Xue an?

Zhu Feng and Jiao Ying look at each other. They have never heard of a powerful family surnamed Xue in Beijiang!

I guess he's a pauper!

At this time, an Yan was surprised to rush out and hugged Tang xuan'er, but her tears first flowed out.


After a long time, Tang xuan'er reacted. "You Are you an Yan? "

"Of course it's me."

Tang xuan'er was also surprised, "Xiao Yan, you are back at last! Where have you been these years? "

"Mm-hmm! It's a long story to talk about. Come in first! Yeah? These two people are... " Anyan noticed Jiao Ying and Zhu Feng.

At the beginning, the couple was shocked by an Yan's amazing appearance, but after a little consideration, the expression on their faces became arrogant again.

"We are Xuaner's uncle and aunt!"

"Oh! Then come in together An Yan is very warm greeting.

When they got into the room, Jiao Ying and Zhu Feng looked at each other, and they both curled their mouths.

The house is shabby and the decoration is not so good. It seems that he is not a rich man indeed!

"Mr. Xue, where are you Jiao Ying began to talk intentionally or unintentionally.

Xue an could see the couple's thoughts naturally, and with a faint smile, "me? I don't have a job, I've been at home! "

Oh It turns out that they are jobless vagabonds!

Jiao Ying's expression was arrogant again.

"Then you and our family Xuaner..."

Tang Xuaner said: "we are just friends."

After a pause, Tang xuan'er stressed bitterly: "ordinary friend!"

This is no problem! Jiao Ying and Zhu Feng are secretly happy.

At the moment, Deng Mao drove a brand-new BMW also came to the community downstairs.

The surrounding environment let Deng Mao frown, and then the heart more and more sure.

Living in such a place, it can be seen that Tang xuan'er is in a very difficult life. In that case, if she tries to lure her a little, she will not be able to catch her?

Thinking of this, Deng Mao was excited and went upstairs directly.

As soon as the knock on the door rang, Zhu Feng stood up.

"I'll open the door!" Zhu Feng came to open the door.

Then Deng Mao walked in slowly.

To his surprise, there were other people in the hall.

Especially an Yan, let Deng Mao's eyes flash a touch of surprise.

Jiao Ying stood up and nodded and said, "Deng Shao, this is my niece xuan'er!"

Deng Shao took a greedy look at Tang xuan'er, then walked over and put down her present.

"Miss xuan'er, I bought this on the way, so it's a gift to meet you!"

As soon as Zhu Feng saw the bag, she was very bright in front of her eyes. "Deng Shao's hand is generous. It's such a valuable bag. Xuan'er, don't you thank Deng Shao?"

Tang xuan'er didn't even look at the package. She just nodded, "thank you, Deng Shao, but I don't need it. There's also..."

Tang xuan'er looks at Jiao Ying and Zhu Feng, "you let me see you, I see you too. Now Are you ready to go? "

This sentence embarrassed the atmosphere in the room.

Although Deng Mao tried his best to keep his demeanor, his eyelids were still beating.

Jiao Ying quickly came over and said, "silly girl, how can you talk to Deng Shao? Why don't you apologize? Deng Shao really wants to make friends with you

Tang xuan'er was pale, but she shook her head obstinately. "I don't need him to make friends with me, and it's what you said. I'll turn around and leave after meeting. Why should I apologize?"

At this time, Zhu Feng finally couldn't help it, and said with a gloomy face, "xuan'er, are you just talking to the elder?"

As soon as the voice fell, Xue an, who had been watching coldly, could not help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Deng Maozheng was so angry that he asked in a cold voice.

Xue an raised her eyebrows, "what am I laughing at? I laugh that some people use family affection as a killing stick to threaten others, and some people realize that they are very powerful. In fact It's just a joke

These words made Deng Mao look extremely ugly.

But Jiao Ying was more angry: "Xue, what's the matter with you here? Do you know who this is? "

"Oh?" Xue an asked with interest, "I'd like to know!"

"He is Deng Mao, the eldest young master of the Deng family in Beijiang. Do you know that Deng family? More than half of the 4S shops in Beijiang belong to the Deng family. What else can you say? "

At this time, Zhu Feng also sneered: "that is, some people, who are idle all day, are jobless vagabonds and even ridicule others. Deng Shao is a joke. I think you are a joke!"

Tang xuan'er could not bear these words. She stood up and frowned and wanted to speak.

Xue an waved her hand, motioned for her to sit down, and then looked at Zhu Feng with a rather amusing look."The Deng family in Beijiang?"

"Yes! How about the Deng family in Beijiang? Afraid Zhu Feng sneered.

Xue an shook his head and chuckled, then looked at Deng Mao and said in a calm tone: "if you Deng family are really cattle in Beijiang, you should know me!"

On hearing this, Deng Mao couldn't help but sneer and said, "sorry, our Deng family I really don't know you. "

Jiao Ying and Zhu Feng are also sarcastic, believing that Xue an must be boasting.

And Xue an then slightly sighed, "so you Deng family is not enough cattle!"

Deng Mao was just about to speak with a sneer on his face.

Xue an pointed to the window. "It should be here. You can go and have a look."

What do you mean? Everything's here?

Deng Mao, Jiao Ying and Zhu Feng all have doubts.

Then Deng Mao walked to the window with disdain on his face. He thought Xue an was mystifying.

Sure enough.

It's empty downstairs. There's nothing.

At this time, Jiao Ying and Zhu Feng also came to have a look, then sneered and said, "Xue, let's see..."

I didn't finish the rest.

Because there was a shocking scene.

See a pure black Rolls Royce motorcade slowly into the community, these rolls Royces not only the same color and style, but even license plate numbers are connected.

The first one is 00001, the second is 00002, and so on, as many as a dozen!

This let Deng Mao's look for a stagnation.

His family sells cars. Naturally, he knows that these rolls Royces are valuable.

But the most important ones are the license plates.

You can't buy it with money!

But it's just the beginning.

The rolls Royces have just stopped, and then slowly into a fleet of army green Humvees.

These Hummers can't even be sold in China. They can only be imported.

Sweat gradually appeared on Deng Mao's forehead.

At this time, another 20 or 30 luxury cars of various colors came in outside the community.

There are Porsche sports cars and Bentley luxury cars, all of which are parked properly without exception.

This momentum, so that the entire community were stunned.

Jiao Ying and Zhu Feng are even more stunned.

This What's going on?

Why are so many luxury cars suddenly appearing?

Just then, a deafening sound of helicopter rotor came from mid air.

Deng Mao, Jiao Ying and Zhu Feng, with their mouths open, watched the helicopter stop on the ground downstairs.

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