After a fierce bidding, the mechanical heart was finally sold for 1800 blue gears.

The buyer was a wild hunter. After getting something, he left happily.

For these hunters who walk in the wilderness, there is nothing better than a powerful mechanical heart!

This will greatly improve their survival ability.

But it was just the beginning, and soon a second piece was on the table.

"One of the best purple alchemy gears, which can be used to inlay alchemy items perfectly, can be promoted! The starting price is 10000 blue gears. Start bidding

After seeing the perfect and unreal gear on this high platform, the alchemists in front of them all showed their excited luster.

Purple gear is rare, not to mention this can promote things.

Therefore, there was a fierce bidding, and the transaction was finally completed at the sky high price of 20000 gears.

Under this, the atmosphere of the whole audience was completely hot.

The next few treasures were sold at a high price.

The whole process is wonderful, but Xue an, sitting in the corner, has no expression. She looks at it quietly and doesn't mean to make a move.

Seeing this, Liu Jingyi frowned, and immediately realized what she knew. Then she said with a low smile, "Mr. Xue, are you short of money? It doesn't matter. As long as you like something, you can do it. I'll pay for you! "

Xue an glanced at her and suddenly asked, "are you rich?"

"Of course! Who doesn't know in the whole castle stone inner city Liu Jingyi said with pride.

Xue an smiles.

Liu Jingyi was completely dazzled by this smile.

But at this time, Xue an turned to light way: "no need, and I see things, it seems that you can't afford it!"

"What?" Liu Jingyi was stunned at the speech, and immediately began to pout with displeasure on her face. "Mr. Xue, I hope you can understand the meaning of this sentence. In Qingshi City, as long as it is what I want, there is nothing I can't get!"

Xue'an just laughed indifferently and didn't speak at all.

But Liu Jingyi's heart held a breath.

Despise the financial resources of the Liu family? Well, I'll show you what's arrogance later!

Liu Jingyi made up her mind.

At this time, the atmosphere of the auction hall has been nearly heated.

Especially when a top-notch mechanical puppet appeared, it immediately detonated the atmosphere of the whole audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I don't need to introduce the value of a mechanical puppet that can grow by itself! So it's not much. The bottom price is 100000 blue gears. Now we'll start bidding! "


A lot of people in the field took a breath of cold air.

100000 blue gears, even for these rich people, can be regarded as a sky high price.

In fact, coppert was able to fight Andrew just for a gear with a silky purple luster, which shows the value of gears.

But this price is unbearable for ordinary people, but it is acceptable for those high-ranking alchemists who have mastered the mystery of alchemy.

In particular, this thing is a very rare self-growing alchemy puppet, so these high-ranking alchemists immediately became active and began bidding.

Soon, the price rose from 100000 alchemy gears to 180000.

This price has exceeded the previous record of the most expensive auction, even these rich high-ranking alchemists have shown a little cold sweat.

But when Wen Jinkui was about to make a deal, a faint voice came from a box.

"200000, plus a lavender gear!"


The offer immediately shocked the audience.

Even the high alchemist, who had been sent to 180000 before, was gloomy.

But after hearing the voice in the box, Wen Jinkui's face showed a respectful color, and then slightly bent down.

"Yes, my Lord!"

With that, he didn't even ask if there was anyone else to bid, so he just dropped the hammer.

This scene also makes a lot of people in the field shake.

What is the origin of the people in this box?

Even Liu Zhang also slightly frowned, "what's going on? Who is the bidder? "

"Now the Lord has sent someone home to investigate."

At this time, Wen Jinkui took a deep breath, looked at the whole scene with his eyes shining, and then said in a deep voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the rest of the auction has been finished, but I can be responsible to say that today's items are not worth half of the value of the next one!"

Hearing this, there was a commotion.A lot of people who thought this alchemy puppet was the final product were stupid.

So many precious things are less than half of the final auction. What a treasure?

Wen Jinkui was very satisfied with the public's reaction and couldn't help laughing: "to tell you the truth, I've been in the business for more than 100 years, but it's the first time I've seen this kind of alchemy product! So you are right this time

"On sale!"

With Wen Jinkui's command, several strong men in auxiliary mechanical exoskeleton struggled to carry a box and slowly came up.

When the box was placed on the ground, a muffled sound even rang through the whole venue.

Then Wen Jinkui came forward with a pious face and opened the lid of the box.

In this moment, a light golden light was reflected in an instant.

Everyone was shocked by it.

Then, Wen Jinkui took a deep breath and slowly lifted out the contents.

It's a token with a pale gold sheen.

Then Wen Jinkui shook it.

Click! CLICK!

With the sound of a gear turning, the token began to deform, and in an instant turned into a brilliant alchemy armor.

There is no word to describe the refinement and perfection of this alchemy armor.

That kind of mechanical aesthetic feeling is displayed incisively and vividly.

Helmet is a kind of mouse shape, but it still gives people a feeling of boundless and powerful.

The whole scene was quiet at first, and then it was thoroughly agitated.

"My God, alchemy armor!" Someone cried out.

"Yes, and it's the binding armor! This technique has long been lost, so it can only come from the ancient civilization Someone murmured to himself.

"I will die without regret if I can see such treasures in my life." An old man cried.

The high-ranking alchemists who were sitting in the front row stood up with astonishment in their eyes, and even their voices trembled.

"Wen Jinkui, how much is this treasure?"

"Yes! Tell me what the starting price is

Wen Jinkui said with a smile, "don't be impatient. It's hard to measure the value of this thing with money. So after discussing with the seller, we decided that this treasure will be auctioned at the starting price of 10000 purple gears!"

The price made the audience lose their voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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