With the voice, the two lights suddenly appeared in the courtyard.

After Guanghua was gone, it was Ye Hanchang and Jin Jue.

Seeing his brother finally appeared, Wei Qing laughed and gave a deep breath.

Now she doesn't dare to face Xue an alone.

Because that's the same as his brother.

Although ye hanshang calls himself sister, Wei Qingxiao is self-conscious.

Now that my brother is back, I can finally save my brain.

At this time, ye hanshang glanced at he Yinuo and others, especially noticed the metal armor they were wearing. With a slight shock, he immediately walked up with a smile on his face and gently thumped Xue an's shoulder.

"Lao Xue, you are very good!"

Xue an also laughed, "OK!"

At this time, Jin Jue asked, "Nanwu Buddha, I'm relieved to see benefactor Xue's safe return!"

Xue an took a deep look at Jin Jue, and then said with a smile: "Congratulations, monk, you have finally broken through that trace of boundary and stepped into the invisible world. Since then, he has incarnated in a free and carefree world."

Jin Jue heard the words and revealed a smile. "Benefactor Xue is really good at seeing, but I'm not really an invisible Bodhisattva now."

Xue an waved his hand. "I know, but don't worry, it will be soon! And then I'll send you a great fortune

Jin Jue showed a trace of astonishment, obviously did not understand what Xue an said to send himself a good fortune.

Not only he, but also ye hanshang was in a fog, but he understood one meaning.

Since Xue an Du said that he would soon make Jinjue a real invisible Bodhisattva, was he not sure that he would restore the origin of the ghost world?

It seems to feel ye hanshang and Jin Jue's doubts. Xue an smiles. "These are my friends. Let's arrange them to stay first."

Naturally, ye hanshang didn't need to do it. Wei Qingxiao and Wen muring came forward and nodded at he Yinuo and Nalan Zhongqin.

"Come with me, ladies and gentlemen!"

Soon, these people who came with Xue an were taken to other places to be entertained.

Most of the courtyard has been collapsed by the earthquake, so it is not suitable for living.

But in another quiet courtyard, Xue an, ye hanshang and Jin Jue sat opposite each other. The tea set in front of them was full of steam. Until the tea was completely boiled, Xue an took up the teapot and filled a cup of tea for ye hanshang and Jin Jue.

Ye Hanchang had been anxious for some time, but he still had patience to take a sip of the tea cup, and then he couldn't wait to ask.

What's the matter? How are you going to save the ghost world? "

"Don't worry! After such a long journey, I'll finish this cup of tea first! " Xue an said lightly, then picked up a cup and sipped it gently.

Ye Hanchang was so anxious that she was not afraid of being scalded. She drank her own tea and then said, "OK, I'm finished. You can say it quickly."

Xue an slightly raised eyebrows, "who said it was finished? I mean, let me finish it first

Ye hanshang said, "it's just

Seeing this, Jin Jue could not help laughing, and then took up his cup and arched his hand at xue'an.

"I don't know how the benefactor planned it, but it seems that the benefactor has made up his mind. I don't need to ask more. I'd like to offer you this cup of tea!"

After that, Jin Jue drank up all the tea, and then stood up and made a Jishou, "Nanwu Buddha, I came here to meet the benefactor. Now I see the benefactor's peace and covet a cup of tea from you, so I'll leave first!"

Xue an smelt the speech and pondered a little, then nodded, "well, anyway, this matter still needs some time. Since the monk wants to go, he should go first, and then come back later."

Jin Jue nodded and turned to go.

Ye hanshang did not do it, "ah, ah, great monk, how can you say you left? Don't you wonder how Lao Xue saved the ghost world? "

Jin Jue shook his head and said, "I have just said that. Since benefactor Xue is so confident, he obviously has a sound plan. In this case, what else can I ask?"

Ye hanshang was more and more anxious, "but But don't you want to know what he said to give you a good fortune

With a smile, Jin Jue ran said, "everything will be revealed in due course. If you know it in advance, will it not be a lot of fun?"

Having said that, Jin Jue no longer stays, flies up and disappears in a flash.

Ye hanshang looked at the direction of Jin Jue's leaving. After a moment, he stamped his foot with hatred, "this dead bald donkey is really angry with me!"

Xue an said with a smile: "OK! Buddhists have always attached importance to following fate, so it is natural for him not to be curious! It's you. "

"Me? What's wrong with me? " Ye hanshang looks confused.Xue an put down the tea cup and looked at Ye Hanchang with a smile. "Guess who I saw in the alchemy civilization?"

Ye hanshang was stunned suddenly, and then his face quickly turned white at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"You You mean... "

Xue an nodded, "yes, that's the one you miss so much that you have to mumble several times even when you are drunk, but you dare not see him!"

Ye hanshang dropped his head and was silent. After a moment, he said in a low voice: "she Is she OK? "

Xue an's face did not smile, quietly looking at Ye Hanchang.

Ye hanshang was so hairy that he suddenly saw an ominous premonition in his heart. He couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "she What happened to her? You say it

Xue an dropped his head and sighed, "she's dead!"

The voice of this sentence is very light, but it falls in ye hanshang's ear, but it is no less than thunder.

I saw his whole body suddenly a shock, the complexion Shua became pale as paper, and then said with a shaking voice.

"No No way, old Xue. You're teasing me, aren't you? It must be so. Ha ha ha, how could she die so easily

Xue an shook his head and whispered, "I'm sorry, I think it's teasing you, but it's all true!"

With that, Xue an takes out the thing that Wan Han entrusted Xue an to ye hanshang before he died and gently puts it on the table.

After seeing this alchemy vessel like a U disk, ye Hanshan's pupil instantly shrinks to the size of a needle tip, and her body shape becomes more and more precarious.

For he, who is also familiar with alchemy civilization, naturally understands what this means.

"She asked me to bring it to you before she died. She said you understood everything after you read it!" Xue an some can't bear to say.

And this words also like a heavy hammer, mercilessly broke all ye hanshang's fantasy.

Shaking, he picked up the alchemy vessel on the table and placed it on his forehead.


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