Severus repeatedly kowtowed, "yes, my Lord, I know that I was wrong, and I dare not do it again. Please let me go! I... "

Before he finished, Xue an interrupted him directly.

"You know what? Even though it's so far away, I can still smell the dirty smell on you. Your soul is like the black mud in the sewer. It stinks! And you But dare you ask me to let you go? "

Hearing Xue an's words, Severus's face was dead white, and his eyes showed a look of despair, "but But... "

"Who are you, the dead coppert?" Xue an asks suddenly.

"Er He is It's the boss's subordinate! " Severus's difficult return.

"Subordinates? So you and he belong to the same boss? " Xue an said with great interest.

"It is That's it Although I don't know why Xue an suddenly asked these questions, Severus is willing to do anything as long as he is not killed.

Only those who often impose death on others can feel the fear of death better.

Severus certainly didn't want to die, so he was so honest and obedient.

"Good! It seems that your boss is not satisfied with koppet's death, so he sent you to deal with me. In this case, I will naturally greet him. After all It's not polite to come but not to go! "

Severus didn't understand what he meant by the latter words, but this did not prevent him from being puzzled.

What does he want to do?

Greetings to my boss, jokes, he is not here at all, how to greet?

Just when he was full of doubts, Xue an, who had been standing in the air, suddenly flashed. The whole person suddenly appeared in front of him, and then looked down at Severus from a commanding position.

"Do you want to live?"

Severus's muscles tensed in an instant, and his hair stood up one by one. He could not understand the strength of Xue an, so he could only shiver and say, "of course!"

"Well, I can give you a chance!"

Severus was overjoyed. He just wanted to say something.

"But it depends on whether you can grasp it or not."

Severus nodded heavily. "My Lord, you can spare my life and let me do anything."

Xue an showed a smile, "don't be so complicated. You just have to go back and see your boss! Others I have my own arrangements. "

At this point, Sean's eyes rested on the black suitcase that Severus was carrying.

"Interesting toys, aren't they?"

Severus trembled all over. Although he didn't give up in his eyes, he did not hesitate to lift the suitcase and handed it to xue'an in a flattering way.

"If your majesty likes it, I'll give it to you!"

Xue an didn't pick up the suitcase. She just put out her hand and rubbed it on the smooth leather surface. Then she gave a faint smile.

"No, the surprise is for your boss."

With that, Xue an took a deep look at Severus, his eyes shining.

A trace of imperceptible divinity intruded into Severus' brow.

Severus had no idea.

"Go away!" Xue an said lightly.

Severus was ecstatic, and immediately stood up and saluted Xue An Yi.

"Thank you very much."

Then he took the suitcase and left in a hurry like a lost dog.

Haida and Iressa are so confused that they don't understand what Xue an's actions mean.

Although I do not know why the former Andrew suddenly so fierce, and even suppressed Severus knelt down on the ground, dare not look up.

But at least he shouldn't be let go!

But despite the doubts in their hearts, they did not dare to say a word.

Because in their eyes, this teenager has changed too much.

In particular, the momentum of other people's bodies makes people dare not look directly at them.

At the same time, Xue an took a look at them, then turned around and gave a smile to Zhuang Linyan, who also fell on the ground.

"They are my former friends. Take care of them. If they want to go back, they will send them back. If they don't, they will stay with you."

"Yes Zhuang Linyan immediately responded.

After all this, Xue an stretched out for a long time and looked at the sky covered with dark clouds. However, the gap between the clouds was dyed with a layer of Phnom Penh by the crimson moon, which was like the sky of Golden Snake dancing wildly. He said faintly: "it's late, it's time to go back to bed!"

Then Xue an yawned and left.

Zhuang Linyan was stunned and hastened to step forward and yelled, "my Lord, I'll send a car to take you back!"

"No, it's not far away! You'll be home in a few stepsIn the darkness, Xue an's voice was getting farther and farther away. By the time of the last word, it was already far away.

In the field left Zhuang Linyan and Iressa and others.

The two sides looked at each other. After a long time, Zhuang Linyan nodded at them.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there are many things here. For your safety, I will send someone to send you to a safe place first."

Iressa had to, and Haida nodded.

Soon they were led away.

When their figures disappeared in the dark, Zhuang Linyan's face gradually became cold. She took a deep breath and said slowly, "come on


"Summon people and horses immediately and start to clean the whole outer city of Qingshi! Be sure to control the whole outer city before dawn! "

Hearing Zhuang Linyan's words, all of them showed the color of joy, and immediately nodded and said, "understand!"

Soon, with Zhuang Linyan's orders, all his subordinates poured out and began to sweep the whole outer city of Qingshi in a violent manner.

The first one to be destroyed was the headquarters of the blood Wolf Gang.

In fact, because Cao Gang took away most of the elite of the blood Wolf Gang, the headquarters of the blood Wolf Gang at the moment has nothing to show but an empty shelf.

When Zhuang Linyan led people to commit suicide here, all the guards were scared to death. Without any resistance, they were completely destroyed.

Then, Zhuang Linyan's people began to attack everywhere.

Because almost all the big men in the outer city died in this hotel for a while, without a leader for a time, it was easy to be defeated by Zhuang Linyan's people, without even meeting any decent resistance.

The long and bloody night finally passed.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shines on the earth, the whole outer city of bluestone has changed.

And this strong news, also let a lot of people just wake up full of confused.

What's going on?

How can the whole outer city of Qingshi change after just sleeping?

All the big men died. The hotels in the city were burned to the ground. Even the blood Wolf Gang was destroyed by Zhuang Linyan?

These news one by one startled the eyeball, also let the whole castle stone outer city thoroughly boil up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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