhuang Linyan with strange eyes.

Zhuang Linyan's heart is more and more uneasy, but the matter has come to this point, she can only be brave enough to continue to support.

However, at this time, many people's eyes were attracted by Xue an who was walking in front.

Who is this boy?

How could he walk in front of Zhuang Linyan?

These questions linger in people's minds.

However, all the people who could appear here were human spirits, so soon the hall returned to normal.

But this time, many people unconsciously keep a distance with Zhuang Linyan and others, and then stand in the distance and talk quietly.

"Is Zhuang Linyan crazy? How dare you come? Didn't she know that Cao Gang was dealing with her this time? "

"Well, I can't help myself!"

"Ha ha, women are women! Who can you blame for your own death? "

"But who is this boy? Why have you never seen it before? "

"It looks good. I guess it's Zhuang Linyan's mistress."

All kinds of speculation and discussion made the hall lively.

Zhuang Linyan looks more and more pale, and her body is shaking unconsciously.

At this time, there was a lot of noise at the entrance of the hall, and then Cao Gang came in with a red face.

Zhuang Linyan shuddered all over her body, and then her eyes showed the color of infinite hatred.

Xue an showed a trace of smile and said faintly: "the person you are talking about is him?"

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