Anyan nodded, and immediately asked, "is it related to the ghost world?"

"Yes! But you'll know exactly what it is Xue an deliberately sold a pass.

"How long will it be! Husband, you tell me secretly, don't let other people's appetite! " An Yan is coquettish and angry.

Xue an said with a smile: "OK, OK, don't worry, I promise it won't be too long!"

Finally, an Yan couldn't ask Xue an out of her mouth, so she had to go back to Fubao building.

After she left, Xue an's eyes flashed a complex luster, then took a deep breath, wrote a summoning order in the air, and then waved.

The summoning order then scattered and flew into the darkness everywhere.

As Xue an said, it won't be long.

After experiencing an explosion of civilization evolution, the level of modern alchemy civilization can barely meet the requirements of Xue an.

The next step is to pack up and prepare for the return to the ghost world.

This time, Xue an called all the big men together and announced his plan in public.

After listening to Xue an's plan, he Yinuo, Nalan Zhongqin, Yan Zhong and others all looked shocked.

Because they did not expect Xue an to have such a grand plan.

But after more than a year, Xue an's status became more and more lofty. At least, no one dared to question what he said.

What's more, if this plan is realized, it will be an epoch-making event for the whole alchemy civilization, and even represents the beginning of the return of alchemy civilization to the heavens.

So without any hesitation, they all nodded and said, "I'd like to obey your orders!"

Xue an laughs, "very good. I'll give you three days. After finishing, I'll go with me."


Three days, fleeting.

Although Xue an didn't say that he needed to keep secret, all the big men of all sides kept silent about going out to the ghost world.

So the whole world is nothing different, only those who pay close attention to the dynamic of all parties have some doubts.

How suddenly the fire alliance personnel began to move wildly?

Is there any big plan?

Of course, there will be no answer to these questions.

After three days, Xue an looked at all the people who were ready and ready to go, and nodded.

"Good! Now, just follow me

In this year, Xue an was not idle. In addition to sorting out his own accomplishments over the years, he studied the key that Wan Han gave him.

With this thing, the world of alchemy was completely used by xue'an.

So soon, he figured out how to construct a space-time channel and return to the ghost world.

This time, this method naturally came into use. When Xue an waved, the space in front of her suddenly began to fluctuate, and then a space-time crack appeared in front of everyone.

Then Xue an stepped in, followed by he Yinuo and Nalan Zhongqin, and entered the space-time cracks one after another.

Central ghost world, Wei family!

Since Ming Jun ye hanshang came back, here seems to have become the center of the whole ghost world.

Although Ye Hanchang's memory has been restored, she has been taken care of by her sister Wei Qingxiao in Wei's family.

Therefore, even if he ascended the throne of Ming Jun, ye hanshang still laughed at Wei Qing and called her sister. He simply sat in Wei's house and regarded this place as the palace of Ming Jun.

This naturally envied countless people.

But now the atmosphere of the whole ghost world has become a bit dull.

Because in the past few years, many ghost strongmen are frightened to find that their strength is actually gradually declining.

When they first realized this clue, many ghost strongmen thought that they had made mistakes in their cultivation.

But with the spread and spread of news, more and more powerful ghost people found that their strength has declined.

This caused a great panic.

But if this is just a cloud over the top of the powerful ghost people, what happens next will make the whole ghost world self-conscious.

Because many ghosts have found that the birth rate of ghosts is declining.

In the past, although the birth of a new ghost clan was complicated, it was nothing to a normal ghost clan.

But within a few years, both the strong and the ordinary ghosts were extremely frightened to find that it was becoming more and more difficult to have a ghost family.

And the death rate is getting higher and higher.

This has attracted the attention of all parties, countless strong people began to carefully investigate the reasons, but finally all failed.And this discovery is hopeless.

Because no explanation often means greater panic.

Coupled with the perceived decline in strength, it became the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads.

In this case, many strong people put their hope on ye hanshang, the emperor of Ming.

I hope this Lord can come up with a feasible solution.

But soon everyone was disappointed.

Because ye Hanchang seemed to turn a deaf ear to these changes. He did not pay any attention to them. All day long, he played chess with his sister Wei Qing at Wei's house, or went to the endless desert to ask Meng Yao for new wine.

Or go to the lava land and chat with monk Jinjue who has built a temple there.

All kinds of performance can not see that he has the slightest care for the changes of the ghost clan.

This naturally disappoints the public. However, no one dares to show his prestige, so he can only make a feint in his heart.

Today, ye Hanchang went to Meng Yao to drink a few cups of her newly brewed liquor. He was drunk all over the place, and then he staggered to the lava land.

At the moment, Jin Jue Seng has just given several new GUI disciples a lesson. When he sees ye hanshang staggering in, he can't help but smile.

"Did you drink some more?"

At the moment, ye hanshang's tongue was a little stiff. He sat down opposite Jin Jue Seng and said vaguely, "Hey, Meng Yao's new wine is really strong!"

At this time, Rongyang, the former lava monarch, brought up two cups of tea.

"Master, Mingjun, please have tea!"

After that, he lowered his eyes and stepped back solemnly.

Ye hanshang's eyes were taken back from him, and then he said with a smile, "big monk, you are really good at telling me that you are good at it. You are so good that you even serve the Rong Yang Guan and even serve you tea and water willingly."

Jin Jue shook his head. "Ming Jun is joking. I didn't care about him. It's just that benefactor Rongyang has Buddha nature. He just woke up."

"Haha! What kind of cultivation have you been, monk? Invisibly? " Ye Han Chang asked with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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