"Yes! We will certainly live up to our mission! "

Xue an nodded, "in this case, let's start!"

For a time, all people will be fully committed to this vast work.

This place of origin has become a huge construction site, a scene of extremely busy.

Xue an standing high, looking at the busy people below, can not help but emerge a faint smile.

Ye hanshang also couldn't help exclaiming: "these people's Alchemy accomplishment is higher than all the people I met before! How did you do it? "

"It's very simple. Let them keep on developing and making progress." Xue an said lightly.

"So simple?" Ye Hanchang didn't believe it.

"That's it!" Xue an is very calm.

"Well! What are we going to do next? "

"Next..." Xue an turned his head and looked at ye hanshang, "it's about to see you!"


"Yes, according to this schedule, the general framework will be repaired in one month at most, but that is only the beginning. To make everything work again, it needs the joint efforts of the powerful members of the whole ghost world!"

Hearing Xue an's words, ye Hanshan was slightly stunned. He immediately understood something and nodded: "I understand. The rest Leave it to me! "

Recently, the ghost world is very calm, even calm like a pool of stagnant water.

But under this calm surface, it is the anxious and agitated heart of the strong men of all sides.

Things are getting worse in the ghost world.

This can be seen from the increasingly degraded strength of the strong on all sides.

There is nothing more depressing than waking up every morning and finding yourself a little weaker than yesterday.

Especially for those who regard their own strength as the foundation of all.

It's as hopeless as chronic death.

Ye hanshang, who was once again on the throne of the Ming emperor, seemed to turn a deaf ear to all this, and did not mean to rescue him at all.

In this case, the whole ghost world undercurrent surging, the atmosphere began to become increasingly tense, like a powder keg full of gunpowder, brewing a convulsion.

But at this time, a shocking news broke out from Wei's family in the central ghost world.

Ye hanshang, the emperor of the underworld, is going to hold a meeting in a month. At that time, he will invite all the strong people in the ghost world to attend. His purpose is It's to save the dying ghost world.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a stir in the whole ghost world.

Many ghost strongmen, who had been in despair, rushed to tell each other and wept with joy. They thought that ye hanshang was finally willing to do something, and that everything was hopeful.

but many people were watching coldly and did not think that this meeting could change anything.

Because they can feel that the dead are the origin of the whole ghost world.

Even if ye hanshang is the Immortal King, he can't save the origin of the world by himself!

At the same time, there are many ghost strongmen who are very frightened and think that this meeting is obviously not so simple.

It is very likely that ye hanshang is ready to attack the strong in all aspects.

But this conjecture did not get too much recognition, because if ye hanshang really wanted to harvest the strong ghost world again, he would not have to worry so much.

In a word, when the news came out, the whole ghost world was shrouded in a strange atmosphere of hope, disdain, hesitation and fear.

Endless desert.

Although this place has long been covered with endless green, but because people have been used to calling it, so the place name has not changed.

Donghan has not seen his Lord for a long time.

Even the Ming King ye hanshang came to ask for wine several times, but he was always entertained by Donghan.

The only chance she can get in touch with Meng Yao now is to go to the backyard every day.

If there is a wine jar in front of the enclosed backyard door, it means that the city Lord has new income in wine making.

But in addition, even in winter, it's hard to see Meng Yao.

In this regard, at the beginning of the winter cold, I was afraid that the city Lord of his own family would have something to do with it.

But after a long time, the winter cold is used to it.

Because she also knew that she could not persuade.

Today, of course, is no exception.

Donghan finished the chores in the city, and then came to the backyard door.

There was nothing in front of the door.

Donghan frowned.

It's been a couple of days!

There was nothing in front of the backyard door.

In the past, new wines would appear almost every other day.

But this time, there was no news in a row.

What's going on?Is there something wrong with the city Lord?

Reading this, Donghan's heart couldn't help tightening up. Then he gritted his teeth and walked to the front of the backyard door and raised his hand to clap.

Bang bang.

The knock on the door was dull,

because the whole backyard was actually covered by layers of barriers.

Dong Han doesn't know if his knocking can be transmitted to it.

But worried about the city Lord, she is still ready to attract as much attention as possible.

It's better to call out the city Lord.

But she clapped a full quarter of an hour, in addition to the hands were shaking pain, there was no sound inside.

This can not help but make the winter cold become disheartened. You can only stand in front of the door.

"Lord, you have been closed for so long. It's time to come out! A few days ago, Lord Ming just sent the news that a meeting would be held in a month to study the matter. It seems that there will be more than ten days left! You are going to take part

There is still no response.

Donghan sighed, then turned to leave.

But just as she turned around and walked a few steps, a squeak came from behind her.

Dong Han was stunned. He turned his head and saw that the gate of the courtyard had been opened from inside and closed for a long time. As a result, Meng Yao, who was a little pale, came out of it.

Donghan was silly, and then he woke up and rushed up with ecstasy.

"Lord of the city!"

When close, Donghan smelled a kind of wine gas from Meng Yao.

This wine gas is different from those strong drinks in the past, with a little sweet fragrance, but just smell a little, it makes the winter cold some mind shake.

Donghan stands still and smiles at Donghan, "this period of time is hard for you!"

Donghan said in a hurry: "the city Lord is polite. This is the responsibility of his subordinates."

Then she couldn't wait to say, "Lord, did you hear what I just said? A month later... "

Meng Yao waved her hand. "Needless to say, I know all about it."

With that, Meng Yao turned her head and looked at the direction in the distance and said, "it's not only the Ming Jun, he Come back, too

Although he didn't say who it was, Dong Han could guess who it was when he saw the look on the Lord's face.

"Has the Lord Ghost returned?"

Meng Yao smile, "yes, and has been back for several days!"

Hear Meng Yao say so, winter cold is a Leng.

"Then you..."

She wanted to say why she knew that Xue an had already returned, but Meng Yao did not show up.

After all, if in the past, when she knew that Xue an was back, no matter what she was doing, Meng Yao would immediately catch up with her, without exception.

It seems to be aware of what Donghan wants to ask, Meng Yao smiles, "do you want to ask why I didn't go to him?"

"I'm a little confused indeed!"

Meng Yao raised her head and said, "because I was brewing a kind of wine when he came back! A kind of wine that studies all the spirits in the world! So I couldn't get out of it at that time! "

Winter cold smell speech a Leng, a kind of wine that studies all the spirits in the world?

Then she suddenly realized what, the whole person one shock, "then you now..."

Meng Yao raised her hand. In her hand was a small sapphire bottle, which was as thin as a cicada's wing. It contained amber wine.

"It seems that in order to welcome his return, this kind of wine miraculously brewed successfully!"

Donghan looked at the small bottle, "what a beautiful wine! It's like a dream

Meng Yao's face showed a faint smile, "yes, so I call it, dream before the dust!"

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