"I know you have a lot of questions to ask me now. Don't worry. Just calm down and think about it. The answer will come out naturally." Xue an smiles.

Sure enough.

After a little thought, Nalan's eyes gradually brightened up.

"Do you understand?" Xue an said with a smile.

Nalan took a deep breath and nodded solemnly, "my Lord, I understand already!"

"Very well, then you must wait by the side! It's time for the rest of us to wake up now! " Xue an said lightly.


Nalan Viola respectfully back to one side, eyes full of uncontrollable excitement.

In the past ten years, she has learned so much knowledge that she can't even imagine or touch.

But that's not why Nalan's Viola is so excited.

The key is before the end of the trial, the sudden appearance of the virtual woman to their own advice and advice.

Women are very simple, only a few words.

We should cooperate with Mr. Xue to restart the alchemy civilization and make the decaying civilization return to glory.

Can be such a simple few words, but make Nalan Viola surging, difficult to self-control.

In fact, before that, it was not that no one had thought of it like that, but without exception, they all failed.

But now Nalan Zhongqin is full of confidence.

Because this trial fantasy itself is a miracle, and Mr. Xue, who was specially instructed, how could it be so simple?

What's more, she had already seen all kinds of fantastic abilities shown by Xue an before.

In this case, the grand idea that seemed impractical in the past is no longer so far away.

In this way, just thinking about it is enough to be very exciting.

Just as Nalan's Viola head down, the other people also continue to wake up.

All the people who can follow Xue an into the ruins are the leaders of various forces.

So their own strength and talent are very good.

In addition, it is not too much to say that they are the seed players of this civilization restart.


People then from the beginning of the shock and confusion to wake up, have issued a cry of surprise.

Xue an smiles at this scene, and does not stop it.

But soon, the noise gradually disappeared, and all the people bowed their heads and stood respectfully, as if waiting for Xue an's orders.

Until then, Xue an said lightly: "I think you all know the answer you want. I don't want to say anything more. Only one word. This opportunity is won by others with their lives. I hope you can grasp it well."

The whole audience was silent.

It wasn't until a moment later that all of them bowed their hands and cried out, "yes!"

Xue an looked around the audience, her eyes swept over the excited faces, and then she said with a smile, "if so, then all of you will follow me!"


Three days have passed on the island.

Seeing the red sun falling in the west, there is still no message from the remains of the sea bottom. The two ladies' eyes flash a light of joy that is not easy to be detected. Then she slowly stands up and changes into a look of sadness and regret.

"Well, it seems that our eldest lady is really unlucky. It has been half a month, and there is no news! Otherwise, you will go back with me first, and a few people will be left here to wait. What do you think? "

All the people in the auction Union were speechless.

Although everyone knows that the second lady's saying this is purely a hidden evil intention, the fact is that Nalan Zhongqin has been gone for more than ten days without any news. According to the normal situation, it has become more and more ominous.

So, despite his unwillingness, the chief executive bowed his head all over his face and said, "well, everything depends on the second lady..."

Can not wait for him to finish speaking behind, suddenly someone exclaimed.

"Look at the sea!"

Everyone was shocked and looked up one after another.

But the ruins in the middle of the sea suddenly gave off a little soft light.

The original and other extremely anxious forces of all sides, seeing this strange situation, all felt shocked.

But then we can see that the sea, which was divided into two parts by Xue an, suddenly collapses and directly submerges the whole ruins.

The second lady, who had just raised her heart to her throat, let out a breath and almost burst out laughing. However, she soon changed into a sad voice and said, "well, it seems that qin'er is really unlucky."

The faces of the people from all sides of the forces became pale.

However, Nalan Changlong could not restrain his joy. He said with a smile: "OK, this time, you don't need to stay here. After all, it seems that the dead can't die any more."Including the big manager, all the people in the auction alliance glared at Nalan Changlong.

Conalan Changlong didn't care.

In his eyes, only Nalan viola is his opponent. As for these men It's just a bunch of servants. It's not worth mentioning.

But at this time, the sea suddenly began to boil, and then appeared a water bridge, the water bridge rises higher and higher, soon people can clearly see the scene above.

And it made everyone shake.

Because the water bridge is a figure.

"Miss!" At a glance, the chief executive saw the Nalan Viola standing on a water bridge in front of him. He could not help weeping with joy and shouting.

And other forces are no exception.


"My Lord!"

These shouts came and went, and all the faces were full of joy.

Only the second wife and Nalan Changlong, who just realized that they were winning, suddenly became extremely ugly.

"What's the matter? Isn't she buried at the bottom of the sea? Why do they still appear? " Nalan Changlong growled in a low voice. His hands were tightly clenched together, and his fingernails pierced his palms due to excessive force.

The second lady's face was also very ugly.

She thought that with this rare opportunity, her mother and son would completely control the huge auction alliance.

But I never thought that the plan could not keep up with the changes, and all the extravagant hopes finally fell into vain.

At the same time.

Water bridge along with the wave, came to the island side, and then people have boarded the island.

The whole island was boiling with it.

Can not wait for people to vent their hearts of joy.

All the big men who boarded the Shanghai Island were separated on both sides with solemn faces, standing on both sides with hands down, as if waiting for something.

Everyone was stunned.

At this time, however, a water bridge suddenly burst into the sky, and Xue an stood on it and stood with his hands on it. He said faintly, "it should not be too late. I announce that the plan will start immediately."


What's the plan?

People are wondering.

But see Nalan Zhongqin, Yan Zhong, he Yinuo, as well as all the big men bow together.


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