
This adjective makes Xue an cry and laugh, but she can't bear to "punish" Anyan, so she has to pinch her nose with indulgence.

"You, what are you thinking about in this cerebellar bag?"

"Hee hee!" An Yan smiles like a flower, "I'm not thinking about anything! I just saw a man crying and hugging my husband, so I felt it

Xue an:.... "

"Can we not talk about it?"

An Yan nodded, "good!"

Xue an was just about to take a breath, but at this time, an Yan came close to him and gently licked his lips. His smile was very charming and said: "but you have to admit that you are very cute!"

Xue an: (⊙_⊙;)…”

Seeing Xue an's expression now, an Yan's eyes are more and more bright, just like a child who has found a novel toy. Her excited face is full of light.

"Yes, yes, that's the expression! My God, it's so lovely

At the same time, there was a sound of taking pictures nearby. Xue an turned her head and saw Hu Ying put down her mobile phone with a satisfied expression on her face. Even when she saw Xue an looking over, she made a victory gesture.

An Yan came to the past, "did you get it? Did you get it?"

"Of course! My photography technique is wonderful. How could I miss such a wonderful moment! "

Hu Ying said with pride on her face and opened the album.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoyu also came over, three heads touching each other, looking at the picture on the screen, his eyes gradually widened, and a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect adults to be so cute sometimes!" Zhang Xiaoyu suddenly sighed.

Anyan and Huying deeply thought that ran nodded.

But it was just then.

A flame appeared in Hu Ying's hands, and instantly burned the mobile phone into nothingness.

"Ah The three are startled, and then they all look at Xue an.

Xue an shrugged innocently, "er I'm sorry, the fire of Honglian industry just got out of control. It didn't burn you, Ying'er! "

Three people:.... "

This episode passed happily.

But outside the wall, ye Hanchang cried more and more miserably.

Listen to this sobbing cry, an Yan some worried asked: "is he OK?"

Xue an smiles, "don't worry! It will be all right soon! "

With that, Xue an stepped in the air and walked several steps to the top of the wall. Looking at the leaf Hanshan who was kicked to the ground outside the wall and was still crying, she frowned.

"Come on, stop crying!"

"Wu Wu Wu Wu, my poor han'er. I'm sorry for you. I didn't expect that parting would be forever. We'll never meet Wu Wu again. Besides, if someone doesn't comfort me, he'll kick me out. Is that what people do?"

Ye hanshang mourned his lover and talked about his "miserable experience".

But xue'an obviously didn't eat him, so he raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "do you still cry? OK, you can cry here! It seems that Wan Han is really entrusted to be inhuman. He has a chance to live, but he is delayed by a fool who only knows how to cry when he is in trouble! "

Having said that, Xue an turned around and went down the wall, and was about to walk into the house.

After hearing Xue an's words, ye hanshang, who was crying like a tearful man, stood up and took a step. He knocked a big hole in the wall in front of him. Then he appeared in front of Xue an and stopped his way.

"What did you just say?" Ye hanshang asked with sincerity.

Xue an looked at him with a smile, "what do I say?"

"No, you just said that Wan Han had a chance to survive! Tell me what the chance is Ye Han Shang asked impatiently.

"Oh? Did I say that? " Xue an asked, pretending to be puzzled.

"Brother Xue, you are my brother. Tell me! I knew that you, as the body of xianzun, must have a way to save Wan Han! " He knelt down.

Seeing this, Xue an couldn't bear to tease him. He said, "in fact, I have been improving this idea since Wan Han died. In the end, I think that the root of everything is to work on the alchemy vessel she left you!"

"You mean..."

Xue an nodded, "Wan Han left her last wisp of divinity to you, which just left a ray of vitality for her! But if you want to save her, there is only one way

"What can I do?"

"If you want to untie the bell, you have to tie the bell person. Since she died for alchemy, then only alchemy can save her!"

Ye Hanchang's eyes rekindled the fire of hope, and whispered in his mouth: "you must tie the bell when you untie the bell."

Then he suddenly raised his head and looked at Xue an, "brother Xue, can you save her?"Xue an shook her head. "I can't do it!"

Ye Hanchang's expression immediately darkened.

"Because I'm only a rough hand at alchemy, and I'm far from advanced. But if I can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't either!"

"Who else can do it? When I left, Wan Han was already the top God creator in the alchemy civilization. What's more, today's Alchemy civilization doesn't even have a Creator! "

Looking at a gloomy face of Ye hanshang, Xue an sighed softly and said faintly, "but there is more than one puddle!"

"Well?" Ye hanshang didn't understand what he meant.

Xue an then said, "according to Wan Han himself, after the collapse of the alchemy civilization which dominated the sky at the beginning, they are not the only ones left behind, but also many other branches."

"I know that too, but those are just small sects. They are not good at all!"

"Hehe, but have you ever thought about it

"Beyond the heavens?"

Xue an nodded, then raised his hand. A layer of alchemy armor appeared on the palm.

"In fact, before entering this alchemy civilization, I had high expectations, hoping to unravel the secret of this armor, but I failed in the end, because even Wan Han didn't know the origin of the armor. She just said that when they were prosperous, the armor had already existed!"

"Therefore, it is likely that it came from the alchemy civilization outside the heavens. The alchemy techniques used were far beyond Wan Han's imagination. This shows that there must be a big puddle outside the heavens, and even It is a civilization larger than that of alchemy in its heyday before! "

Ye hanshang was completely shocked by Xue an's words and said in a astringent voice: "the alchemy civilization beyond the heavens..."

"Yes! And if you want to save Wan Han, this should be the only chance! "

After hearing Xue an's words, ye Hanchang's expression gradually firmed up and nodded solemnly.

"Thank you very much, brother Xue."

Xue an a smile, "you and I still use so polite?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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